Blogging, it's now an American Icon!
CLOSED for Posting - Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of September 2008.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to craigslist.org Rants and Raves.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 901 Newer› Newest»your finger smells like cat shit but your breath stinks like puke
The 'finger smells like cat ass, poop, and puke......
View Sonic Electronics
I purchased a View Sonic LCD Color TV from Fry's.
Natuarly, just as soon as it is out of warranty, it fails.
It has a software glitch.
This is a problem.
DO NOT BUY View Sonic or Optica Quest from anyone.
View Sonic Electronics is Junk!
View Sonic Products Suck
Fry's Electronics Sucks
Kill a Liberal Today!
Got to PEE,
run out and piss on a Muslim,
they really really like it !!!!!
If the government wont do it, we will have to handle it ourselves....
all ILLEGALS must be eradicated for the disease they are.
Why Not Obamabidenladen ?????
Palin vs Obama
There is nothing that you could say about Palin that coud possibly outweigh the foolhardiness of any American even THINKING about putting a Muslim in the Oval Office.
You can come on here and whine about teen pegnancies and Down syndrome babies all you want and it will still not change the fact that BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is a half Muslim.
Shopping on the Weekends Taught Me Something.....
My hard-earned tax money has been going to support our occupation of Iraq. And who controls congress and votes on spending more money in Iraq??
Not toward education for my kids, and not towards those poor veterans who come home. Again who controls congress? Didnt the democrats say if they got control, they would make change?? Where did i hear that word before?? oh it was NOBAMA!!
"He will raise taxes to support bigger government".
Just thinking here ...
How come when you see people giving clothes away FREE or having a garage sale, you never see any girls/womens underwear (panties), bras, pantyhose?
Hillary Clinton backers say press should 'back off' Palin
Just got home from work with a giant bonder, bent my lady over and gave her the bone .... she farted on me.
I'm pro abortion,
pro death penalty,
pro suicide,
pro assisted suicide,
pro smoking,
pro guns,
pro prostitutes.
pro drinking,
pro fast cars,
pro America.
I'm pro abortion,
anti death penalty,
pro suicide,
pro assisted suicide,
anti war,
anti smoking,
anti DUI deaths,
pro big government,
anti Bush
Pro Obama.
Why is it that we Americans choose to vote for the guy we think is just as stupid as we are?
Does anyone need a good beat down today?
Nearly 500,000 called gov't suicide prevention hot line this year.....
well hells bells just wait until the big stock market crash comes and the soup lines start forming...
then you'll have a reason to be depressed!
Hot chicks turn me on ....
wishes he had Sarah Palin lipstick on his dipstick!
Obama has been getting flack about his "lipstick on a pig" remark. McCain and the GOP are calling his remarks "sexist" and in reference to Sarah Palin, who referred to herself as a pitbull with lipstick.
RE - Lipstick on Palin -
Oh no nigga you step on that pathetic thing you call a weenie!
Obama - Malcolm X - Marxist Revolutionary
Porn, Guns, and Oil....
demodumbs talk it down
Obama treated Hillary Clinton the same way he is treating Sarah Palin...
Why is Obama saying things like that about his wife?
OBAMA you idiot - I think the lipstick comment was wrong......
you should have just called her a cunt!
can I kiss your ass without it?
Well, actually almost sold it on eBay.
It was actually sold by my paper airplane broker.
Barbie -
where are you, I need a blowjob"
all this talk about lipstick got my white dipstick hard.
Obama's lipstick comment -
what's next Barack you gonna tell all the children Santa Claus is dead?
Fact --Allajah Muhhamed, Nation of Islam, had Malcom X murdered.
Fact -- Allajah Muhhamed, as a man of God, claims to be a man of Peace as well.
Fact --Obama is not a Christian (please read that again SHEEP...once a Muslim, always a Muslim)
Fact --If you vote for Obama, you will be considered an accessory to murder.
Fact --a 'Community Organizer' in South Chicago = rounds up Blacks for Coffee and Cookies in a Church basement!
Fact --Obama is a racist who has denounced 1/2 his heritage (that would be white mother)
1 more time SHEEP....You will be slaughtered if you elect this phony!
Credit Card Shaving: Scammers Go Low-Tech With Trick:
Glue sticks and sharp knives power this scam.............
Forget high-tech hacking. One new credit card scam relies more on X-Acto knives and glue sticks than wi-fi and laptops, but helps criminals steal your money just the same.
More from CreditCards.com:
• More Take Social Lending Route to Consolidate Debt
• J.D. Power: AmEx Leads the Pack in Customer Satisfaction
• 5 Steps to Avoid ID Theft at the Register
Shaving is a low-tech form of card theft where thieves sort through sets of 16-digit numbers to find one that matches an existing card, and then verifying that number either by trying to make a purchase online or by phone. The scammers can also buy a list of valid credit card numbers from black market sites online. Once they have their hands on a valid account number, they then create a new card with those numbers by shaving the numbers off of gift cards or expired credit cards and gluing them onto a defunct or stolen card. The magnetic strip is gouged with a knife or pen so that a store clerk has to manually enter the account number on a keypad, and the charge goes through.
If they're successful, months can pass before a cardholder discovers the fraud. After all, if your wallet hasn't been stolen and you haven't misplaced a card, you may be puzzled to discover that your card has been compromised even though it's safely tucked away the entire time.
While it might not be the simplest way to commit an identity theft, card shaving is on the rise. "Desperate times mean desperate measures," said Robert Siciliano, CEO of IDTheftSecurity.com and author of "The Safety Minute: Living on High Alert." "In this economy, we are seeing scams of all kinds resurfacing, including credit card shaving."
