Sep 1, 2008

Archived Postings for September 2008

Oh yeah, old Fred Flinstone is busy posting his Rants-and-Raves.

Blogging, it's now an American Icon!

CLOSED for Posting - Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of September 2008.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to Rants and Raves.


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Anonymous said...

World stock markets plummet over fears of global financial crisis

Anonymous said...

Q/4/Today is....

I like to bend my mate over a table and fuck them in the poop chute.

Anonymous said...

Sex / Q4Today
I like it any way I can get it, as long as it is deep and hard.

Anonymous said...


my response-

i prefer getting a blowjob that requires my partner to gag and puke,

I like skull fucking

Anonymous said...

You can't tell these rocket scientists anything. The ones who think Obama is going to make 'everything better' are dillusionists who can't see the truth for what it is. The truth could walk up & slap their face, they still wouldn't recognize it. The Book of Revelations explains it very well. The man wants to change things, still wonder HOW he wants to chnge things. He may have been raised Christian but he was taught in Islamic nations. The 57 states was not just a slip of the tongue for me. There are no accidents.

Anonymous said...


1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS, et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. has not had a Treasury Department since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288).

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy, it's finally over, (Executive Order 12803). Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. even though the "US Government" held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. v. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239).

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5, not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them; the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above).

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178) .

9. Therefore, no courts, NO Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464; Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178).

10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)

11. We have One World Government, One World Law, and a One World Monetary System.

12. The UN is a One World Super Government.

13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.*

14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that New York City was the capital of the World" and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) 15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.).

17. You own no property; slaves can't own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session).

18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502).

19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24).

20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80).

21. You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520).

22. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. v. New Haven 8Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)

23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213).

24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54)

25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209).

26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493).

27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

28. The Popes laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44) .

29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children.(Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481).

30. Military Dictator, George Washington, divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

31. "The People" does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243).

32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154.)

33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.

34. Everything in the "United States" is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath Lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)

35. We are Human capital/chattel. (Executive Order 13037)

36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple.*

37. The good news is we don't have to fulfill "our" fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another's fictitious obligation.*

38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germany's infrastructure in the 1930's, including the Railroads, was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves "Kings," "Prime Ministers," and "Furor."etc could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries, which in reality were corporate fictions that really didn't even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing! Isn't it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the "Bank of International Settlements" is located. Wars are manufactured to keep you distracted and longing for peace. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of "Government" in place.*

39. The "United States" did not declare Independence from Great Britain or King George.

Agents and officers of the British Corporation known as the United States and its third party debt collection agency known as the IRS, are invited to rebut any information within this document, point by point, under penalty of perjury. Failure to rebut within ten business days is to admit that all information contained herein is truthful, valid and unrebuttable. This under the law of contracts, 3/7/10.

To date, no one at the IRS has attempted to rebut this information.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan troops ordered to open fire on U.S. cross-border raids.

Anonymous said...

re, Pakistan troops ordered to open fire on U.S. cross-border raids....

like I have been saying, death to Islam ... kill all Muslims.

Anonymous said...

re,re, Pakistan troops ordered to open fire on U.S. cross-border raids....

WTF - why is GW taking this Islamic bullshit?

Anonymous said...

Q/4/today -

I like to have a girl sit on top of me, ride my cock while I tweek her tits...
when she comes I like to spank her ass and make her ride it harder!

Anonymous said...

please remember, never, never buy or get any pet through craigslist (CL) ...
many are diseased, mistreated, or stolen.

Anonymous said...

SEX position.

I like the standard missionary position, but just before I cum, I like to pull it out and shoot my jizz all over her face.

Anonymous said...

gringo grils lov my big 1

they like any sex postion i gibes them

Anonymous said...

question for today......
best sex position i like .........

on my knees sucking a nice hot cock.

Anonymous said...

A crusty old biker, on a summer ride in the country, walks into a tavern and sees a sign hanging over the bar which reads:




Checking his wallet for the necessary payment, he walks up to the bar and
beckons to the exceptionally attractive female bartender serving drinks to a
meager looking group of farmers.

'Yes?' she inquires with a knowing smile, 'Can I help you?'

'I was wondering,' whispers the old biker, 'are you the young lady who gives
the hand-jobs?'

'Yes,' she purrs, I am.

The old biker replies, 'Well, wash your hands. I want a cheesburger.'

Anonymous said...

Re: Question of the Day - Sexual Positions

This is easy. I prefer to be in a position whereby I can get up and leave, or stay and watch TV once the sex has been concluded. That's my favorite position to be in.

Sometimes doggie-style is over-rated in the real world.

Anonymous said...

RE: fav. Sexual position

As long as the dude has a strong throbbing Italian cock..that is capable of writing for political columns while being at least 10 grand in debt...I don't care who is on the top, on the side, backwards, upside down ....whatever...just want that vein of heat....(again)

Anonymous said...

Arizona is CLOSED until further notice!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: Question of the Day? My favorite position?

Oh honey child......ANY position that will fill my biggin' ass is fine with me. Bring it on......

Anonymous said...

Re The Question for Today is ........

Bending over and trying to get the soap I dropped!

Anonymous said...

Re The Question for Today is

love sex, love questions abt sex...

my favorite position is.....

Woman on top with her tits in my hands and mouth.

Anonymous said...

Depression Time

FDIC has only 50 billion to insure nearly 1 trillion in deposits. Get your money while you can!!!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I love eating pussy...
but I hate having to brush the hair out of my teeth.

Anonymous said...

Drill for oil in America now !!!

Anonymous said...

A Pit Bull Barbie

Ken should be jealous.

Anonymous said...

top ten cities with the highest poverty rate

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Democrat leadership.

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY ( 2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)... since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)... since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th).... since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)... since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)... since 1952;

Newark, NJ(10th)... since 1907.

Anonymous said...

Top Clinton fundraiser backs McCain over Obama

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump just announces he endorses McCain ... says Obama will tax America into a full depression.

Anonymous said...

They should just let the fraudulent companies that qualified people for mortgages they couldn't afford just bite the bullet and refinance the home for what its worth now and let them take the loss.

Anonymous said...

A U.S. appeals court Wednesday upheld an Arizona law that targets employers who hire illegal immigrants by revoking their licenses to do business in the state.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals noted that the 2007 law, which has not been enforced, arose from “rising frustration with the United States Congress’s failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform.”

Some 38 million illegal immigrants are believed to live in the United States; many work with false papers and the issue of what to do with them has become a political hot potato.

It was not immediately clear whether Arizona would now begin enforcing the law or if its opponents would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Arizona attorney general Terry Goddard welcomed the ruling, and said his office would “continue to defend the statute should there be an appeal to the highest court.”

Anonymous said...

AIG $80 Billion Bridge Loan

Anonymous said...

Pro-Lifers are Hypocrits and Could Give TWO SHITS About You and Me

Anonymous said...

You Commies never took American History did you?

Here are some statistics, because I know how you Commies love numbers.

Hopefully we can end the discussion of who likes to send kids off to war.

And take into account that WWI through Vietnam, the draft was active, and most kids had no choice; unlike our last two conflicts.

World War 1 : 1917 U.S. enters war; President Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)

World War I (1917–1918) U.S. Casualties
Total servicemembers: 4,734,991
Battle deaths: 53,402
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 63,114
Nonmortal woundings 204,002

World War 2: 1941 U.S. enters war; President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat)

World War II (1940–1945) U.S. Casualties
Total servicemembers: 16,112,566
Battle deaths: 291,557
Other deaths in service (nontheater): 113,842
Nonmortal woundings: 671,846

Korean War: 1950 U.S. enters war; President Harry S. Truman (Democrat)

Korean War (1950–1953) U.S. casualties
Total servicemembers: 5,720,000
Serving in-theater: 1,789,000
Battle deaths: 33,741
Other deaths in service (theater): 2,833
Other deaths in service (nontheater): 17,672
Nonmortal woundings: 103,284

Vietnam War: 1963 U.S. enters war; President John F. Kennedy (Democrat)

Vietnam War (1964–1975) U.S. Casualties
Total servicemembers: 8,744,000
Serving in-theater: 3,403,000
Battle deaths: 47,424
Other deaths in service (theater): 10,785
Other deaths in service (nontheater): 32,000
Nonmortal woundings: 153,303

And Here's the "Clincher" you uneducated Commie spin-meisters

Are you Ready!!!

