Oh yeah, old Fred Flinstone is busy posting his Rants-and-Raves.
Blogging, it's now an American Icon!
CLOSED for Posting - Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of September 2008.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to craigslist.org Rants and Raves.
Sep 1, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 901 Newer› Newest»Pakistan finds suspected US spy drone wreckage....
proof the ignorant Paki Muslims attacked the U.S.
Scientists want to bring back Galapagos tortoise species...
more stupid P.E.T.A. nonsense...
when a species dies off there is a reason!
The country is in such a mess 1 out 5 people don't like either person. 1 out of 5, think about that... think of 5 of your friends and 1 thinks it doesn't matter who is in the seat in the office. A sane person wouldn't want anything to to with running this country. Think about that......If you could would you really want be in charges?
Iranian President Ahmadinejad speaks at the United Nations despite protests against free speech:
....They SUCK !!!
Use human milk, PETA asks Ben & Jerry...
Proof these assholes are total whackos and should all be put to death in the interest of public safety.
re, human milk........
who the hell would buy ice cream from Ben & Jerry or anyone else if it was made from human milk?
I agree these PETA people are totally insane and very dangerous.
'm against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.
Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.
To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.
Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up.
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.
My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free.
So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.
Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.
That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.
But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.
What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.
Repay college loans - what a great boost to new grads
Put away money for college - it'll be there
Save in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car - create jobs
Invest in the market - capital drives growth.
Pay for your parent's medical insurance - health care improves
Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean - or else........
Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's really do it...instead of trickling out
a puny $1000.00 ( "vote buy" ) economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.
If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult
U S Citizen 18+!
As for AIG - liquidate it.
Sell off its parts.
Let American General go back to being American General.
Sell off the real estate.
Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here's my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't.
Sure it's a crazy idea that can "never work."
But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion.
We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC.
And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.
Ahhh...I feel so much better getting that off my chest.
Ky. man sets new criminal milestone: his 1,000th arrest
I hate cats...
I am still looking for a good undocumented illegal babe who wants to have an anchor baby with me.
Reply here...
I'll give you all the babies you want!
I understand the the FBI is initiating investigations toward allegations of high fraud: Fannie, Freddie, Lehman Bros, AIG, Goldman Sachs.
....toilets, rectums, and shit?
Shave off the eyebrows and draw them back on with a crayon or sharpie ,what
the fuck are they thinking ?? If the (ATZLAN WARRIORS) like that crap
they are more screwed up than the ugly bitches , next thing they will be
tattooing their faces with shit like ms13 and teardrops and that ugly ass flag.
I have been dealing with a bunch of morons , but I knew that in the beginning
I will pray for all of you ignorant browns , just as soon as I post this !!!
The great one has SPOKEN
Is there anything that you beaners dont fuck up , is there any law you wont
break ,do you have an excuse for having kids that you can not feed, what
is it do you hate kids , dont give a fuck about them .let em wander the
streets with no diapers, snot dripping down crying because they're hungry
Dogs can be taught English in a very short time.
Dogs can be taught not to shit where they live.
Dogs understand not to go into their neighbors yard.
Dogs know what a fence means.
Dogs breed far less and have better looking babies.
A dog is far less likey to rape your children.
A dog will fuck dog, so will a Mexican.
Dogs like to take a bath more than once a week.
Ever had a dog steal from you?
Ever had a dog spray paint your garage?
Ever had a dog throw trash in your neighborhood?
Ever seen a dog hit and run?
How many dogs are on welfare?
Well, you get the idea.
FUCK the mexxxican language.
Fuck all you mexican bastards !!
I am sick and tired of hearing how hard beaners work, it is quiet apparent that the large majority of you morons have NEVER hired a beaner to do anything other than yard-work, which is very easy work you fat ass americans should try it sometime, it is good exercise.
I primise it wont hurt, but back to the wetbacks I have worked 100"s of the worthless bastards and never had one that i wanted back.
MOST of them quit after 2 hours stating through an interpreter that they did not want to work that hard.......
More Later !!!!
white friends, flush the toilet paper
wetbacks, leave the T.P. in the garbage can for all to see, totally uncivilized.
white friends were born here,
wetbacks, well you know the answer to that.
whites friends wear sweatpants and shorts to buy groceries.
wetbacks wear prom dresses from 1985
white friends have new cars.
wetbacks drive uninsured P.O.S.'es
white friends speak American
wetbacks speak a form of Ebonic spanish.
white friends live in nice homes.
wetbacks build those homes for white people so later whites find out how shitty they are built.
whites used their, work smart, not hard ethic to build this country.
wetbacks are destoying it.
whites made our money the strongest "bang for the buck".
wetbacks have diminished the value of the dollar too almost nothing.
whites in the last decade have killed 4 police officers in the U.S..
wetbacks have kiled almost 40.
whites have built this country with the help of blacks.
wetbacks brought us the taco.
whites make the styles and fads.
wetbacks wait 20 years to catch on??......the mullet.