Both Merchants and Consumers Are Gatekeepers
Card shaving's growth comes partly as a reaction to increased high-tech credit card security steps, experts say. "As regulati ons and security tightened on electronic credit card processing networks, it became increasingly difficult for hackers to penetrate them," says Shyam Krishnan, an industry analyst with the Smart Cards group at Frost & Sullivan, a high-tech research and consulting firm. And so they turned to other low-tech scams, such as card shaving.
Because the scam requires clerks to enter the card number manually, merchants are the first line of defense in catching the perpetrators. These fraudulent cards usually look suspicious to begin with -- the numbers and letters often haphazardly glued on -- and that alone should raise red flags with store clerks and cashiers. However, many shaving scammers primarily use the cards in busy bargain stores where clerks are too harried to pay much attention and verification systems are so outdated that they don't require a matching ZIP code or other personal data.
"If merchants physically inspect all cards, they'll minimize the incidents of counterfeit cards being used," says Tom Harkins, chief strategy officer at Secure Identity Systems.
It's in the merchant's best financial interest to keep a watchful eye. After all, any charges made with the number would likely be disputed by the card's rightful owner, leaving the merchant with little option but to absorb the loss through a chargeback. That's why Siciliano recommends that merchants refuse service if the card doesn't scan. "Manually typing the card number in when there is even a hint of suspicion is risky," he says.
Merchants should also turn the card over and ensure the back of the card has the proper marks. For sales conducted without a card for online or phone transactions, Harkins advises merchants to protect themselves by requesting the three-number security code on the back of the card (four digits and on the front of American Express cards). "If it doesn't match, ask additional questions or investigate the customer before completing the transaction," he says.
Inevitably, some of the scammers will succeed, and unless the cardholder has a firm handle on his or her account, the crime can go entirely unnoticed. Experts say this further reinforces the need for cardholder diligence on a regular basis. "It's vital to check your balances and accounts on a regular basis and report any suspicious purchases to help identify the theft quickly," says Krishnan.
Disposable Card Numbers Are One Solution
Another way consumers can fight shaving is with a credit card account that generates a new number for every new transaction. Citibank offers Virtual Account Numbers to cardholders for online purchases while PayPal provides the Secure Card in the form of a MasterCard debit card. While these can only be used online, Qsecure is rolling out a SmartStripe credit and debit card that looks like any other card. However, a chip embedded in the card's magnetic stripe automatically generates a different number for each purchase.
Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den and I said to her, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state,
dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That would be no quality of life at all, If that
ever happens, just pull the plug.'
So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.
She's such a bitch.
Hillary is out but Palin
Phoenix City Arizona Police Crush Mexican Street Gang .......
coming to a neighborhood near you!
Bet you feel proud of yourself. You stole other people's personal information. What do you plan to do with it? Sell it to others who are just like yourself? What did Countrywide do to you that was so bad that you had to steal people's personal information? Didn't you do your job correctly? Were you the type that thought you could go to work, push some buttons when the boss was around, making it look like you were working when you really weren't? When they turned their back, you went to play on porn sites or try to pick up women?
Well, let me tell you, asshole. You should be lucky I'm not a policeman or in law inforcement. I've worked hard to keep my credit good since I was able to work. The police & prosecuters will be so much more kinder to you than I would. If it were my choice of punishment, you wouldn't be able to have sex for a long time. Why? I would kick you so f**king hard where it hurts, that it would take about 3 months for you to shit your dick out of your ass.
But then, when you are caught & YOU WILL BE, you may not be having sex for a long time. If you do, it will be up the ass! You'll become someone's bitch in prison. Enjoy the freedom while you can.
Get in the kitchen bitch......
make my breakfast!
I drove through Del Taco today. They had a sign posted listing Ketchup as "Gringo Sauce."
How fucking racist is that!
Boycott these assholes!
Get in the Kitchen BITCHES....
from the FREE Recipe Section, try this one:
Love You Long Time Pork Ribs -
(Asian-Barbecue Style Ribs)
Rating: Dumb Ass
Hoison Sauce
Hickory BBQ Sauce
Soy Sauce
Hot Pepper Sauce
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Curry Powder
Chili Powder
4-6 Pork Ribs
½ Onion sliced
2 cloves Garlic chopped
In a large bowl, combine ½ cup of Ketchup, 3 tbsp Hoison Sauce, ¼ cup of hickory barbecue sauce 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 2 tbsp hot pepper sauce, 2 tbsp of Honey, 2 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp chili powder, 1 tbsp of curry powder, ½ tbsp of pepper, 1 tbsp garlic powder, 1 tbsp of onion powder, 1 ½ cups of water. Mix thoroughly until even. Marinate pork ribs for 1-2 hours or overnight.
In a semi-deep, coverable pan, sauté onion and garlic in enough olive oil to coat for one minute. Gently brown the ribs on both sides for thirty seconds, enough to simply sear the meat. Then set aside. Pour marinade into pan and bring to a boil for 30 seconds then lower heat to simmer. When sauce is simmering, place ribs into mixture. Cover and cook for 3-5 hours (depending on how tender you desire).
After 3-5 hours add 1-2 tbsp of flour and continuously stir to thicken sauce. If it doesn’t turn into gravy, then add more flour. Place ribs back into gravy for one or two minutes to heat them up.
Serve those ribs, bitch!
re, Get in the Kitchen, BITCHES!
911 was an inside job.....
Bush did it with the Jews!
re, 911
Let it go!
We Will Never Forget!!!!
You need to pull your head out of your ass and wipe the shit from your eyes, you obviously can't see things for what they are.
Or maybe you're a fucken islamic extremist or sympathizer hiding behind your computer.
It's whack jobs like you that we don't want running this country.