Gulf War: 1990 U.S. enters war; President George Bush Sr. (REPUBLICAN)

Gulf War (1990–1991) U.S. Casualties
Total servicemembers: 2,225,000
Serving in-theater: 665,476
Battle deaths: 147
Other deaths in service (theater): 382
Other deaths in service (nontheater): 1,565
Nonmortal woundings: 467

War on Terror: October of 2001 U.S. enters war; President G.W. Bush (REPUBLICAN)

Global War on Terror (as of Sept. 30, 2006) U.S. Casualties
Total Servicemembers (Worldwide): 1,384,968
Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan: 165,000
Battle Deaths: 2,333
Other Deaths (In Theater): 707
Non-mortal Woundings: 21,649

Sorry Liberal Charlie you lose again!

Anonymous said...

The World is Overpopulated or Is It?????

But I thought the birth rate was declining?

Guess you Commies swing both ways, don't you.

One day the birth rate is the lowest it's been,

Now the world is overpopulated?

Common sense aside,

wouldn't that make your argument impossible to justify?

but c'mon now Commies,

Don't forget it's all Bush's fault.

Plus abortions don't help the welfare rolls,

Imagine if whitey were filling up the DES office with baby's on assistance,

Instead of them winding up in little Red Hazardous Waste bins,

There would be no room or money left for the Messicans,

Plus the Emocraps could vote for more public assistance bills.

Wait, but what platform would then run on,

Obamma for Babies, Biden for Babies, Hillary for Babies

Sorry Charlie,

Obamma for Choice, Biden for Choice, Hillary for Choice

If you kill a baby in the womb with a doctor's help; it's an abortion,

But the same lawyers that defend Roe V. Wade;

Are the ones that impose double murder or manslaughter charges,

if a pregnant women is killed in a car accident with a drunk,

or a domestic abuse case.

Both sides I tell you,

Choice is misleading,

The baby doesn't have a choice,

The father has no choice,

But the one who couldn't keep them thighs together,

She holds all the cards?

Besides who doesn't love babies?

Amazing how the same Pinkos that call soldiers baby killers,

Are the ones that are Pro-Choice,

Now isn't that some Dumb-o-Crap logic.

And just because you can fit your pecker through the knot hole;

Doesn't mean it's okay to be on both sides of the fence.

Anonymous said...

The World is Overpopulated Yet Sara Palin Wants Unwanted Babies Born

Anonymous said...

If you have to ask a man's penis size you are just a slut.

Anonymous said...

What Do Think About The Economy????

1) We are in a serious recession
2) The Market is just going through a rocky road and a few hick-ups but we will recover soon
3) Take at least part of your money out of the banks before they fail
4) A depression is coming the economy will crash and burn and it will take years to recover

Anonymous said...

Truck crash spills $187,000 worth of nickels on highway

Anonymous said...

What Do Think About The Economy-
today's question.....

I think we are in a serious recession and won't see any leveling off until after January of next year (2009).

Anonymous said...

Morgan Stanley in merger talks as fear grips financials....

NEW YORK NY - Morgan Stanley topped the list of major financial companies scrambling to find a buyer as its shares tumbled another 21 percent, while central banks rushed in $180 billion in extra liquidity to calm panicked stock and money markets.

Morgan Stanley was in deal talks with U.S. regional banking powerhouse Wachovia Corp, and negotiations advanced to a more formal stage, a source familiar with Morgan's plan said on Thursday.

The No. 2 U.S. investment bank, whose shares are down about 58 percent this month, has also approached Chinese sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp about boosting its stake, the source said, following a $5 billion investment late last year.

HSBC Holdings Plc was named by CNBC as another potential bidder for Morgan Stanley, but a person familiar with the matter said the bank "is not interested."

Morgan Stanley and larger rival Goldman Sachs Group Inc, the largest surviving independent Wall Street investment bank, are facing concern that the credit crunch could constrict the short-term funding on which they've traditionally relied. The deposit base of a commercial bank could be a more stable alternative, analysts say.

Morgan Stanley stock was off $4.55 to $17.21, while Goldman dropped 12 percent to $101.16, on growing concerns about the viability of the investment bank business model. Also, the cost of insuring Morgan Stanley debt against default rose.

"While Morgan Stanley's issue in the markets is concern over its short-term funding, the merger would not create new deposits; the majority of the combined company would still require market-based funding," said Merrill Lynch analyst Edward Najarian in a research note.

"Thus, it is difficult for us to perceive a strategic benefit for Morgan Stanley, which would be merging with the weakest of the five major U.S. banks, and the bank with the most credit risk relative to its tangible capital," he added.

Wachovia shares rose 11 percent, while the Dow Jones industrial average was up 12 points, easing after a big bounce. Following its near-collapse and bailout, insurance giant American International Group Inc has been replaced in the index by Kraft Foods Inc.

British bank Lloyds TSB Group Plc took advantage of the market turmoil to achieve a long-held ambition by scooping up the country's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS Plc, in a $22 billion all-share deal.

HBOS shares, which had slumped due to fears about its funding, soared 40 percent, and the British government promised to rewrite competition laws to let the deal go through.

As Morgan Stanley cast around for a lifeline, the Government of Singapore Investment Corp (GIC) said it would consider all possibilities, including taking a stake if approached. Morgan Stanley declined to comment.

With the financial landscape undergoing its most dramatic transformation since the Great Depression, top U.S. savings bank Washington Mutual Inc was also tipped for takeover.

After Asian stocks dropped overnight, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced coordinated moves with five of the world's major central banks to inject up to $180 billion in liquidity into global money markets, which gave some reassurance to panicked investors, and slashed overnight money rates to 2 percent from 8.5 percent.

As an indication of the demand for liquidity, the Bank of England said it received bids of 202 billion pounds for the 66 billion pounds on offer in its weekly open market operation.

In his first remarks about the crisis since the government's $85 billion takeover of AIG earlier this week, U.S. President George W. Bush expressed concern on Thursday about the turmoil in the financial markets, and said his administration was prepared to take further measures to strengthen and stabilize them.

"The American people are concerned about the situation in our financial markets and our economy, and I share their concerns," he told reporters in a two-minute statement outside the Oval Office.

The MSCI index of Asia stocks excluding Japan, which had been down almost 5 percent, was down just 1.6 percent after the central banks' move, while Tokyo shares ended 2.22 percent lower. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index closed flat, having earlier fallen more than 7 percent.

The DJ Stoxx banking index ended down 0.13 percent after being up 1.6 percent on the leap in HBOS stock and strong gains for Swiss banks UBS AG and Credit Suisse AG and for Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC and Barclays Plc in London.


Barclays seized the rare positive moment to announce a 750 million pound fund-raising to help with its purchase of assets from Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, which filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday.

Russian stock markets remained closed for a second day, with the Kremlin pledging $20 billion in support when they reopen on Friday.

"After the bailing out of AIG failed to reassure the market, it is difficult to imagine what could really stop the unorderly deleveraging that is going on," French investment bank Calyon said in a note Thursday.

The U.S. Fed hoped its $85 billion rescue of AIG on Tuesday might would calm markets, but financial stocks continued to fall, triggering a wave of panicked matchmaking.

Shares of Macquarie Group Ltd, Australia's biggest investment bank, skidded 23 percent to their lowest level in more than five years amid funding worries.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd, which had been the world's most valuable bank until it was surpassed by HSBC on Wednesday, fell nearly 14 percent, though it later recovered those losses to end slightly higher.

Washington Mutual, beleaguered by mortgage losses, put itself up for sale, sources familiar with the situation said. Potential suitors include Citigroup Inc, JPMorgan & Co, Wells Fargo & Co and HSBC.