Whites invented pro sports.
wetbacks watch and even play soccer, again.....??????
whites have invented almost 80% of the inventions worldwide.
wetbacks built the taco.........and a bunch of shitty houses.
whites run the country.
wetbacks can't vote.
white fund the taxes.
wetbacks don't pay any.
whites have identification
wetbacks do too, YOURS!
Whites fund hospital care.
wetbacks use it all up......over 190 million last year in Harris County.
whites need jobs.
wetbacks replace 60 whites with 100 wetbacks.
whites will defend this country with their lives.
wetbacks are the reason you WILL have too.
Is there anything that you beaners dont fuck up , is there any law you wont break ,do you have an excuse for having spicklets that you can not feed, what is it do you hate kids , dont give a fuck about them .let em wander the streets with no diapers, snot dripping down crying because they're hungry ......
I love to see a starving cockroach migger illegal beaner!
....from the U.S. Congress just for illegal miggers to make anchor babies with!
M-Mental Moron
E-Every Mexican is a (see M above).
X-The way most Mexicans sign their name.
I-Idiots, Ignorance.
C-C Can't, as in can't get a job, can't understand, can't speak English, can't stay out of jail, can't get a drivers license, can't keep their little whore teenage daughters legs closed, can't take a bath, etc., etc., etc., you get the picture.
O-This is actually a zero. It is the total worth of any given Mexican.
FACT: Obama received $125,000 in campaign contributions from the rich running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
FACT: Obama voted to block legislation in 2005 which would have regulated Fannie and Freddie, adverting this financial crisis.
FACT: McCain was co-sponsor of the legislation which could have saved us. Obama has never sponsored anything of significance in his life.
CONCLUSION: Obama is a whore of the greedy rich and should be in jail, not on the campaign trail.
200 million x 4 = 800 million
200 million x 40 = 8 billion
200 million x 400 = 80 billion
200 million x 400,000 = 80 *trillion*
the Federal Reserve is a Private corp. income
Fucking lawless scum!
China launches three-man crew for nation's first spacewalk-
again and again the USA is falling behind!
Pakistani troops fire at U.S. helicopters along Afghan border, again!
Office Lunch Thief
There is a container filled with delicious looking spaghetti in the fridge at work. It has been there all week. I want it. The only clearly does not. Now, tell me, after I heat and eat, what do I do with the container? It is a nice container, although ruined by spaghetti sauce.
re, downtown philadelphia
been there a week has it, probably bad, I hope you get sick you dirty bastard
Black crime costs hundreds. White crime costs Billions.
Cactus Jim
I keep my money in my boots.
re, Cactus Jim
Obviously you are NOT aware of the cost to feed, house, and care for prison inmates, supply them with lawyers, court cost, etc.
stand back the Oprah Winfrey bitch is doing the Obama nigga thing again!
I am loving my first college semester, everyday I get to take my panties off and party hard.
It's just about the right size to cover my huge cock and keep it warm and fuzzy!
I love this, NPR interviewed the President of Liberia on the Economis crisis in the US . It seems the President of Liberia is concerned that if the US give the $700 billion bail out to wall street that we won't have enough money left for THEM ! What the fuck , it's bad enough we have to support our own do nothing negroes , do we really have to support the do nothings of the world ?
I hate HOA's...
They all suck!
do you smell that?
it smells like shit...
there must be a mexican close by!
There is ongoing illegal boarding activities in the Desert Hills & New River area (North of Phoenix Arizona). Folks with residential properties have been opening their doors to unsuspecting boarders who think its "safe" to board their horse there.
I know first hand as me and my horses were suddenly forced to move out of a facility that was not zoned for boarding, training or lessons. Be careful where you choose to go as many facilities in the area have been recently violated by the County for this same issue. Ask to see a special use permit before you write that check!
Plus; now that I've educated myself on the subject it's also quite apparent those same places do not carry insurance in the event something happens to you or your horses or trailer.
We've also investigated some of the options in both areas and discovered the advertised prices did not include feed! With the price of feed, it would cost us around $100/mo per horse on top of the boarding fee. So why would we pay $280/mo for a backyard facility with no extras? Folks just need to think things through and be smart.
Don't learn the hard way like we did! It was unsettling to both our horses and to us to have to find a new place quickly.
Barack Hussein Obama is nothing nut a Nancy punk ass fagot.
Feel sorry for the illegals?