Obama sucks!!!
Where are all the people who have a brain?
Not on Craigslist.
This is the board to be, post here, post often, post intelligent!
Malcolm X - Marxist - Racist
The Obama Nation is coming to America
please sniff my panties
Dear Ken,
Sorry I haven't been around.
I am on the campaign trail with Barack Hussein Obama...
he's been showing me his tiny little black ding-a-ling.
Come Spank Bad Barbie
P.E.T.A. Sucks....
but I'd like to skull fuck one of those naked P.E.T.A. bitches and make her my kitchen slave!
re, come spank barbie ....
great blog, really well done, I love it.
......put lipstick on Michelle and she still looks lie a PIG!
oinker alert
Dear Ken,
I gave Barbie a full facial today, it blew her head right off....
Dear Superman,
Barbie has been cloned, several million times, so I doubt if you got the original...
I porked Lois Lane last month and now she's pregnant with my baby.
Michelle Obama can put her lipstick on me anytime.
Fuck Mexico
Fuck all you Mexican Bastards
Fuck all Illegals no matter where they are from
screw all you gringos...
we are here and there is nothing you can do about it...
Obama or McCain, doesn't matter they are both for amnesty and open borders...
after the election there will be another 10 million of us entering the USA.
Hey there mr illegal...
your mexican slut wife sure enjoys my white cock while your off cleaning my toilets and cutting my grass
we give up gringos, we are heading for the border - the Canadian border that is
NEW RULES for Posting About Illegals / Wetbacks / Cockroaches / Beaners / Miggers -- LIVE WITH IT
1) I am always right. All others are just plain stupid and fucked up!
2) Any questions, dumb asses see rule number one!
Study finds dangerous chemicals in natural medicine sold online
I smoke two joints in the morning.
I smoke two joints at night.
I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright
I smoke two joints in time of peace, and two in time of war
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,
And then I smoke two more
Daddy he once told me son you be hard workin man And momma she once told me son you do the best you can But, then one day I met a man who came to me and said Hard work good, and hard work fine but first take care of head
I am gonna post this everywhere, hahaha
I put the flag up every day to show my patriotism for my country.The mailman keeps putting it back down.
un golla that mulatto Obama he gonna let all us black people into the amerika
please nigga
Obama the baby killer
kill all white baby fetus
then send them to Kenya for lion food
u sick bastards
re, u sick bastards...
we throw up on you bitch
now get your ugly ass back into the kitchen and serve your man
Hello Ken
You should check yourself into the nearest free clinic,
I got Herpes Simplex 10
I just stuck my fingers in my babe in the bowling ball position...
anyone want to sniff them?
I'd pay real money to have a virgin midget.
Obama supporters are all Trolls.
Remember 9/11
and support our troops......
4 Sale 400 undocumented illegal aliens primarily Mexican.
Sold by the pound.
One penny per pound.
Buy’em, Trade’em, Re-sell’em.
Franchises available.
you can put lipstick on a liberal, but you still get a pig!!
The constitution states that the govt shall make no laws governing the church.
there it is seperation of church FROM state!
the constitution regulates the state, NOT the church!
Hey Annie Oakley.....drop the Glock. I was peeking over the fence earlier, because I am the Commander of the Neighborhood Pool Block Watch Committee, and I was making sure that no young children were near your pool. Shame on you for thinking that I was leering in on you.....and those Double D's...and that postage stamp sized fur on your crotch. I think you should apologize for insinuating that I was being anything but a kind and courteous neighbor.
Best Ways To Avoid The Office Bug:
Every year you watch as colds and the flu pass from co-worker to co-worker, hoping you're not next on the office's hit list and then you end up getting sick anyway.
A weak immune system or plain bad luck might be to blame. But it's more likely that you and your colleagues unknowingly have a few bad habits that make it easy for a virus and its accompanying misery to spread in your office.
If you want to avoid falling victim this year, infectious disease specialists say extra vigilance about hand hygiene, among other precautions, might do the trick.
"We know that some years (viruses) are more severe than others," says Dr. Neil Fishman, associate professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and director of the Department of Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control for the University of Pennsylvania Health System. "But it's not impossible to totally avoid getting sick."
Top Targets
In order to understand how to avoid the office bug you first need to know what you're up against when cold and flu season strikes. While cold viruses are present year round, the number rises as the weather cools. Cold, dry air drains the normal amount of mucus we carry in our nasal passages, making it easier for viruses to attach to the tissues in your nose, Fishman says. We also tend to spend more time indoors during the winter months-ordering in lunch instead of going out, for instance increasing our chances of contact with someone who is sick.
There's a good chance you'll run into infected people in your office, in particular, because taking a sick day isn't considered a possibility by some people. In a 2007 CCH survey of more than 300 human resource executives in U.S. organizations, 38% said presenteeism, when sick employees show up for work, was a problem in their organizations. In addition, 87% said those employees usually have illnesses like colds or the flu, according to CCH, a provider of tax and business law information and software solutions. Past research led by Walter "Buzz" Stewart, director of the Geisinger Center for Health Research, has estimated that presenteeism costs U.S. businesses $150 billion per year in productivity.
Just how easily can a cold spread? If you're one of those types who desperately tries to avoid sitting next to a sniffling, sneezing and wheezing colleague during a meeting, you've got good reason.
"If you had X-ray vision," says Dr. William Schaffner, professor and chair of the Vanderbilt Department of Preventive Medicine and vice president of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, "you would see a cloud of viruses around them. Every time they exhale, respiratory viruses come out, extending about three feet, creating a cloud around them."