WaMu shares jumped 13 percent.

Last weekend, investment bank Merrill Lynch & Co Inc struck a deal to sell itself to Bank of America Corp.

U.S. authorities have spent $900 billion to prop up the financial system and housing market.

The rescue of AIG came just over a week after the government bailed out mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and six months after the Fed brokered the sale of failed investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase.

($1=.5612 Pound)

Anonymous said...

McCain-Palin winning over 'maxed-out moms'

Anonymous said...

Central banks around the world pump more than $300 billion into global markets

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden on Tax Increase-
‘It's Time to Be Patriotic’ - -

The Obama / Biden Tax Plan - tax everyone to death until the run away spending and debt is cured in America !!!

Anonymous said...

re, Joe Biden on Tax Increases ---

With recent heightened emphasis on the U.S. economic woes, Republicans are finding new ammunition in comments by Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden that raising tax rates on wealthier Americans is a matter of patriotism.

“We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle class people,” Biden said today during an appearance on Good Morning America. “Anyone making over $250,000…” the host began to question, “Is going to pay more,” Biden interjected. “You got it. It’s time to be patriotic, Kate. It’s time to jump in, it’s time to be part of the deal, it’s time to help get America out of the rut.”

It’s not the first time Biden has made the connection between higher taxes and patriotism. At a campaign appearance in Sarasota, Fla., earlier this month, Biden was asked by a supporter what she should tell her wealthy friends concerned about the Democratic presidential ticket’s tax increase for those making more than $250,000.

“It’s time to be patriotic, that’s what you say to them,” he replied. He received a rousing standing ovation, suggesting Democrats are more supportive of the notion.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe Biden lets .....

start with you, good take a pay cut
show us how Patriotic you are...
Congress is overpaid.....

Anonymous said...

re joe biden

I agree let Congress lead the way, they should set an example by...

1) reducing their salaries by 50%
2) Stop ALL pork Barrel Spending
3) Stop all Welfare and other subsidies to Illegals

Anonymous said...

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano has more "executive" experience than Sarah Palin

Napolitano is a complete fucking idiot, totally worthless.

Anonymous said...

Guys Lying About Penis Size....

I love a tall guy with thick hairy legs and a long, thick dick that stays hard for hours....hmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Re: Guys Lying About Penis Size

If you were not out fucking every dick you could find like whores then you would find that when you fuck someone "AVERAGE size 6" it would feel nice and tight. Life is mostly about perception but I am quite sure you will not be able to understand that. If you rag out your pussy by fucking every big cock that comes along you get what's coming to you (a sloppy ragged out old gross pussy). Every guy that sees a loose pussy knows you are nothing but a slut weather he tells you and admits it or not! If he dont he's retarded as it is only obvious! Dont be a slut, quit fucking till you find the right guy that you want to spend the rest of your life with!

Anonymous said...

Todays' Question is......
What Do Think About The Economy???

It sucks, it sucks big time.
We are definately headed for a serious depression.

Anonymous said...

re, Todays' Question is....
What Do Think About The Economy?

It's in the tubes and will probably stay their until after the election and settle down around next March (09).

Anonymous said...

re-re, Todays' Question is....
What Do Think About The Economy?

unlike what the media expels and the stupid politicians hide from us, we are and have been in a recession since the beginning of this year.

Like Donald Trump said, last night he doesn't know where all these idiots are hiding that keep saying we are not in a recession because we are, and things will get much worse before they get better.

Anonymous said...

RE: re-re, Todays' Question is....
What Do Think About The Economy?

here is one way to look at it -
your 401 K
is now a
201 K

Anonymous said...

How many women are really into anal intercourse?

I was wondering if there were any other women on here that could tell me why so many men want to have anal sex? Whats the appeal? My boyfriend wants me to try it. Can anyone tell me what its like?

Anonymous said...

re, anal intercourse....

because it's tight, tight, tight !!

Anonymous said...

re,re, anal intercourse....

men look at women who have never done this before as virgins,

Anonymous said...

re, re,re, anal intercourse....

it's all about the control.

Anonymous said...

I lost my job last week and heard I'll be getting a large check from Uncle Sam. NOT!!! Instead, I'll be getting $240 a week unemployment which wouldn't pay my monthly mortgage in 9 weeks. I guess I should be grateful for that much, but I'm having a hard time with it. Thanks for letting me vent, I feel better already!!!

Anonymous said...


If you have young virgin sheep you don't want or can't keep anymore to give them away, I am waiting.
I will give them a good pet home.
Please email with details.
Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Ike aftermath lays bare U.S. immigration paradox

HOUSTON Texas - The men gather early on street corners here in storm-battered Houston, ready for the jobs they know will come their way, sweeping up broken glass and clearing downed trees and debris from city streets.

They speak mostly Spanish, while looking warily at strangers. And these undocumented, also called illegal, immigrants worry that instead of a job and a day's wages, they might instead find themselves arrested and deported.

Indeed, in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, which left a trail of destruction across southeast Texas, America's ongoing debate over U.S. immigration policy is again aflame.

On the one hand, the undocumented in the United States an estimated 12 million mostly Hispanic individuals are seen by some as a needed labor source, particularly after disasters like Ike turn communities to ruin. But many see the group as a drag on government resources who take jobs from Americans and deserve no assistance.

"They don't have resources and they don't have legal status, and we are concerned that they might not ... have water or electricity," said Fernando Garcia, the director of the Border Network for Human Rights, a nonprofit advocacy group.

"People are afraid to reach out for help as they don't know if immigration (police) will detain them or not," he said.

There are more than one million undocumented workers in Texas, with many living in Houston and surrounding areas hit by the hurricane, according to the Border Network.

With drivers' licenses and Social Security numbers as the keys to unlocking government aid, assistance such as emergency food stamps and help with temporary housing are largely unavailable for this population.

"If you are an undocumented worker you are barred from these resources," said Texas Health and Human Services spokeswoman Stephanie Goodman.

Armed with shovels and rakes, undocumented workers have played a role in clearing away the rubble of many of America's natural disasters, including Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the wildfires that ravaged southern California in 2007.

That factor, combined with evidence that many in the Hispanic population have trouble tapping post-disaster aid, needs reform, advocates said.

"The question of benefits and who can apply after a disaster is a big issue," said The National Council of La Raza spokeswoman Sara Benitez. "That has been a really big issue in the Gulf Coast."

La Raza, a Washington-based advocacy group for Latinos, plans to release a report next month that examines what it sees as unfair treatment of undocumented workers after U.S. disasters, and recommends changes in U.S. policy that specifically would alter disaster assistance programs to benefit Latinos.

But Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said U.S. policy needs to tighten down on undocumented immigrants not expand to embrace them. And he said clean up and rebuilding following disasters such as Hurricane Ike can provide good jobs for unemployed Americans if undocumented workers are shunned.

"Just as it was in the aftermath of Katrina, there are an awful lot of American citizens who need the work," said Mehlman. "There are a lot of people hurting in south Texas right now who could probably use the work and the paycheck."

Amid the debate, with thousands of flooded and wind-battered homes and businesses in need of clean-up and repair across southeast Texas and Louisiana, manual laborers, including undocumented workers, are in high demand.

Laborers are needed everywhere from Houston, the fourth-largest U.S. city, to Galveston Island, a seaside community that once housed 60,000 but now is a deemed so storm-damaged that everyone has been asked to evacuate.

"Everyone went to work yesterday," said Mark Zwick, founder of Casa Juan Diego, an assistance organization that houses, feeds and provides medical care for undocumented immigrants in Houston. "Work had been down, but now there is plenty for them."

Anonymous said...

Vt. candidate vows to prosecute Bush for murder if she wins

BURLINGTON, Vt. - Lots of political candidates make campaign promises. But not like Charlotte Dennett's.

Dennett, 61, the Progressive Party's candidate for Vermont Attorney General, said Thursday she will prosecute President Bush for murder if she's elected Nov. 4.

Dennett, an attorney and investigative journalist, says Bush must be held accountable for the deaths of thousands of people in Iraq U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians. She believes the Vermont attorney general would have jurisdiction to do so.