I have worked with many illegals in the past 6 years from 2 different granite companys in Phoenix. Most were real cool at work, but when you hear from their own mouths how it is so easy to decieve and cheat Americans and the system it really pisses you off. My wife and I have had our brand new car hit twice by illegals with no insurance, I can't afford to get it fixed with a $500 deductible. My sister was raped by three of them in Phoenix. In a mexican fast food bathroom, and of the people that where there, no one wanted to say anything to the police. Anytime I call the police for assitance with problems I have with them, the police tell me that there is not much of anything they can or will do. It is a waste of time for the police, because of false id's or they will not show for court and run back to their country. So, when I hear people complain about how it is not fair for all these illegals, I have no compasion for them. They create there own problems by not following the laws. When stuff starts happening to you or your family maybe you will realize there is a problem with illegals using yours or your family social security number or name. By the way illegals can come from anywhere outside the US, not just mexico.
re, Obama the faggot
Hey is he just a regular faggot or is Obama a flaming gay queer ass fucked fagot bitch?
screw all these illegals, send them back or turn them into fertilizer or pet food, andy of those work for me
re, no way, no how...
hay get even, shoot the fuckers and be done with it
Nuclear waste piling up in hospitals around the country.
Nuclear Waste is an issue ... Here's the full story unveiled:
BARNWELL, S.C. - Tubes, capsules and pellets of used radioactive material are piling up in the basements and locked closets of hospitals and research installations around the country, stoking fears they could get lost or, worse, stolen by terrorists and turned into dirty bombs.
For years, truckloads of low-level nuclear waste from most of the U.S. were taken to a rural South Carolina landfill. There, items such as the rice-size radioactive seeds for treating cancer and pencil-thin nuclear tubes used in industrial gauges were sealed in concrete and buried.
But a South Carolina law that took effect July 1 ended nearly all disposal of radioactive material at the landfill, leaving 36 states with no place to throw out some of the stuff. So labs, universities, hospitals and manufacturers are storing more and more of it on their own property.
"Instead of safely secured in one place, it's stored in thousands of places in urban locations all over the United States," said Rick Jacobi, a nuclear waste consultant and former head of a Texas agency that unsuccessfully tried to create a disposal site for that state.
State and federal authorities say the waste is being monitored, but they acknowledge that it is difficult to track and inspected as little as once every five years. Government documents and dozens of Associated Press interviews with nuclear waste generators, experts, watchdogs and officials show that thousands of these small radioactive items have already been lost, and that worries are growing.
"They'll end up offered up on eBay and flea markets and sent to landfills, or metal recycling plants places where you don't want them to be," said Stephen Browne, radiation control officer at Troxler Electronic Laboratories, one of the world's largest manufacturers of industrial gauges that use radioactive material.
There are millions of radioactive devices in use for which there is no long-term disposal plan. These include tiny capsules of radioactive cesium isotopes implanted to kill cancerous cells; cobalt-60 pellets that power helmet-like machines used to focus radioactive beams on diseased brain tissue; and cobalt and powdered cesium inside irradiation machines that sterilize medical equipment and blood.
Most medical waste can simply be stored until its radioactivity subsides within a few years, then safely thrown out with the regular trash. Some institutions store their radioactive material in lead-lined safes, behind doors fitted with alarms and covered with yellow-and-black radiation warning signs.
Over the past decade, however, 4,363 radioactive sources have been lost, stolen or abandoned, according to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission report released in February. Though none of the material lost was rated "extremely dangerous" meaning unshielded, up-close exposure can cause permanent injury within a few minutes and death within an hour more than half the radioactive items were never recovered, the NRC said.
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, owners of dangerous amounts of radioactivity have been told by the government to take greater precautions, such as having 24-hour surveillance, erecting barriers and fingerprinting employees, regardless of whether the devices are in use or stored as waste.
Yet in 2003, the federal Government Accountability Office reported there wasn't even a record of how many radioactive sources existed nationwide. In June, the GAO concluded that while there has been progress, more must be done to track radioactive material to prevent it from falling into terrorists' hands and ending up in a dirty bomb, or one that uses conventional explosives to scatter radiation.
"I don't think we're yet in crisis, but certainly there's information out there to suggest we may be closer to that than is comfortable for me," said Gregory Jaczko, a commissioner with the NRC, one of the agencies charged with tracking the material.
In 1987, four people died and hundreds fell ill after looters in Brazil found a cancer-therapy machine in an abandoned medical clinic and sold it as scrap metal. More recently, 19 small vials of cesium-137, implanted for cervical cancer treatments, disappeared in 1998 from a locked safe at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro, N.C. The tubes were never found and were believed stolen.