But that's not the only way you could fall ill. Research out of the University of Virginia Health System in 2006 showed that people infected with rhinovirus, the cause of half of all colds, can contaminate common objects, such as light switches, which can infect others. To make matters worse, the day before you actually come down with a cold you're already excreting virus. In other words, the co-worker who hovered over your desk the other day or borrowed your ID badge could be sick but not have symptoms yet.
Handy Advice
Ask an infectious disease specialist how not to get sick, no matter where you are, and they'll tell you one thing over and over: wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Most organisms are more easily transmitted through hand contact than sneezes, says Dr. Bill Sutker, medical director of infectious diseases at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. Once we come into contact with a virus, all we have to do is rub our noses, scratch the area around our eyes or touch our mouths and we're in trouble.
You should also try to avoid touching your face with unwashed hands, but that can be harder than it sounds. If you have an itch on your face, you tend to scratch it without stopping to think about whether your hands are clean.
If you've got a lot of door handles in between your office's bathroom sink and your desk, consider trying the old method of using a paper towel as a protective barrier for your hand or keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on your desk. Since not everyone spends the recommended 15 seconds scrubbing, an alcohol-based gel is a good back-up method, Sutker says.
Unfortunately, your best bet for boosting your immunity also does not come in pill or powder form. Most doctors agree there's not enough evidence to recommend people take products packed with vitamin C or Echinacea to ward off the office bug. You'd be much better off regularly taking a multivitamin and focusing on some of the cornerstones of good health, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition and a good night's sleep, says Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. While some genetics are involved, your immunity is basically a function of how healthy you are overall.
Of course, no matter how strong your immune system is or how many precautions you take you may not be able to avoid every cold that passes through the halls of your office. But it's always worth a shot.
Palin leaves open option of war with Russia
FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin left open the option Thursday of waging war with Russia if it were to invade neighboring Georgia and the former Soviet republic were a NATO ally. "We will not repeat a Cold War," Palin said in her first television interview since becoming Republican John McCain's vice presidential running mate two weeks ago.
Palin told Charles Gibson of ABC News that she'd favor including Georgia and Ukraine, both former Soviet republics, in NATO despite opposition by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Asked whether the United States would have to go to war with Russia if it invaded Georgia, and the country was part of NATO, Palin said: "Perhaps so."
"I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help," she said.
Pressed on the question, Palin responded: "What I think is that smaller democratic countries that are invaded by a larger power is something for us to be vigilant against ... We have got to show the support, in this case, for Georgia. The support that we can show is economic sanctions perhaps against Russia, if this is what it leads to."
She added: "It doesn't have to lead to war and it doesn't have to lead, as I said, to a Cold War, but economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure, again, counting on our allies to help us do that in this mission of keeping our eye on Russia and Putin and some of his desire to control and to control much more than smaller democratic countries."
Palin spoke the same day Putin insisted that Russia has no intention of encroaching on the sovereignty of Georgia, following a brief war that left Russian troops in firm control of two breakaway regions. Putin also aggressively defended the decision to send troops to Georgia, saying Russia had to act after Georgia attacked South Ossetia last month.
On other matters, Palin said she "didn't hesitate" when McCain asked her to be his running mate, a surprise selection that shook up the presidential race.
"I answered him 'yes' because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate," said the 44-year-old Palin, who has been in office less than two years.
Questioned about whether she felt ready to step in as vice president or perhaps even president if something happened to the 72-year-old McCain, Palin said: "I do, Charlie, and on January 20, when John McCain and I are sworn in, if we are so privileged to be elected to serve this country, we'll be ready. I'm ready."
Gibson also read Palin a comment she made in her former church "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God" and asked whether she thought the United States was fighting a holy war.
Palin said she was recalling Abraham Lincoln's words when she made the comment and said: "I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words."
She said she didn't know if her son Track who is headed to Iraq was on a mission from God.
"What I know is that my son has made a decision. I am so proud of his independent and strong decision he has made, what he decided to do and serving for the right reasons and serving something greater than himself and not choosing a real easy path where he could be more comfortable and certainly safer," Palin said.
re, Palin leaves open option of war with Russia.....
this crazy bitch has lost my vote!
re,re,Palin leaves open option of war with Russia-
WTF is up with these asshole Republicans, they are bent on renewing the Cold War and starting WW III ...
The democrats are bent on bankrupting the nation.
I have worked at Dillards (2 locations here in the Valley) in their shoe department for 4 years. My studies and appraisals of all the women who come to try on the latest styles have led me to say that black women have the most unsightly feet imaginable. They have nice bootys, but their feet are grim. Hispanic women are exceptional, but nothing like a soft, high arched white woman. Paint those toes, ladies.
How to earn a 6-figure income with no intelligence or experience and no law or medical degree.
Also pick your own work hours and you can't get fired if you don't show up.
How -
Become a United States Senator
The salary is
$165,200 per year
somebody, anybody - have you seen my dirty panties?
re, in search of .......
wow, I agree!
I've always wanted to do midget.
A virgin would be top of the line tight pussy.
Good morning world.
You have got to see this interview with an Australian Politician about a crude oil spill ... it is hilarious. Proof all these idiot politicians all over the world should be taken out and shot.
See it at, latest entry to:
Patton Doctrine
I'm a Black Republican but I am supporting my brother, Barack Obama.
re, I'm a Black Republican
re,re,I'm a Black Republican-
who gives a shit?
is such a FAG !!!!
1 cock + 1 cock = GAY
But hey, what ever floats your boat, or in this case your penis....
100%, BONA-FIDE, pole smoking queer bait.
hey hey hey
It's getting kinda hot in here from all the flaming gayness!
Too funny
Shemale sex is NOT gay
re, Shemale sex is NOT gay
u idiot u r gay, u faggot stick pole anus fucking turd
I see someone has a little temper....
but I don't care!