She also said she would appoint a special prosecutor and already knows who that should be: former Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, the author of "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder," a new book.

"Someone has to step forward," said Dennett, flanked by Bugliosi at a news conference announcing her plan. "Someone has to say we cannot put up with this lack of accountability any more."

Dennett and two others are challenging incumbent Attorney General William Sorrell, a Democrat, in the Nov. 4 election.

Bugliosi, 74, who gained fame as the prosecutor of killer Charles Manson, said any state attorney general would have jurisdiction since Bush committed "overt acts" including the military's recruitment of soldiers in Vermont and allegedly lying about the threat posed by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in speeches that were aired in Vermont and elsewhere.

"No man, even the president of the United States, is above the law," said Bugliosi.

The White House press office didn't respond to a request for comment Thursday. But Republican National Committee spokesman Blair Latoff denounced Dennett.

"It's extremely disappointing that a candidate for state attorney general is more concerned with radical left-wing provocation than upholding the law of Vermont," Latoff said. "These incendiary suggestions may score points among the most fringe elements of American society, but can't be settling for anyone looking for an attorney general."

Anti-Bush sentiment runs deep in Vermont. It's the only state Bush hasn't visited as president, and one whose liberal tendencies make it unlikely he will.

In 2007, the state Senate adopted a resolution calling for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Last March, the towns of Brattleboro and Marlboro voted to seek indictments against Bush and Cheney over the war, and dozens of other towns voted at town meetings to call for his impeachment.

Sorrell, who is seeking a sixth term, said he doesn't believe a Vermont attorney general would have the authority to charge Bush.

"The reality is, in my view, that unless the crime takes place in Vermont, then I as the attorney general have no authority under Vermont law to be prosecuting the president," Sorrell said.

Anonymous said...

Chicago outlines plan to slash greenhouse gases
CHICAGO - Mayor Richard M. Daley has announced a plan to dramatically slash emissions of heat-trapping gases, part of an effort to fight global warming and become one of the greenest cities in the nation.

The plan calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to three-fourths of 1990 levels by 2020 through more energy-efficient buildings, using clean and renewable energy sources, improving transportation and reducing industrial pollution.

"We can't solve the world's climate change problem in Chicago, but we can do our part," said Daley on Thursday. "We have a shared responsibility to protect our planet."

It's the first step toward cutting emissions to one-fifth of 1990 levels by 2050, as called for in the 1997 Kyoto global warming protocols, officials said.

Daley is one of about 800 mayors who have agreed to adopt that goal, and Chicago is the first to identify specific pollution sources and outline how it would achieve the reductions in a measurable way, said Suzanne Malec-McKenna, Chicago's environmental commissioner.

Malec-McKenna said the city would use a combination of incentives and mandates.

Next month, the City Council is expected to consider an ordinance that would update the city's energy code to require such things as better insulation, heating and cooling systems and windows in all commercial, industrial and residential buildings.

The city also has an agreement with two coal-fired power plants to reduce emissions or shut down by 2015 and 2017, respectively, Malec-McKenna said.

The plan also calls for expanding the number of green rooftops, increasing recycling and car-pooling and promoting alternative fuels.

Malec-McKenna said the city would not rule out imposing mandates on residents though she said there are no immediate plans to charge motorists a fee to drive in congested areas, as New York had considered before the plan died last spring.

"We have 12 years to go on the plan, so we're trying now to have enough incentives," Malec-McKenna said.

Officials say Chicago emits 34.6 million metric tons of greenhouse gases each year; including the six surrounding counties, that climbs to 103 million metric tons per year.

If climate change is not addressed, summer heat indexes in Chicago could climb as high as 105 degrees — similar to Mobile, Ala. by the end of the century and there would be more frequent heavy rains and floods, according to researchers from Texas Tech University in Lubbock and the University of Illinois who were commissioned by the city to study climate change.

Since 1980, Chicago's average temperature has risen approximately 2.6 degrees, 4 degrees in the winter.

"If you look at the records in Chicago, we have had the tendency to be moving toward milder weather conditions, the harsh winter seems to have decreased over time," said Jim Angel, climatologist with the Illinois State Water Survey at Champaign.

The city concedes that it won't be able to avoid future climate change entirely. The plan lists ways Chicago will deal with that, including implementing a heat warning system, reducing summer energy use, improving air quality, preparing for increases in rainfall and flooding, reducing erosion along Lake Michigan's shoreline and planting vegetation that can adapt to climate change.

Rebecca Stanfield, a senior energy advocate at the National Resources Defense Council in Chicago, said the report sets out a lot of work for the city.

"It's not like you can just walk away from this and say, 'We've got a plan to do this,'" Stanfield said. "It's a callback to everyone to the business sector, to the government sector to the advocacy community, that we've got a lot of work to do but at least we've got a road map."

Anonymous said...

My couchie itches, want to see me scratch it?

Anonymous said...

Arizona photo radar ticket

Don't do dick. i have had 3 photo tickets. never show up never returned the ticket letter. I check online and nothing has ever has ever been there

Anonymous said...

"Ecclesiastes 10:2 - A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left."

In The Good Book,
the Bible

Anonymous said...

So, this morning, I find a note on the front of my house as I'm pulling out taking my kids to school. I figured I'd check it out when i returned as we were running late. As I'm driving through the neighborhood... I'm not seeing notes on other homes.
The note is telling me, " Your lack of attention to your front yard is affecting the neighborhood!!! Be a good neighbor and trim your trees, edge all areas, and remove all waste. A beautiful neighborhood increases your property value.
I drove around and saw three other notes. All of which were on homes with grass needing to be mowed. I admit I've been lazy not mowing the grass earlier this week, but it was only a little above my ankle. I mowed it with a seven year old electric mower with no problem!
I am creeped out by the thought of some anal nut driving around late at night deciding whose yard is unacceptable. We have an HOA. This note was unsigned and non specific.
My husband is angry with me for creating a reply note I attached to four of the local mailboxes referring to the assholes as "seedy" and asking them to MYOB. He says I went down to their level. (I probably did)

I admit, I hate snobs and want stick this note up somebody's ass.

Anonymous said...

e: Anal Sex Inquiry

Anal sex is dirty period. There is so much bacteria in there that anal sex is risky sex.

Anal sex is considered a high-risk behavior for HIV and other STD transmission.

The delicate tissue in the rectum is prone to small tears that make entryway for the AIDS virus. Latex barriers (condoms, gloves) and lots of water-based lube, to ensure the condom does not break, are essential.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love a "chick" that has a bigger dick than you!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: Anal Sex Inquiry

I think it's absolutely wonderful if the guy knows what he's doing.

There are a few simple rules.

1.) It shouldn't hurt. Ever. If you're feeling pain, something is getting damaged. Try again in a week or two.

2.) Lube is your friend. Some like astroglide, but really any water or even silicone based lubricant works good. Stay away from using baby oil or lotion.

3.) Take it slow. Those are muscles that can NOT perform dead lifts. Maybe get smaller toys about the size of your finger and work your way up to the size of your partner.

4.) Use condoms every time. Whether you're on the pill, the patch, whatever, it doesn't matter. This is not for birth control reasons, this is for your own personal protection, and his.

You need to really trust him. He can do permanent damage to your body. If he cares he'll educate himself to treat you right. Anal is not something you jump into. It takes time, patience, and lots of lube - and with that comes, like the poster before me replied... really really awesome orgasms.

Happy Humping!

Anonymous said...

Re: How many women are really into anal intercourse?

I was introduced to anal sex roughly 11 yrs. Can't speak for other women, but for me, there is nothing like an anal orgasm. It's very intense. You have to be very 'relaxed', so to speak, for it to happen but once you've had one, there's no going back to just vagina sex. I put the feeling of an anal orgasm up there with a squirting orgasm. Try it, you might like it. Won't find out until you do.

I was wondering if there were any other women on here that could tell me why so many men want to have anal sex? Whats the appeal? My boyfriend wants me to try it. Can anyone tell me what its like?