A terrorist would need to gather far more of those vitamin-sized capsules to create a dirty bomb capable of killing anyone within one city block, said Kelly Classic, a health physicist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
For decades, the government urged states to build low-level nuclear waste landfills, either on their own or in cooperation with nearby states. But those efforts have run into strong not-in-my-backyard resistance of the sort that led South Carolina lawmakers to close the Barnwell County landfill to all but three states. Only one low-level landfill, in Utah, has opened in the past 30 years. One more could open in Texas by the end of next year, but it would accept trash from only Vermont and the Lone Star State.
The government never set up penalties for states that failed to build landfills.
"Congress should have gotten involved a long time ago," said Richard Gallego, vice president of Thomas Gray and Associates Inc., a California company that prepares low-level waste for disposal.
Rich Janati, chief of nuclear safety for Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection, said: "It's a national issue, and we should look at it as a national problem and come up with a solution."
The government this week did move to shore up security by requiring hospitals and labs to better secure machines used to irradiate blood. Also, dirty-bomb fears have prompted the National Research Council to urge replacing the roughly 1,300 such machines in the U.S. with less hazardous but more expensive equipment.
To the guy looking for a good mexican illegal to fuck ...
just go to the border, find one crossing, take her, she's yours ... who's she gonna to complain to?
Re, Pakistan...
any of these shithole 'stan' countries should be nuke to oblivion, they are ALL useless ass muslims and muslims must be exterminated from the earth to preserve peace.
re, re, Pakistan....
Hey I say lets fuck a Paki girl and get her pregnant, Muslims will never tell anyone an Infidel fucked them, they will be killed by their own Islamic Muslim Family members.
Oh' Ya~ Liberals SUCK
....is fill assholes!
This shit is a scam.
It has been going around the Internet for years.
Those losers at craigslist (CL) love to post this ... don't bother with it.
So when you have to call customer service or billing, and someone isn't paying attention or assisting you as you need,
simple say ...
You're Not The One!
and, hang up.
It is their toll free number.
Wait a few minutes and call back or wait long enough for another shift to come on so you get a different person to talk to.
I am lovely, I need a fuck, bring some weed and do me in the butt.
re, KaRmA
people who believe in karma must watch 'My Name is Earl' on TV.
WaMu is largest U.S. bank failure
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Washington Mutual Inc was closed by the U.S. government in by far the largest failure of a U.S. bank, and its banking assets were sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co for $1.9 billion.
The rescue marks a historic step to clean up a U.S. financial system littered with toxic mortgage debt.
Washington Mutual, the largest U.S. savings and loan, was closed by the federal Office of Thrift Supervision, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp was named receiver. Customers should expect business as usual on Friday, the FDIC said.
The bailout came after the thrift suffered deposit outflows of $16.7 billion since September 15, the OTS said.
"With insufficient liquidity to meet its obligations, WaMu was in an unsafe and unsound condition to transact business," the OTS said.
Seattle-based Washington Mutual has about $307 billion of assets and $188 billion of deposits, regulators said. The nation's largest previous banking failure was Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust, which had $40 billion of assets when it collapsed in 1984.
The transaction gives JPMorgan roughly 5,400 branches, and fulfills JPMorgan Chief Executive Jamie Dimon's long-held goal of becoming a retail bank force in the western United States.
It comes four months after JPMorgan acquired the failing investment bank Bear Stearns Cos at a fire-sale price.
"Jamie Dimon is clearly feeling that he has an opportunity to grab market share, and get it at fire-sale prices," said Matt McCormick, a portfolio manager at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel in Cincinnati. "He's becoming an acquisition machine."
On a conference call, JPMorgan said the transaction will add to earnings immediately, and result in $1.5 billion of annual cost savings, including from the closure of less than 10 percent of the combined company's branches. He also said JPMorgan plans to issue $8 billion of stock.
The acquisition does not cover Washington Mutual's equity, senior debt and subordinated debt holders, the FDIC. The FDIC said the transaction will not affect its roughly $45.2 billion deposit insurance fund.
The transaction also comes as Washington wrangles over the fate of a $700 billion bailout of the financial services industry, which has been battered by mortgage defaults and tight credit conditions, and evaporating investor confidence.
"It removes an uncertainty from the market," said Shane Oliver, head of investment strategy at AMP Capital in Sydney. "The problem is that markets are in a jittery stage. Washington Mutual provides another reminder how tenuous things are."
Washington Mutual's collapse is the latest of a series of takeovers and outright failures that have transformed the American financial landscape and wiped out hundreds of billions of dollars of shareholder wealth.
These include the disappearance of Bear, government takeovers of mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the insurer American International Group Inc, the bankruptcy filing of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, and Bank of America Corp's planned purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co.
JPMorgan, based in New York, ended June with $1.78 trillion of assets, $722.9 billion of deposits and 3,157 branches. Washington Mutual had 2,239 branches and 43,198 employees.