The pooch has been screwed.....
I was sitting on my back porch drinking some coffee as I looked up my neighbors dog was getting it rammed to her ...
Si I did the logical thing, went into the toilet and jerked off.
RE: I'm a Black Republican !!!!!
how about you .......
I am a pole smoker and proude of it ...
Been a pole smoker ever since I joined Sheriff Joe's Pink Underwear Gang.
Why liberals frustrate me!
Ok, I'm so greatful to have an anonymous place to vent about this!
I have a sister in-law that of course is a liberal, loves Obama!
She is in her late 30's, bleached blonde, fake boobs, will only wear Hollister, and she drives a Hummer. We were talking about how school lunches are expensive to get for all your kids and I told her that I just pack my kids lunches ever morning to save money and because it's healthier. And she said, "I think I should apply for free lunch, I think I can get it if I just claim that I'm seperated from my husband"
I was raised too polite to even respond to that one but I was shocked! The free school lunch program is for families that are destitute and could not otherwise feed their children. Liberals think that everyone else should pay their way. That everybody else owes them and that they are entitled to recieve an increased standard of living from the government. It's so rediculous! I don't think my tax money should be used to support spoiled women like her!
And I know I have typos and mispelled words in here, just for the school nerds that like to edit, lol!
RE: Why liberals frustrate me!
I agree......
re, pole smoker
I am the opposite, I am a pole thruster...
love to get those newbies in my cell.
I pump those young virgin male butts and make them scream for their mommy.
Mexicans yell the loudest the little whimps.
I had been going through items wanted and saw a post of someone in need of clothes. sounded desperate so I thought I was being nice and went through all my clothes and sorted out the ones that I haven't worn in a while but probably would have eventually. All in great shape and nice. (an entire box full)
and instead of a thank you I got complaints.
well never again!!
my donation days are over.
People are soooo unappreciative!!!
Cowboys v Eagles
Girl Auctioning Off Her Virginity on the Howard Stern Show .......
WTF is wrong with people. I hope some douche bag full of diseases fucks her and tears her a new hole.
re, Girl Auctioning Off Her Virginity -
This girl wants to give herself up so that she can go to Grad School.
22-year-old college student ...
The auction is in Las Vegas at the Bunny Club.
See the video at:
Obama is like fried chicken and water mellon on the 4th of July...
once you had it, the holiday is over and you move on.
stop listening to the hype...
Obama is a bullshitter.
Found on the FREE Section of Philadelphia craigslist (CL) -
Bedside Commode
I have a bedside commode in excellent condition. It has the bucket and lid and is fully functional. It is free and it must go soon. I can deliver locally for $5.00 if you cannot come due to disability.
Memories of a cold cunt ......
She just never gave me any play whatsoever in any way
Not even common courtesy. A Kind hello was greeted with silence as was a goodbye. Any favor I ever did for her was never met with a thank you.
It was like this from the moment I met her so I know it couldn't have started with something I said or did and I wasn't the only person she treated this way.
The moment I met her I was treated with suspicion and contempt. Was she a femi-nazi? One of these women's studies majors that basically just memorizes an ever growing list of reasons to hate men?
She was aloof and antisocial with me but cliquish with others. It was downright certifiable behavior; she wouldn’t say hi or bye when everyone else did
This frosty interaction went on for years and eventually I became completely distant and alienated when it came to her.
Just the sight of her made me go the other way or look the other way as I passed.
She was never outright rude or malicious just totally remote and unfriendly
What makes a person act like this? I really want to know because I really hate it. There’s something nonhuman about it, something anti-life and kill-joy about it all
Well she's dead now and I've got mixed feelings about it. It pains me to say she was always just a cold cunt to me. It pains me ever more to admit that for some reason I cared for her and always tried to change her behavior towards me
RE:Memories of a cold cunt-
Some people think that guys that use the word "cunt" are woman haters on some level.
re, RE:Memories of a cold cunt--
I use 'cunt' to describe men as well. I know the word 'cunt' hits the ears the way 'fuck' used to and I don't give a shit.
I specifically said that she treated other -most actually- people like this as well
So go fuck yourself you silly cunt
Some people are just stupid
Re: re,re, memories of a cold cunt...
Would you be referring to your mother-in-law? Or your boss? I've had both treat me that way.
re RE:Memories of a cold cunt
Memories of a cold cunt can easily be washed away with a soft kiss to warm cunt...
re RE:Memories of a cold cunt....
Wiser words were never spoken...Thank you for reminding me
white women with black men
Not to mention that once a Scumbag White Woman fucks an American Yard Ape ,no white man in his right mind would ever touch her ,cause she fucked a Spook
re, white women with black men
It is hilarious that nignogs think they are pissing off white guys because they are fucking a white bitch. The only white women you are banging are nothing to brag about. Enjoy our leftovers yard apes!
A felony?
A Drug charge?
A Heineken?
A appearance on Maury?
A access card?
A watermelon?
A stolen car?
A straw purchase?
A public defender?
A bucket?
A race card?
I hate having big tits. Seriously. Guys won't look at my eyes when they talk to me. No one takes me seriously.
I didn't do anything to get them. It's just genetics.
But I hate them.
Has anyone else noticed????
The homeless people with the cell phones, and the dogs? Seriously, aren't homeless people supposed to at least pretend that they are economically down and out?
U.S. could admit tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees in 2009...
the USA has gone insane, these are Muslims, bent on killing us and destroying America ... WTF is wrong with this damn government?
my darkest secret
Yesterday at work I stole someone's chicken sandwich and potato wedges from the employee refrigerator. It was random, and I left a nickel in it's place.