Anonymous said...

RE: How many women like anal?

Baby, you are gonna love it.

Its like five people riding in a two seater.

Anonymous said...

Re: Naxi neighbors

I come do your lawn good. I work hard and sweat while you sip pina coladas in the shade. No more naxis come around after I fix you up.

Anonymous said...

Citigroup reportedly considering bid for Washington Mutual

Anonymous said...

RE: Nazi Neihbor

Paco Paco, shut it shut it. Go to Mehico and mow your weeds down there.

Anonymous said...

The latest government bailout plus the ones they have all ready done will exceed ONE TRILLION DOLLARS, that's about $3,600 per taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

does anyone want to play with my boobs today and fuck me in the ass?

Anonymous said...

dear barbie,

lets make a youtube video and show these lifeless twits how I give you anal sex and you scream for me to put in deeper and harder....
let me know, my cock is hard and I have a camera...

Anonymous said...

CL Blocking new posts

I cannot understand why CL BLOCKS posts claiming multiple post to other locations in a 48 hour period when my last post was over 60 days ago. Who is the "Blocking Idiot" in the CL organization...oh, right, it's a computer program that is zero effective as I see MANY post, re-worded slightly the same day. Plus the multiple "professional" posts that are always there.

Guess they need to do some work on their whiz bang "Captcha" sure works good. And if you use Yahoo Chat, it too uses the same Captcha program...the BOTS STILL get in..oh well...

Anonymous said...

I was depressed last night so I called Lifeline.

Got a freakin' call center in Afghanistan.

I told them I was suicidal.

They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

Anonymous said...

Congress asked to act quickly on $700 billion bailout plan.

The problem no one seems to understand is that Wall Street reacts in one day to news or problems, and it takes Congress a month to just start talking about it let along doing anything!

Anonymous said...

....I am so sexy and -

I can't help it if all the monkeys at the zoo want me.

Anonymous said...

I'll crack your jaw!

Anonymous said...

remember NEVER buy real estate through craigslist (CL)...

CL is the home of scammers and spammers.

Anonymous said...

Better except the facts ...

The nigga is gonna be president!

Anonymous said...

If he died tomorrow, I wouldn't piss on John McCain's grave

Anonymous said...

Ladies abortions are Ok
People hating America is Ok
Welfare for blacks and Mexicans is Ok
Illegals are welcome here in the USA

I am Michelle Obama, and I approved tis message.

Anonymous said...

I agree about John McCain, I wouldn't piss on that old farts grave either...

but I'd luv to see Sarah Palin just pee.

Anonymous said...

What are you most attracted to in a women or a man?

Anonymous said...

todays Q-

I am most attracted to a woman's legs...
been so, ever since I found out what it led up to!

Anonymous said...

Good morning New York, and you other losers out there...
just waking up to some T.A.P.

Anonymous said...

Today's Question-
I am most attracted to a man's large throbbing penis!

Anonymous said...

Todays Q-

I am most attracted to a man's money...

Anonymous said...

Today's Q.....

I am most attracted to a woman's boobs.
I love big round firm titties.

Anonymous said...

Todays Question

I personally find the most attractive thing about a woman is her butt.
There is nothing like a rock hard solid round butt on a woman.

Anonymous said...

Career Welfare Moms, Hookers, Pimps, Pedophiles, Illegals with fake ID's, Rapers, the Homeless, Liberals, Devil Worshippers, and Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Foreign banks could qualify for U.S. mortgage bailout..
again it is proven that the federal Reserve is useless and should be abolished.
Here we go saving the world again at the U.S. Taxpayer expense.
Fuck all these assholes, investments are risky,, any investment, no one bails out the little American taxpayer when his stock goes belly under...but we sure can bail out anyone with money...wouldn't want those rich bastards losing anything now would we?

Anonymous said...

Another stupid ad on the FREE Section Board of craigslist (CL), this one in Phoenix Arizona

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hey there, and good morning. We have a box of free troll dolls. If you want them, must be able to come this morning, let us know, 67th ave and northern area. Talk to you later, and have a great day! Also, WE CANNOT CALL OUT RIGHT NOW, SO PLEASE CONTACT US VIA EMAIL THANKS ALOT! :)

Anonymous said...

People who drive Vettes are Assholes

the men all have small penis...

Anonymous said...

RE Guys who drive Vettes are Assholes

Sorry about that hun, meet alot of assholes do ya ?
With your nasty assed attitude its no wonder actually.

My vette club men were hot and the two that I dated didnt have the tiny dick symptom.

Anonymous said...

Another stupid ad on the FREE Section Board of craigslist (CL), this one in Phoenix Arizona

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Free Glass Test Tubes
Free to good home. 250 new glass test tubes 5 7/8" long by 9/16" wide.

Caps for only about a dozen. Free to me but no use...hate to trash.

Anonymous said...

Today's Question about what I find attractive is,,,

personally i love a girl with large erect hard nipples...
she sit on my cock and rides it while i squeeze the life out f them and make her squirm.

Anonymous said...

I Hate Spammers
I hate Realtors
there is nothing worse than a spamming scum sucking realtor.

This moron piece of shit is constantly sending emails of property that I wouldn't own if it was free. What a loser this asshole is...
His name is .....................
Alan Robinson
with AZ property Wholesalers.
This asshole obviously isn't aware that email spam is illegal and a federal offense!
I hope him and his company go to jail, that's where ALL spammers belong.

Anonymous said...

Excerpt from Washington Times editorial.

It's panic time for Obama. Here are 10 reasons he will lose.

1. He won't win the South. No President has sat in the Oval Office without taking the South. In August, he sent a fleet of devotees to the South to register voters. On Sept. 5, Georgia 's Supervisor of Elections said there had been no significant increase in registration.
2. History is stacked against Obama. Blacks rarely reach the top level of the political culture for a range of reasons. That's the dirty little secret astute pols like Bill Clinton alluded to. The reality: Only 2 have reached near the top, Rice and Powell, against 27 whites who have served as Secretary of State in the last 100 years.
3. Obama is the least qualified nominee in U.S. history. He was a mind-boggling choice, a clear indication of the Democrat Party's blind arrogance and ignorance. He has little experience, little judgment, questionable associates, dirty baggage and came out of the nation's most corrupt political machine -- Chicago .
4. Obama's paper thin resume is now understood. Educator/syndicated columnist Thomas Sowell, who David Mamet called " America 's greatest philosopher" and who happens to be black, labeled Obama "dangerous."
5. Obama has never used the lessons of history wisely. His Berlin speech started his downfall. He aligned himself with Europeans because neither he nor his image-makers have a clue of the history they tried to make themselves a part of. One would think the catastrophe of two wars would have given Europeans an appreciation of the utility of force. On the Georgia crisis, McCain instinctively knew this. Not Obama. His response, astoundingly, raised the issue of moral equivalence.
6. The country has forgotten Obama's profoundly meaningless rhetoric of hope and change. What they now have is a run-of-the-mill pol. He resembles one of those flamboyantly shallow characters out of a Mamet play. He grabs attention but avoids scrutiny.
7. Obama is the champion backtracker of all time. There isn't one issue he hasn't altered and not on principle, but for votes. He's begun playing the sympathy card, saying he thought about joining the military after high school. He didn't mention that in the two books he wrote about himself.
8. The liberal print media no longer dominates. The NYT and WPost are in free fall while the WTimes, NYPost, WSJ and Fox are on the rise. Never has there been such a backlash against the liberal media. The impossible has even happened: MSNBC demoted 2 Bush-haters, including "The Tingle" Matthews.
9. Obama's running mate is a loser, easy to trump. Biden's foreign policy credentials are terribly overblown. A desperate Biden is forced to mention principles his own party rejects, like his statement on conception. Palin may have effectively neutralized him.
10. The last reason Obama will lose comes down to one word: Palin. She isn't as experienced as one would wish, but she is a quick study, smart and intelligent. She'll learn and adjust.

Anonymous said...

.......he smells Cindy McCain's farts !!!