Shares of Washington Mutual plunged $1.24 to 45 cents in after-hours trading after news of a JPMorgan transaction surfaced. JPMorgan shares rose $1.04 to $44.50 after hours.
The transaction ends exactly 119 years of independence for Washington Mutual, whose predecessor was incorporated on September 25, 1889, "to offer its stockholders a safe and profitable vehicle for investing and lending," according to the thrift's website. This helped Seattle residents rebuild after a fire torched the city's downtown.
It also follows more than a week of sale talks in which Washington Mutual attracted interest from several suitors.
These included Banco Santander SA, Citigroup Inc, HSBC Holdings Plc, Toronto-Dominion Bank and Wells Fargo & Co, as well as private equity firms Blackstone Group LP and Carlyle Group, people familiar with the situation said.
Less than three weeks ago, Washington Mutual ousted Chief Executive Kerry Killinger, who drove the thrift's growth as well as its expansion in subprime and other risky mortgages, and replaced him with Alan Fishman, the former chief executive of Brooklyn, New York's Independence Community Bank Corp.
The transaction also appears to be a costly defeat for David Bonderman and his private equity firm TPG Inc, the lead investor in a $7 billion capital raise by the thrift in April. TPG was unavailable for comment.
Washington Mutual's roughly $227 billion book of real estate loans put the thrift at the top of the critical list of U.S. lenders, analysts said. More than half of this portfolio was in home equity loans and in adjustable-rate mortgages and subprime mortgages that are now considered risky.
Thursday's transaction makes JPMorgan close in size to Citigroup, now the largest U.S. bank by assets.
JPMorgan has surpassed Bank of America in size. That bank would become the largest U.S. bank once it completes its planned purchase of Merrill Lynch, expected in the first quarter of 2009.
The deal is the latest ambitious move by Dimon.
Once a golden child at Citigroup before his mentor Sanford "Sandy" Weill engineered his ouster in 1998, Dimon has carved for himself something of a role as a Wall Street savior.
Dimon joined JPMorgan in 2004 after selling his Bank One Corp to the bank for $56.9 billion, and became chief executive at the end of 2005. While results have been hurt by the credit crisis, JPMorgan has suffered less than many rivals.
Some historians see parallels between him and the legendary financier John Pierpont Morgan, who ran J.P. Morgan & Co and was credited with intervening to end a banking panic in 1907.
Bank of America Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis has also been credited with helping reduce damage on Wall Street with his acquisitions this year of Merrill Lynch and Countrywide Financial Corp, the nation's largest mortgage lender.
Washington Mutual has a major presence in California and Florida, two of the states hardest hit by the housing crisis. It also has a big presence in the New York City area.
The thrift amassed $6.3 billion of losses in the nine months ended June 30. It had also projected $19 billion of mortgage losses through 2011, but analysts said credit losses could reach as high as $30 billion.
"It is surprising that it has hung on for as long as it has," said Nancy Bush, an analyst at NAB Research LLC.
In a paper published last week in the Astrophysical Journal, scientists detail the discovery of a new unidentified object in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know about you, but when a research paper conclusion says “We suggest that the transient may be one of a new class” I get a chill of oooh-aaahness down my spine. Especially when after a hundred days of observation, it disappeared from the sky with no explanation. Get your tinfoil hats out, because it gets even weirder.
Largest U.S. bank failure ever
The government seizes Washington Mutual, then sells its banking assets to JPMorgan Chase.
re, WAMU Failure...
For all depositors and other customers of Washington Mutual Bank, this is simply a combination of two banks, Bair said in a statement. For bank customers, it will be a seamless transition. There will be no interruption in services and bank customers should expect business as usual come Friday morning - according to FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair.
Taxpayers foot the bill for California lawmakers' free gas.
ya know ive always hated illegals.
its rediculos how a mexican can hop the border and come here to get free health care, wellfare, unemployment and foodstamps.
what the helliswrong with our country?!?!?!
an illegal can get all that but those of us who bust ass everyday of our lives and get a bill.
re, illegal immigrants
Illegals do nothing but waste our tax dollars and raise our healthcare rates, i wouldnt have a problem with them is they would pay taxes like everyone else, and stop painting everything they own bright green or pink. and stay away from our white women
I'm starting to be embarressed for McCain/Palin. McCain can't handle more than one thing at a time. Palin is starting to look very uneducated and crazy.
If anyone saw the Obama talk on CNN yesterday...
One of his Presidential goals is to reduce world poverty by the year 2050.
Most of the poverty is in Africa.
He said it's time America stood up and helped, and that meant we would have to pay for this.
This is how Islam plans to destroy America, by bankrupting it.
Obama is a Muslim, and always has been.