As expected, the forbidden meal was delicious. It made my toes curl. I ate it in my car in the parking lot with the windows rolled up and the radio off.
This morning they sent a memo around the office about stealing personal property. I saved the memo. I pinned it to my refrig at home.
I don't feel a bit guilty, and I'll probably do this again.
I will post whatever I like where ever I like whenever I like. If you don't like it, don't read it.
I use to see this girl and she stole some shit from me. I want to pay her back. i have her cell number. Does anyone know how I can make her miserable?
re, girl
yes put it up on every public restroom you can find with a line that says,
for a really good time, call ______
Nearly 3 million people without power as Ike hits Texas......
when are these idiot power companies going to learn to burry power line cables underground instead of running them overhead?
Russia's Putin to give judo lessons to France's Sarkozy -
This should NOT surprise anyone, Putin was once a senior KGB operative.
Since you left me I decided to list the things that I no longer need from you:
Your smerk of a smile
You’re constant nagging.
You telling me to get off my ass and make something of myself.
You helping me pack for trips
You going on trips with me
You calling me to tell me and bugging the shit out of me all the time.
How it feels at night not having sex with you.
Waking up in the morning, and you being there.
Working my ass off.
You there to tell me I did it wrong.
Your little note in my lunch box.
The way you treated my Mom
You not helping me build my first House
You not living in my last House.
The touch of your hand.
The kiss of your lips
Your hate of my dogs.
Your love of bad music.
But mostly - just - YOU.
24 Mexicans Were Just Found Murdered, Execution Style
So I purchased a 2001 Cavalier from a guy who advertises here on craigslist. I went out to look at it he said it was his own personal car and he bought a new one. That is why he was selling it. It had a 3-day tag in the window. He told me it needed to go thru emmisions. Well I bought it for 3000 I run it thru emissions and it turns out someone ran it thru 3 days before I bought it and it failed. I took it to my mechanic and someone removed the bulb on the check engine light and my mechanic says the transmission is going out. Well at this point in time I wanted my money back so I call him and he refused. I signed as bill of sale that stated I bought the car as is. well I searched thru this guys number and he has about 4 other cars for sale by owner. I feel he ripped me off and I am going to sue him in small claims court for fraud. Are there any other options I have with the DMV? Advice would be appreciated. It just pisses me off so much hat he would do this I almost just want to go kick in his door and beat the shit out of him. But legally besides sue him there is not much I can do?
re, I was RIPPED OFF BUYING A CAR - Help Me:
You signed a bill of sale saying you agreed to buy it as is, so probably you are stuck ...
never buy anything on CL (craigslist) the place is full of spammers and scammers (con artist).
re, re, I was RIPPED OFF BUYING A CAR - Help Me -
You just learned a valuable lesson.
Yes you got screwed but there probably isn't anything you can do about it.
I would put this guts name up on every board on the Internet so others don't get burned!
re, re, re, I was RIPPED OFF BUYING A CAR - Help Me.......
report this guy to the BBB
State Attorney Generals Office
File a police report for fraud
re, re,re,re - - I was RIPPED OFF BUYING A CAR, Help Me ...
you should have made him go with you to the DMV and made sure the car passed before you bought it.
also get a car checked out by a mechanic before you buy it from a private owner
A GREAT new invention!
I want to let you all know that there is a NEW invention that is available in YOUR car!
A little kid walks into a city bus and sits right behind the driver and starts yelling, ''If my dad was a bull and my mom a cow I'd be a little bull.''
The driver starts getting mad at the noisy kid, who continues with, ''If my dad was an elephant and my mom a girl elephant I would be a little elephant.''
The kid goes on with several animals until the bus driver gets angry and yells at the kid, ''What if your dad was a drunk and your mom was a prostitute?!''
The kid smiles and says, ''I would be a bus driver!''
Put on some worn out clothes and don't shave for a week and stand near a major off ramp and as the cars line up at the light, hold your sign and pat your stomach and hold your hand out like you have not eaten in days. I see these guys racking in at least 20 bucks an hour tax free. And they all look healthy enough to work any low skilled job. It's alot easier to pull a few heart strings and name your own hours of work
Let me get this straight.
If McCain wins
1. The more money I work for and earn, I keep?
2. Understands minimum wage is for minimum experience and minimum skill?
3. My money isn't distributed to those who don't or won't work?
4. My president would be a true patriot that never sold or took drugs?
5. If a back ground check were required for the job could he pass?
If Obama wins
1. I will have to work longer and harder to keep as much as I make now?
2. Minimum wage would increase with inflation. Making my $2.00 burger increase to $2.50. Decreasing my buying power?
3. My money is given out to anyone that can stick his/her hand in my pocket?
4. My president would be a self confessed drug user?
5. If a back ground check were required for the job could he pass?
Choose wisely.
RE:dark secret
Take it to the next level. Steal office supplies, then personal items, maybe a coveted stapler. Leave a box of donuts with an apology note and a week later leave out pictures of similar donuts on the floor, trash, in the toilet maybe even one shoved in your crack, and ask how they enjoyed the donuts. It is a dark road you have chosen, no need to look back now.
I am Sarah Palin and I an ready to be President ...
shoot those dirty commies I will
kill all the Muslims I will
Kill all the Liberals too....
I seem to have lost my panties again ...
too much weed last night...
better have some cocaine this morning to get my head straight!
I just stuck my finger up my own butt ....
does anyone want to smell it?
What kind of FARTS do you let?
The Toot Toot
The Squeaker
The Fog Horn
The Silent Killer
Goodmorning Newyorkcity
You're Fine, Me too, We're Fine. How are you? It's not as bad as you think, but it's never as good as we would like. Life's funny like that, but in the end you can't take it with you.