Anonymous said...

re, spammers -
I agree spammers are scum of the earth.
Why do these turds think someone would ever buy something from them?
All spammers are scammers and con artist...
do humanity a favor, and put them to death

Anonymous said...

re,re, spamers-realtors.......
i agree they both suck
filthy ass wipes and leeches on society
can't get a real fucking job
all losers

Anonymous said...

want to relax for the day, end it at a good Asian Massage Parlor...
get the full body massage and special side order of blowjob.

Anonymous said...

Found this stupid ad on the craigslist (CL) Phoenix Arizona Farm and Garden Board, it's funny...

Transylvanian Naked Neck Chickens - $10 each.

Anonymous said...

re, realtors that are spammers

WTF do u expect from some idiot who's previous job was flipping burgers and using a deep fryer to make french fries?

Anonymous said...

Bankruptcy Judge orders man to pay thief convicted of stealing from him.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Mark Poveromo feels ripped off twice over. A judge ordered him to repay money he collected from a builder convicted of stealing from him and told him to kick in the thief's attorney fees and court costs, too.

Some legal experts say the case, in which a criminal case in Connecticut intersects a bankruptcy judgment filed in St. Louis, shows a need for Congress to revise the nation's bankruptcy laws to better treat people who are awarded money as part of ruling in a criminal case.

"This is an outrageous decision," said Anthony Sabino, a law professor at St. John's University and a bankruptcy expert. "I think it's a miscarriage of justice."

"I can't even begin to fathom it," Poveromo said. "Crime does pay."

The case began in 2006, when Poveromo hired Mark R. Koch of Illinois for an $80,000 project to construct a building for his pet food business in Thomaston, Conn. Poveromo paid $39,500 up front, but Koch never did any work, according to court documents.

Poveromo filed a criminal complaint, and Koch was convicted in Connecticut of first-degree larceny in April 2007 and ordered to pay restitution. Koch paid $25,000 and began monthly payments to Poveromo on the balance, but that's when the law turned on Poveromo.

Two months before his conviction, Koch filed for bankruptcy protection in St. Louis, halting any monetary claims against him. Poveromo says notices of the bankruptcy filing was sent to Poveromo's old business address and he didn't see them.

Koch then filed a complaint to the bankruptcy court accusing Poveromo of intentionally violating the stay on claims by having him arrested to collect on his debt.

Judge Charles Rendlen III agreed with the builder. In a ruling filed in December, and without hearing from Poveromo, Rendlen noted "the highly suspect timing" of Koch's arrest and conviction after filing for bankruptcy.

The judge said Poveromo intentionally violated the bankruptcy stay on claims by causing Koch's arrest to collect on the debt.

"Allowing a creditor to use the threat of incarceration on charges related to a prepetition debt undermines the most fundamental premise of bankruptcy law: the guarantee of equal treatment among creditors pursuant to the bankruptcy code," Rendlen wrote.

Rendlen ordered Poveromo to pay back the restitution Koch had given him as well as attorney's fees and costs.

Poveromo tried to challenge the ruling, but failed to get it overturned. The judge also rejected Poveromo's request to appear by telephone instead of traveling to St. Louis because he cares for his elderly sick parents.

"The inconvenience experienced by the defendant's parents does not outweigh the need of the court to observe the defendant in person as he gives his testimony, to allow the court to best weigh his credibility," Rendlen wrote.

Poveromo said he had to pay for airplane tickets to St. Louis for a hearing on the case and couldn't get a refund after Koch's attorney asked for a delay.

Poveromo said he reluctantly accepted a settlement reached a few weeks ago in which he was able to keep the nearly $28,000 Koch had given him but did not collect on the balance he was owed based on what the Connecticut court had ordered.

His attorney, Jeff Weisman, decried the ruling.

"I think it's an injustice to individuals who are victimized," Weisman said.

Koch's bankruptcy attorney, Robert Eggmann, declined to comment on the settlement and said the bankruptcy ruling speaks for itself.

Rendlen did not return a telephone message seeking comment. Court officials cited a policy that judges do not comment on their decisions.

Jack Williams, resident scholar at the American Bankruptcy Institute, said the case highlights an area of the law that Congress should fix by expanding the exception to the stay of bankruptcy claims in criminal cases so that criminal restitutions can go forward during bankruptcies. He said the ruling is not unusual in finding a violation of the stay, but said other judges may not have sanctioned Poveromo.

Bankruptcy attorney Stuart Hirshfield said he agreed with the ruling because a stay of claims is fundamental to bankruptcy cases and violations are dealt with severely. He also said when a party fails to appear, the judge has to rule on what is known and the judge believed there was adequate notice.

Sabino, the bankruptcy expert from St. John's, said problem lies primarily with the judge's interpretation of the law.

Poveromo said he has since hired another contractor to construct the building for his business. He said he's struggling after spending $10,000 on lawyers while business has slowed amid a weak economy, but is determined to persevere.

"It's tough times," Poveromo said. "I'm not going to let this criminal ruin my business."

Anonymous said...

re, Bankruptcy Judge

This is why people take the law into their own hands...
the average person cannot get justice in this country anymore!

Anonymous said...

re, re, Bankruptcy Judge

These are the types of idiot judges appointed by both ruling parties, democrats and Republicans.

This judge should be fired and made to stand on a street corner holding a sign that says,
I am a Fucking Moron

Anonymous said...

Here is another one of those dumb ass FREE ads on craigslist (CL), this from Phoenix Arizona....

Free Frogs
We have two fire belly toads. Do not want them. So call and come get them! We are moving Saturday the 27th and hope to have them gone.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but yes, here is another one of those dumb ass FREE ads on craigslist (CL), this from Phoenix Arizona....

Spanx pantyhose free to a good home.
Size B black
Size C bare

They go for like $35 new so let me know how your gonna use em!

Anonymous said...

Yes, one more of those dumb ass FREE ads on craigslist (CL), this from Phoenix Arizona....

FREE 14ft Big Beaver

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, people you have been nominated for the Liberal Crying Towel Award.

The financial mess we are in started with the Libs in Congress insisting that lending institutions give sub prime loans to people who couldn't afford them in an attempt to make life fair. The sub prime debacle was the first domino to fall.

Anonymous said...

Pinal County Tax Assessor can kiss my ass

Paul Larkin will not ever get my vote again.

Anonymous said...

Never buy any pet or animal from craigslist (CL) they are scams.

Anonymous said...

Question about what I find attractive in a woman is,,,

I love a Camel Toe.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have ?

Anonymous said...

Motorcycle Riders are the dumbest people on this planet.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi has too be one of the dumbest CUNTS on this planet.

What a stupid useless ignorant Liberal bitch.

Anonymous said...

The best thing that could happen to America is that the really really BIG earthquake comes really soon and wipes out all of southern California.

Anonymous said...

When Obama is elected President, ISLAM will be the religion of America.

Anonymous said...

Hey there white boy, my Nigga gonna be in the White Hose before yours.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning World...

Have we Nuke Pakistan yet?

Anonymous said...

I say we NUKE Mexico first....

fuck all you MIGGER Mexican Cockroaches!

Anonymous said...

Gerbils for Sale with anal tubes...

contact Faggots Begone in Mesa Arizona

Anonymous said...

Fed lets last major investment banks change status

WASHINGTON DC - It was the end of an era on Wall Street as the Federal Reserve granted permission for the last two major investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies in order to stay in business.

The Fed announced late Sunday evening that it had approved the request, which will allow Goldman and Morgan Stanley to create commercial banks that can take deposits, bolstering the resources of both institutions.

The change is the latest seismic shift on Wall Street as the financial system tries to cope with mounting problems that began more than a year ago with the subprime mortgage crisis.

Shares of Morgan Stanley slipped 3.3 percent and Goldman's fell 2.8 percent in premarket electronic trading on Monday. Overall, U.S. stocks appeared headed for a slightly lower opening as investors remained nervous about the U.S. government's plan to buy $700 billion in soured bank mortgage debt.