RE: Bailout in chaos, government seizes WaMu
People who post JOB POSTINGS are craigslist (CL) boards must be the dumbest fucks on the planet.
Texas is hiring to rebuild Galveston...
Legal or not, no ID required, $30/hr, cash.
re, Texas is hiring ...
Now all you Illegals get the fuck out of Arizona and go there you scum bags.
The Mother of All Bailouts has many fathers. As panicked politicians prepare to fork over $1 trillion in taxpayer funding to rescue the financial industry, they've fingered regulation, deregulation, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Community Reinvestment Act, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, both Bushes, greedy banks, greedy borrowers, greedy short-sellers and minority home ownership mau-mauers (can't call 'em greedy, that would be racist) for blame.
But there's one giant paternal elephant in the room that has slipped notice: how illegal immigration, crime-enabling banks and open-borders Bush policies fueled the mortgage crisis.
It's no coincidence that most of the areas hardest hit by the foreclosure wave Loudoun County, Va., California's Inland Empire, Stockton and San Joaquin Valley, and Las Vegas and Phoenix, for starters also happen to be some of the nation's largest illegal alien sanctuaries. Half of the mortgages to Hispanics are subprime (the accursed species of loan to borrowers with the shadiest credit histories). A quarter of all those subprime loans are in default and foreclosure.
Regional reports across the country have decried the subprime meltdown's impact on illegal immigrant "victims." A July report showed that in seven of the 10 metro areas with the highest foreclosure rates, Hispanics represented at least one-third of the population; in two of those areas Merced and Salinas-Monterey, Calif. Hispanics comprised half the population. The amnesty-promoting National Council of La Raza and its Development Fund have received millions in federal funds to "counsel" their constituents on obtaining mortgages with little to no money down; the group almost succeeded in attaching a $10-million earmark for itself in one of the housing bills past this spring.
For the last five years, I've reported on the rapidly expanding illegal alien home loan racket. The top banks clamoring for their handouts as their profits plummet, led by Wachovia and Bank of America, launched aggressive campaigns to woo illegal alien homebuyers. The quasi-governmental Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority jumped in to guarantee home loans to illegal immigrants. The Washington Post noted, almost as an afterthought in a 2005 report: "Hispanics, the nation's fastest-growing major ethnic or racial group, have been courted aggressively by real estate agents, mortgage brokers and programs for first-time buyers that offer help with closing costs. Ads proclaim: "Sin verificacion de ingresos! Sin verificacion de documento!" which loosely translates as, 'Income tax forms are not required, nor are immigration papers.'"
In addition, fraudsters have engaged in massive house-flipping rings using illegal aliens as straw buyers. Among many examples cited by the FBI: a conspiracy in Las Vegas involving a former Nevada First Residential Mortgage Company branch manager who directed loan officers and processors in the origination of 233 fraudulent Federal Housing Authority loans valued at over $25 million. The defrauders manufactured and submitted false employment and income documentation for borrowers; most were illegal immigrants from Mexico. To date, the FBI reported, "Fifty-eight loans with a total value of $6.2 million have gone into default, with a loss to the Housing and Urban Development Department of over $1.9 million."
It's the tip of the iceberg. Thanks to lax Bush administration-approved policies allowing illegal aliens to use "matricula consular cards" and taxpayer identification numbers to open bank accounts, more forms of mortgage fraud have burgeoned. Moneylenders still have no access to a verification system to check Social Security numbers before approving loans.
In an interview about rampant illegal alien home loan fraud, a spokeswoman for the U.S. General Accounting Office told me five years ago: "[C]onsidering the size of Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Houston and other large cities throughout the United States known to be inundated with illegal aliens, I don't think the federal government is willing to expose this problem for financial reasons as well as for fear of political repercussions."
The chickens are coming home to roost. And law-abiding, responsible taxpayers are going to pay for it.
Obama based his presidential campaign on CHANGE. Do you know what it means? "C.H.A.N.G.E"? The answer is, "Come Help A Nigger Get Elected"
I have been watching this all now long enough to see that this is all a smoke screen to get us to fuck our system up by combinding our dollar with the Canadian dollar and Mexican Peso. Just wait and see that is why this all has been going on and that will be their answer to it before it ends. And it does no good to hate either the Democrats or the Republicans because they are both in on this together to fuck us all over. God help us!
It's the stink of burning dead Mexicans!
Any day without a MEXICAN .... is a very good day!
5:48 am and I just had a bowel movement
I feel fresh and clean.
I just thought that you should know.
I know that you care.
.......where in America can I find one?
I fucked an 18-year-old Thai girl in Bangkok last night, she was pretty good.
They love that white cock.
where's the the NJ Slut Girl?