I'm obsessed with great butts on girls.
Saturday morning....
Would you give it a ride my hard-on?
Liberals - overgrown adolescents
I didn’t move for a fat women on the train,,,,
so she farted on me, and now I can't get the smell off!
RE: I'm obsessed with big black woman's ass...
paid for the committee to elect Al Sharpton to the President of the USA
Clap for Chaos
Why did it take sixty six years for the black chicks........
to start hitting on me?
Would any woman that is a perfect 10, want to see the tattoo on my dick?
"Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So - if you give her any crap, you can expect a ton of shit."
Fat people go to the moon
Skinny people go to venus
Black people go to mars
White people go to saturn
Jewish people go to pluto
Homosexuals go to uranius
Maybe we will have a better society soon!!!!
AIDS is the answer!
It MAY be natural selection.
I seriously pissed off a chick last night.
She didn't want to me jizz in her mouth because she's nauseated by it and it makes her want to puke. I told her I wouldn't. But I already knew I was going to do it.
Well, I had to control myself and not give off the usual signs of pending climax. When she realized I had just blown two weeks worth in her mouth, she really did get a really bad gag reflex and I thought she was going to throw up. She yelled at me and told me to get the fuck out, which was fine cuz I had no intentions of staying the night!!
Farts -
I am a Silent Killer
re, Q-4-Today,
Type of Farts-
I let those Fog Horns and then walk away fast....
re, re,Q-4-Today.....
I let those smelly awful silent killers!
re, re, re, Q-4-Today,
Type of Farts-
I let those toot toots
re, re,re,re,re, Q-4-Today -
toot toot is my speciality
re, re, re, re, re, re, Q-4-Today.........
I let those Fog Horns in the shower
I let go those terrible silent killers.
I love to do them at Wal-Mart.
RE: Q-4-Today...
Type of Farts-
My wife lets those loud FOG HORNS ...
about farts...
your Q,and,A for today
i let those squeakers
Fart Question.....
I just farted in your general direction...
It's rank, smelly, and awful..
The Silent Killer.
I rubbed my own cum on my lips
then I kissed my best friends hot wife hello
closest she'll come to eating my cum
she'll never know
made me horney...
I went straight to the bathroom right afterward
stroked my cock hard and jammed my fingers in my asshole
just thinking about her licking my cum off her lips
she probably wanted it anyway...
she's a filthy little whore.
My hubby told me he wanted to bang me this morning.
We were on our way out of the house, so I've been waiting for him all night.
He's playing xbox 360.....ahhhhh.
So, I had to masterbate instead. Goodnite!!!!!!!
Sexually, horny, frustrated, queens girl.
Periscope of unidentified foreign submarine spotted near Japan.......
TOKYO Japan was searching Sunday for an unidentified foreign submarine detected in its territorial waters earlier in the day, the Defense Ministry said.
The Aegis destroyer Atago of Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force spotted what it determined to be a periscope of an unknown submarine between Kyushu and Shikoku islands in western Japan, the ministry said.
By the time officials confirmed that the submarine was not a U.S. or Japanese vessel, it had left the area, it said.
Officials dispatched the Atago as well as P-3C patrol airplanes to look for the submarine, the ministry said in a statement.
"We need to do our utmost to track down the submarine and get to the bottom of the incident," Defense Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi was quoted by Kyodo News agency as saying.
Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, foreign submarines and other underwater vehicles are "required to navigate on the surface and to show their flag" in territorial waters during peacetime.
In November 2004, a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine entered Japanese territorial waters near the southern island of Okinawa and ignored Japanese orders for it to surface. The incident escalated already stormy relations with China at the time, stirring up fear in Japan over China's military.
That submarine's presence prompted the Maritime Self-Defense Force to go on alert for the second time since World War II.
Hayashi said Sunday's incident was not serious enough to call for similar security operations, according to Kyodo.
More crazy item on craigslist (CL), this one on the FREE Section Board in Phoenix Arizona....
Tree Trunks
YES, Free trunks to anyone who would want them. Send me a note and I will give you directions. I live in North Phoenix.
You can put lipstick on a Communist , but he's still a Communist........
Sarah Palin for President
the truth neither side wants you to know
I fucked a Thai girl last night...
they just lay there like they're dead.
I'm getting my knob polished by a Thai whore in Bangkok.
They love sucking white cock.
re, Thai Whores...
been there, done that -
bet ya my Filipino bitch is much netter.
I am selling off my Illegal whores.
I have all ready fathered two anchor babies with some, one with others, and one is pregnant.
A total of 7 Illegal Mexican sluts...
buy them individually or as a package.
$175.00 each
$1,000.00 for the group.
They love to get pregnant and suck white cock.
I farted on a Mexican child's head today at Target
As usual, certain people were making my shopping experience more difficult than it had to be., so I took a page from Miss Firing's book and had myself some fun.
When the little brown menace to society wouldn't move out of my way, I turned around and backed up until my ass was inches from his little face. Then I let loose with a long loud fart of watermelon and cantalope. Amazingly, Nacho just stood there defiantly for a few seconds. Then the blast wave hit and he ran away yelling with his hand over his mouth. Little asshole!
As I made my way through the store, my attention was drawn to the sound of another ill mannered, screaming his head off, little shithead Mexican. So I walked right up and sneezed all over the kids head. It was one of those deep snot filled sneezes that makes your chest ache. There's no doubt in my mind that the little screaming shithead is going to be sick all week.
And I say so what ?
I deserve to shop in peace and I believe it's time to fight back at those who strain the social fabric of America. I totally understand Miss Firing trying to enjoy her Starbucks at Barnes & Noble when that horrible Breeder Family invaded and destroyed everyone's peace.