After weekend meetings where the Treasury Department, Fed and congressional staff ironed out the program's details, Sen. Christopher Dodd said Monday it's equally important to act responsibly as it is to move quickly on the legislation needed to stabilize the country's troubled financial markets.

Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking committee, said on CBS's "The Early Show" that many members of Congress believe a legislative relief package also should be tailored to protect taxpayers in the best way possible.

Democrats in Congress said they will add provisions in the bailout measure to protect people in danger of losing their homes and measures to cap executive compensation at firms who get to unload their bad mortgages debt onto the government.

But the proposal is still expected to win quick congressional passage because both parties are concerned about the adverse reaction in financial markets should the measure look like it is being delayed.

The Fed's board of governors granted the investment banks' requests by unanimous vote during a late Sunday meeting in Washington.

The change of status means both companies will come under the direct regulation of the Fed, which oversees the nation's bank holding companies. The banking subsidiaries of the two institutions will face the stricter regulations that commercial banks are required to meet. Previously, the primary regulator for Goldman and Morgan Stanley was the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Shares of both institutions had come under pressure ever since the bankruptcy filing last week by investment bank Lehman Brothers and the forced sale of investment bank Merrill Lynch to Bank of America.

Three people familiar with the matter said Monday that Japan's largest brokerage Nomura Holdings is buying Lehman's Asian assets. Britains Barclay's Bank received bankruptcy court approval early Saturday morning to purchase Lehman's North American brokerage operations.

Investors feared that the last remaining independent investment banks would not be able to survive in their current form, especially after hedge funds saw some of their funds at Lehman Brothers frozen as part of its bankruptcy. There had been speculation that both institutions would be acquired by commercial banks, whose ability to take deposits would give them a stable source of funding.

In the surprise announcement late Sunday, the central bank said Goldman and Morgan Stanley would be allowed during a transition period to get short-term loans from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York against various types of collateral.

The Fed said its action would take final effect after a five-day waiting period required under law.

The decision means that Goldman and Morgan Stanley will be able not only to set up commercial bank subsidiaries to take deposits, giving them a major resource base, but they will also have the same access as other commercial banks to the Fed's emergency loan program.

After the collapse of Bear Stearns and its forced sale to JP Morgan Chase last March, the Fed used powers it had been granted during the Great Depression to extend its emergency loans to investment banks as well as commercial banks. However, that extension was granted on a temporary basis.

Anonymous said...

RE, Fed lets last major investment banks change status....

That's right keep bailing out the rich people for being greedy at the taxpayers expense!

Anonymous said...

Pakistani troops reportedly fire on U.S. helicopters.....

Anonymous said...

Masked kidnappers seize foreign tourists in Egypt

Again, KILL All of the Muslims in the world and end the terrorism, wars, and violence once and for all!

Anonymous said...

The governments plan to spend 700 Billion Taxpayer Dollars is insane just to keep banks and Wall Street floating.
Let them go under, fuck these greedy assholes.

Anonymous said...

re, 700 Billion Bailout...

I agree with you.
This will essentially buy the debt from banks caused by bad loans.
The idea behind this will then allow the same banks to start lending money AGIAN, which Wall Street says will jump start the economy.

WTF - wake up up you sheeple blind taxpaying morons - what's next, let them do it all over again and bail them again, and again.

Try this - let them go under.
Let the economy adjust from there.
Put all the greedy CEO's CFO's and Board Members in jail for 20-years.
Seize all their assets everywhere.
This will send a message to corporate America that the common ordinary taxpayer has had enough!

Anonymous said...

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Democrat leadership.

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY ( 2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)... since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)... since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th).... since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)... since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)... since 1952;

Newark, NJ(10th)... since 1907.

Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." It is the disadvantaged who habitually elect Democrats - yet are still disadvantaged... hmmm...

Anonymous said...

1. Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton.

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

3. The dot over the letter i is called a "tittle".

4. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

5. Susan Lucci is the daughter of Phyllis Diller.

6. 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

7. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.

8. The 'spot' on 7UP comes from its inventor, who had red eyes. He was albino.

9. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents, daily.

10. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.

11. Chocolate affects a dog's heart and nervous system; a few ounces will kill a small sized dog.

12. Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

13. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

14. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.

15. Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.

16. Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the 'upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters.

17. Leonardo DA Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time hence, multi-tasking was invented.

18. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War I and II were made of wood.

19. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.

20. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan; there was never a recorded Wendy before.

21. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple, and silver.

22. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10 years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.

23. A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and sting itself to death.

24. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk's mask painted white.

25. If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

26. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand (and you thought this list was completely useless.)

27. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

28. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was the Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.

29. Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples.

30. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

31. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

32. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.

33. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages it.

34. George Carlin said it best about Martha Stewart: "Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she's behind bars. O. J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant are still walking around; Osama Bin Laden too, but they take the ONE woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard, and they haul her off to jail.

Anonymous said...

Both political parties (republicans and democrats) are bought and paid for by the global elitists

Anonymous said...

Ted Kennedy has a small penis....

This message was approved by Michelle Obama.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton really is a lesbian, I know, I had her....

Anonymous said...

re, spammers -

I have also gotten email spam from Realtors....
they think this sells property...
it turns buyers off -
The first thing I think about is....
What's wrong with this property?

Anonymous said...

It must kill all of you "White Trash" that a "Niggah" is this close to becoming the most powerful man on the planet. That must fucking KILL you.

And that even, if this election is stolen (again) he'll just have to go back to his life, which is probably about a THOUSAND times more successful than yours.

Have a nice day - Whitey!

Anonymous said...

Have you had your coco sucked today?

No. want it ...
I need weed,
Weed 4 blowjob...
let get it on

Anonymous said...

re, change

If Obama is elected all you niggas are gonna have to stop complaining about old whitey and how things are so unfair.

Just think about that you ignorant piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

re, re, change

hey u stupid ass black bastard

the new nigga is the Mexican...
you're gonna have to work now to support them the way we whites have supported you black

Anonymous said...

re, re, re,change-

hey nigga go back to Africa...
and take that piece of shit Obama with you!

Anonymous said...

re,re,re,re, Change..........

You smartass white trash punks, you think about this....
we the Black People of America and the World will rule.
Yes we will temporarily unite with our brown brothers to destroy all whites everywhere, but when that's over...the Mexicans will have to die, and it will be a Black America the way it should be.

Anonymous said...

RE: re,re,re,re, Change

Reading this bullshit and threats from this ignorant racist black shithead -
now you know why the KKK exist.

Anonymous said...

Obama is not qualified to smell John McCain's farts or lick his toilet bowl.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden will become ill soon, Hillary Clinton will step in and save the demodumbs...
once elected, Barack Obama will die and Hillary will become President.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is out as V.P.

see the details at:

Anonymous said...

Watch This YouTube Video:

" A man has to know his limitations"

Anonymous said...

Bush to assure world leaders about bailout plan

Anonymous said...

Its pretty common for the elevators in our dorm to get dirtied up over the weekend, but i was not expecting this. Okay, i understand that ASU is known for its parties, and lets face it, we all got substantialy trashed and made some poor decisions after the loss to Georgia this weekend, but this just left me perplexed. I honestly have no idea what this substance coating the elevator floor could be. My first guess was tar, but then i realized that this mysterious puddle was only around the immediate elevator area...which means it would have been noticibly tracked through our lobby if it were tar. Also, i haven't noticed any open tar pits or unpaved roads around campus so i pretty much ruled this idea out. I've never seen vomit that looked anything like this, but if it indeed did come from your overly-boozed stomach then i am truly concerned for whatever you ingested to make it that color. That shit ain't natural. I think the thing that got me the most though, is that after exiting the elevator lobby, one is immediately met by a trail of skittles leading down our hallway. Are you trying to pull some hansel and gretel shit on me?! Spill some nuclear waste in my elevator and then lure me with candy? How do you know me so well??

Anyway, i mainly just want to know what this murky stain started out as before i decide to step on it again. So if you happened to spill/purge/wittness how this happened, do let me know so i can satisfy my curiosity. Oh, and i have my suspicions about who left the skittle trail. Just know that if it actually was you, then just know that all of my suspicions have been confirmed.

Anonymous said...

RE: an unusual stain in our elevator

I left the "skittle trail"

Anonymous said...

re, Joe Biden...

I heard someone's got pictures of him sucking Ted Kennedy's cock!

Anonymous said...

Congressional leaders, Bush administration haggle over bailout...

the only haggle I see is,
DON'T Do It you morons.

Anonymous said...

Millions of Americans spend half of their income on housing.

Anonymous said...

I hate BBW's
Please Mr. Space Alien, come eat these fat pigs.

Anonymous said...

remember, never ever buy real estate through a craigslist (CL) ad

Anonymous said...

I hate CATS..
I hate Cat Lovers!

Anonymous said...

Re, cats ....

I agree, animals are for eating and cats are tasty!

Anonymous said...

re,re, cats -

they are an Asian food you know...
lets skin'em and fry'em up.

Anonymous said...

CATS ---

I also hate'em
filthy useless fur bags
kill them all now !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Philadelphia...

Any white girls want to suck my big black cock this morning?

Anonymous said...

re, Black on White

Meet you at the Airport, give me some weed and I'll do you till it's so sore you wont be able to piss!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning New York...

Just getting a second go around of some T.A.P. before leaving for work.

Anonymous said...

Here's a though ...

Lets put the three bitches in a mud wrestling arena -
Hillary Clinton
Sara Palin
Michelle Obama

see which bitch really is better, tougher, and ready to stand up naked for America!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Michelle Obama trims her black bristle bush?

Anonymous said...

re, michelle obama's pussy hair

If she doesn't trim it, I'll volunteer to do it for her.

Anonymous said...

Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

Middle Eastern

Anonymous said...

Today's Question -
Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

I like Asian women.
They are small framed, great lovers, and know how to please a man!

Anonymous said...

re, Today's Question -
Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

I like Hispanic women, specifically the blondes from Brazil.
Nice asses, big tits, great fucks.

Anonymous said...

re, re, Today's Question -
Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

For me, I am white and only want white women.
But I do prefer a blonde with green eyes, a great round tight ass, and big hooters.

Anonymous said...

re,re. re Today's Question -
Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

I like Arabic women.
Big ass and big boobs are my type.

Anonymous said...

for todays question....

i prefer a good black girl

Anonymous said...

Today's Question.....
Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

I don't care as long as she is rich.

Anonymous said...

RE-re, re, re, Today's Question....
Which Ethnic Woman do you prefer?

I like Asian women because they have small hands and it makes my cock look bigger when the hold it.

Anonymous said...

Today's Question -
Ethnic Woman Preference...

I also like Asian women, I like to put it in soft and let it get hard so I can hear their bones cracking.

Anonymous said...

I agree I prefer Asian Women..

I like to put their legs behind their neck, sit them on my cock, and spin them around like a top.

Anonymous said...

Preference on women selection...
today's question -

I like a big black mommy type.
I like to slap that BBW fat ass and ride the wave in.

Anonymous said...

todays question, women...

I specifically like Japanese women.
They please a man till he thinks heaven it's self has arrived.

Anonymous said...

There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life.

The angel tells them, 'As a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you have been given life for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most.'

He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running behind the shrubbery.

The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing.

The angel tells them, 'Um, you have fifteen minutes left, would you care to do it again?'

He asks her 'Shall we?' She eagerly replies, 'Oh, yes, let's! But let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down and you shit on its head.'

Anonymous said...

Pigeons ...
I hate them
Kill all the little disease infested feathered shit goers.

Anonymous said...

re, Pigeons ...

Rats with wings,
I agree exterminate them all

Anonymous said...

re,re, pigeons -

if it ain't the food chain eradicate the vermin !!

Anonymous said...

re, re, re, pigeons..........

who cares........

Anonymous said...


kill then all along with PETA supporters

Anonymous said...

Fifth Grader Suspended For Wearing Anti-Obama Shirt...

An 11-year-old boy in Colorado was suspended from school after he refused to take off a shirt that read, “Obama is a terrorist’s best friend.” His father says that the school is violating his son’s First Amendment rights.

Daxx Dalton, a fifth grader at Aurora Frontier K-8 School in Aurora, Colo., wore the homemade shirt on a day when students were asked to show their patriotism by wearing red, white and blue.

When he was given the choice of turning the shirt inside out or being suspended, Dalton chose suspension.

“They’re taking away my right of freedom of speech,” he said. “If I have the right to wear this shirt I’m going to use it. And if the only way to use it is get suspended, then I’m going to get suspended.”

Dann Dalton, the boy’s father a “proud conservative” who has taken part in anti-Obama protests told that the school is making a mistake by suspending his son.

“It’s the public school system,” he said. “Let’s be honest, it’s full of liberal loons.”

The school district would not discuss the case, but said the district “respects a student’s right to free speech, such as the right to wear specific clothing,” but they reserve the right to review any situation that interrupts the learning environment.

Dalton’s suspension was for willful disobedience and defiance, not for wearing the shirt. His father said he intends to sue the district.

Anonymous said...

pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy,
pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy.

Anonymous said...

more funny shit found on craigslist FREE section....

One pair of black fuzzy slip on slippers from nonsmoking home.
Only worn twice extremely clean and are LIKE NEW!
Fits adult 7-8 or kids 6

Anonymous said...

Things to do or say in a bathroom stall...

1. Stick your palm open under the stall wall and ask your neighbor, "May I borrow a highlighter?"

2. Say "Uh oh, I knew I shouldn't put my lips on that."

3. Cheer and clap loudly every time somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise.

4. Say, "Hmmm, I've never seen that color before."

5. Drop a marble and say, "oh shoot!! My glass eye!!"

6. Say "Darn, this water is cold."

7. Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl. Sigh relaxingly.

8. Say, "Now how did that get there?"

9. Say, "Humus. Reminds me of humus."

10. Fill up a large flask with Mountain Dew. Squirt it erratically under the stall walls of your neighbors while yelling, "Whoa! Easy boy!!"

11. Say, "Interesting....more sinkers than floaters.

12. Using a small squeeze tube, spread peanut butter on a wad of toilet paper and drop it under the stall wall of your neighbor. Then say, "Whoops, could you kick that back over here, please?"

13. Say. "C'mon Mr. Happy! Don't fall asleep on me!!"

14. Say, "Boy, that sure looks like a maggot"

15. Say, "Darn, I Knew that drain hole was a little too small. Now what am I gonna do?"

16. Play a well known drum cadence over and over again on your butt cheeks.

17. Before you unroll toilet paper, conspicuously lay down your "Cross-Dressers Anonymous" newsletter on the floor visible to the adjacent stall.

18. Lower a small mirror underneath the stall wall and adjust it so you can see your neighbor and say, "Peek-a-boo!"

19. Drop a D-cup bra on the floor under the stall wall and sing "Born Free"

20. When you're in a bathroom stall take a Snickers candy bar with you and when someone is next to you, squish it in your hand and reach under the stall wall and say "You got any more toilet paper over there, This side's completely out."

Anonymous said...

re, cats

I fully agree kill all the fur balls....

Anonymous said...

Hello ladies,
Is that fish I smell?

Anonymous said...

Obama, he gots jungle juice...
I is his grand-momma and hes jizz just fills them blackie village girls in Kenya.

Anonymous said...


please wear tight short mini skirts and go commando style

Anonymous said...

They are ALL con artist, dreamers, scammers, spammers, and neer-do-wells!!

Anonymous said...

RE - all realtors are assclowns

I just got one of those stinking useless ass spam emails from that asshole...
Alan Robinson
AZ Property Wholesalers

WTF - what a LOSER he must be......
Go back to your Taco Bell Fast Food job, or whatever hole you crawled out from under you lousy piece of camel dung.

Anonymous said...

A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?" HELLLOOOOOOO.....," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"

Anonymous said...

World leaders call for unity and action to combat financial crisis....

for those who can't understand this-
it simple means ho can we fuck America, again!

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