I say make em pay !
A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.
He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:
'Dear Lord:
I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home.
I want her to know what I go through.
So, please allow her body to switch with mine for a day.
God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish.
The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman.
He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate,
Awakened the kids,
Set out their school clothes,
Fed them breakfast,
Packed their lunches,
Drove them to school,
Came home and picked up the dry cleaning,
Took it to the cleaners
And stopped at the bank to make a deposit,
Went grocery shopping,
Then drove home to put away the groceries,
Paid the bills and balanced the check book.
He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.
Then, it was already 1P.M.
And he hurried to make the beds,
Do the laundry, vacuum,
And sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home.
Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework.
Then, set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing.
At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper.
After supper,
He cleaned the kitchen,
Ran the dishwasher,
Folded laundry,
Bathed the kids,
And put them to bed.
At 9 P.M .
He was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.
The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said: -
'Lord, I don't know what I was thinking.
I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day.
Please, oh! Oh! Please, let us trade back.
The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied:
'My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were.
You'll just have to wait nine months, though.
You got pregnant last night.'
This has been voted Women's Favorite E-mail of the Year!
Obama or McCain
Neither one is worth a shit.
Bastard child or Geriatric. What kind of choice is that?
re I farted on a Mexican child's head today at Target
I have to say that is hilarious. I hate shopping when the mexicans are there. They are rude and stand right in your way and stare at you. Now all I do is hit them with my cart.
When I'm riding in the left lane going 73 in a 55 I'm not moving over. Keep in mind if you are tailgating a biker we carry bb's, nuts, bolts, ect. Opps over the shoulder and bye bye windshield. I don't know what happened, guess must have kicked something up off the road. If that bike had to hit the breaks there is no way you are going to stop that SUV in time and you are going to run over somebody. The furthest left lane is the safest place for a bike to ride. So until people learn to drive and put the phone down that where I'll ride. The closer you tailgate me the slower I will go to create space between me and the car in front of me.
is for idiots and suckers
White man have big penis...
Filipino man have small dick...
you white men come to Manila I love you big time...
.............I suck other men's cock
hello fellow air travelers.....
on my trip over to London I took a nap on the plane and masturbated.
My cum is all over the blanket...
so if you fly BA you better checked your blanket for stains, they may be mine.
How Do You Tell Whom the Bride is at a Muslim Wedding?
She's the one with the braided underarms.
For Sale:
5 French Rifles.........Never Been Fired.....
10,000 cases of disposable razors and 10,000 cases of soap......Never been used.......
1 Medal Of Honor....
None to present it to.....
......They should all be put to death!
So yesterday I had this this annoying guy come to my door.
He asked if I was Mr. ____, and I said yes.
Do they target certain voters now days?
He knew who I was and obviously where I lived.
He was wearing an Obama hat and shirt holding a clipboard. That right there got me all excited!
He asked if I had decided who to vote for?
I said yes and nothing more.
He then asked If it was for Obama, and I said; "No way, no way in hell, uhh uhh, not in a million years, no way, I would never vote for him, no way, never, ever, not ever in a million years."
While I was saying all that he had this strange look on his face!
Then he looked at me and said, "You're voting for John McCain aren't you?"
Looking all confused and disgusted. I said "no", again with the look of confusion. He then said "well then who?"
I said Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr, or maybe even Ralph Nader.
He says "Who?"
I then kind of got pissed and said, "this is the problem with this bullshit in America! You have no idea who these guys are because people like you don't do any kind of research, the stinking media props up 1 candidate from each party (with the most money) of 2 major parties only, and gives them all the press, they keep the others who are usually the much better candidates out of focus".
Then I said, I would never vote for anyone who would give amnesty to illegal aliens, and never vote or support anyone who allows them to stay.
He asked again for the other names and said he would take a look at them when he got home?
Unfreekin believable that this guy had no idea there were other people running!
No wonder we never get ahead or anything ever changes.
Neither you fucking morons, you stupid ass sheeple, you idiots....
nice wire steel cage.....
great for keeping your Illegal Mexican in until you need them to clean your toilets, cut your grass, etc.
you can your it to transport or keep your animal, like I do!
$55.00 OBO
it smells like a dead Mexican ....
rejoice, it is a dead Mexican ... the hot Arizona desert is full of them, unfortunately, only a small minority die... the rest make it.
FACT. Obama's father was Muslim
FACT. Obama did attend Muslim school
FACT. Obama did attend Rev. Wright's church for TWENTY years
FACT. Obama did not denounce Wright until after the videos of his anti American speech was exposed.
FACT. Michelle Obama is not proud of her country.
FACT. Obama expressed interest in sitting down with the EXTREME RADICAL ISLAMIST President of Iran.
Stocks plunge more than 500 points; worst day since 2001
re, Stocks plunge more than 500 points; worst day since 2001 -
The democrats point the finger at Bush and the Republicans but they have had control of the Congress for 2-years and promised to change things...
they did for the worse...
they are trying to tell the American people they knew nothing of this coming for two years, ya right, more bullshit!
Shots fired at U.S. helicopters near Pakistani border.
LETS Nuke Pakistan and kill all the dirty Muslim bastards, let GOD sort them out later!
WOW, if this doesn't hit the nail on the head, I don't know what
Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same
complaint. Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip
The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same
day and has a time booked for surgery the following week.
The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an
appointment, then waits 8 weeks to see a specialist,then gets an
x-ray, which isn't reviewed for another week and finally has his
surgery scheduled for a month from then. Why the different treatment
for the two patients?
The FIRST is a Golden Retriever. The SECOND is a Senior Citizen.
Next time take me to a vet!
Q/4/Today is....
What is your favorite SEX position?
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