My cock is big, hard, throbbing and ready...
come on you slut whore, I want to fuck your ass hard and long!
Just want to say I hate all mexicans and I love the post that are ANTI Illegal, send them back to their shit hole countries... Now!
Sorry America,
We ran out of MONEY -
so we wont be building border fences after all!
.......Shave off the eyebrows and draw them back on with a crayon or sharpie ,what
the fuck are they thinking ?? If the (ATZLAN WARRIORS) like that crap
they are more screwed up than the ugly bitches , next thing they will be
tattooing their faces with shit like ms13 and teardrops and that ugly ass flag.
I have been dealing with a bunch of morons , but I knew that in the beginning
I will pray for all of you ignorant browns , just as soon as I post this !!!
Poll shows little public support for $700 billion bailout plan.....
Less than 30% support this idea.
Let the damn market adjust itself.
Idiots should not be saved for bad decisions.
Both political parties have proven once again they do NOT represent the middle class American who ultimately must support and pay for this insane spending.
re, re: immigrants
i agree, they dont care how many kids they have the welfare system picks them up, and what is this shit about my american childs teacher has two classes to teach one in english and one in spanish, bullshit the immigrants should learn our language, they so want to be here but dont want to speak our language, then they need to get there mumbo jumbo speaking asses out!!!
re, re, re RE immigrants
You know whats worse is all these illegals are popin out the kids and dont have to pay child support like the rest of us poor saps. The goverment hunts us down but gives the poor little illegals a pass and feed and school the children. Is this our country? AND another thing, have you ever tried to get a job on a construction site with all hispanics? THEY WILL NOT HIRE WHITEGUYS! They say they have the jobs we dont want, that is bull. They underbid and then keep us out and far away. I think Lou DOBBS needs to do an undercover bit and try and get a job as a white guy on an all hispanic crew and see how many times he gets shot down again and again.
...save the rich, punish the working class.
Arizona resident voters, please call now, tell your U.S. Senators to vote NO, we don't want to pay for any damn bailout...
Kyl, Jon- (R - AZ)
(202) 224-4521
McCain, John- (R - AZ)
(202) 224-2235
Dear Tech Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as
Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as ....
NBA 5.0,
NFL 3.0 and
Golf Clubs 4.1
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.
Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
First, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.
Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme.html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed, Husband1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1.
Please note that Beer 6. 1 is a very bad program that will download the Farting and Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance.
We recommend
Cooking 3.0 and
Hot Lingerie 7.7
Tech Support
So I'm at a company function/dinner downtown and invited a short term girl friend (3 months). We're at the table having casual work conversation with some of my superiors and my girl leans to one side and rips a fart that sounded like sheets tearing. In the stunned silence afterwards I cracked a smile but no one else thought it was too funny. Turns out she does this sort of thing all the time in awkward moments and laughs her ass off. If anyone wants her I'll leave her on street corner tonight. Listen for the farting hotty.
So my ex from like 2 and half years ago decides to inform me that I have a child with her. He is around two years old. She said she was pregnant shotly after I got sick of her shit and left but as many know, females will say anything to keep a good guy around. So here I am wondering how to go about this, but the mix up is she won't let me see him, what was the whole point of telling me and keeping my child from me ya fuckin psycho? I have seen him once but not for long and he looks just like me. Anyways I am pretty lost some say I dodged a bullet, but it doesn't feel right as well as concerned about the whole kid turns 16 and she decides its time for child support, and will a judge make me pay..?
first thing to do is get a Paternity DNA test dont do anything till you get one!
In a FUCKING NEW YORK SECOND!!! There is not a judge in this land that would side with a father! It doesn't matter to them if the piece of shit mother didn't tell you for 18yrs about your child! All they care about now is where is the money and don't forget the late charges too!!! Hell, their worse than the IRS! If you think your ever going to get any justice on mommy as far as the money goes....HELL NO, but you do have parental rights! You have rights to visitation and to be part of your childs life. Get a paternity test before you start playing daddy though! I can name a handful of men that paid child support
and daddy to kids they never fathered! Once you sign the birth certificate whether your the father or not the judge will make you responsible for child support!(READ THAT AGAIN). The court system loves the money that divorce, paternity, child support, family law create annually! Its big business and the state makes alot of money off of mainly fathers! Save yourself alot of money and heartache and invest in condoms or better yet a VASECTOMY!!! Good luck.....
The Tax System - Explained With Beer
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten
comes to $100.
If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something
like this:
* The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
* The fifth would pay $1.
* The sixth would pay $3.
* The seventh would pay $7.
* The eighth would pay $12.
* The ninth would pay $18.
* The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the
arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve.
'Since you are all such good customers,' he said, 'I'm going to
the cost of your daily beer by $20.'
'Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.'
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the
first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But
what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they
divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted
that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would
each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested
that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same
amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
* The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
* The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
* The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
* The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 ( 25% savings).
* The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 ( 22% savings).
* The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued
to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to
compare their savings.
'I only got a dollar out of the $20,' declared the sixth man. He
to the tenth man, 'but he got $10!'
'Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a
too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!'
'That's true!!' shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10
when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!'
'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We
didn't get
anything at all. The system exploits the poor!'
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat
down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill,
they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money
between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our
tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most
benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being
wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might
start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible
try this if you are a dog lover...
Chinese astronaut completes China's first-ever spacewalk
Schwarzenegger to convene global climate summit in California
re, Schwarzenegger to convene global climate summit in California..
This is funny,
This from a guy who owns two H1 Hummers.
Get real Arnold, you and Al Gore belong in a jar!
Had me a Filipino whore, will have another soon!
re, Filipino Whore...
I have a different one every weekend.
They love big white America cock!
Why filipino men make poor lovers......
1) they are immature
2) they believe a girl is inferior so she is supposed to give into his demands
3) they come across as too macho. In reality, they are afraid to show their true side to a girl
4) they are lame in the bedroom
5) they believe they are allowed to play around with other women, yet the women cannot do the same
6) they have poor hygiene - they are dirty and smell bad, even after bathing from a bucket and don't practice oral hygiene
7) they are quick to possess a girl, even before knowing her well. It's a control issue...
8) they have no common sense
9) they have no work etiquette
10) they have no future
11) they are lazy
12) they are irresponsible
13) many are feminine / sissies - one theory why so many filipino men are gay
14) they truly don't understand sex or how to please a woman
15) they lack the emotional maturity needed to fulfill a woman's emotional needs
16) they would rather hang out on the streets than to read to their kids or have intelligent conversations with their mate
17) they have no creativity or imagination. They use the TV as their means of creativity.
18) romance? What's that?
19) they believe courting is meeting a girl in high school and texting her as a way to know her. Then harrassing her til she gives in (chasing)
20) they don't understand women
21) they believe a girl should not refuse him, if they do, he gets an attitude....even at age 30
22) they have no sense of family values. The only one that matters to them is their Mom. Dad? Who's he?
23) they'd rather spend their money in a cafe meeting girls on friendster than providing for the child he has accidentally fathered
24) they say sweet words, but never show their sincerity with actions
25) they are insecure. If his "girl" talks to another man, he gets confrontational and controlling
26) they lack discipline
27) they don't truly care about their "girl", as long as she does as he wants, everything is kewl
28) they are boring conversationalists. Joking is their form of being serious and trying to have a mature conversation is pointless.
29) they run away when problems arise instead of standing by their woman
30) they gossip to their buddies about their "girl" - that's not kewl
**They have a small mind in which they believe they know what's best and any attempts at a compromise or discussion is viewed as insubordination - after all, they're superior, the chosen one, the bread winner (even if they don't work), the rule maker, the Boss, and the law. End of discussion....
survey says....
Filipino men have small cocks
Because Filipino girls know whites are superior.
Why I date Filipino Girls:
I don't need to romance them
I don't need to talk to them
I don't need to give them gifts
They will ride in a taxi, so I don't need to own a car
They swallow
They do as they are told
They got tight small framed bodies and fuck like monkeys in heat
Tired of dip-shit beaner street racers? Do what I just did. This little bastard wannabe gang punk about took me out with his worthless 4 banger honda while I was riding my motorcycle tonight so I followed his punk ass around until he got the balls to stop, when he hit the parking lot at Sears mall I hopped off my Bike and before his little bitch ass could get his beaner punk homies on me he was assed out over the hood of his car, nobody else there did shit because they are nothing but a bunch of posers. So remember beaners, when you're driving like an asshole, don't be surprised when you catch a titanium knuckled glove in the face repeatedly. If anyone wants to see the aftermath, the douchebag is probably still picking up teeth. If you want the gloves search for Icon Ti Max gloves...bad ass
what a good blow job will get you -
it will get you a man, now get on your knees and suck some cock bitch!
use beaner trash cockroach illegal miggers to do your landscaping work?
If yes, hide your dog, because they love to sexual abuse dogs.
I'm laughing my fucking ass off at the United States of France. Would you like garlic and snails with your Big Mac??
I fucked me a Filipino midget girl last week.
It cost me a thousand dollars but it was worth every penny.
I think John McCain got monkey fucked by Barack Hussein Obama last night in the debates.
65% 133,728
33% 66,921
2% 4,665
Total Polled: 205,314
I think it was Mike Dukakis
Lets see Kill the dog or the room mate?
decisions decisions
Wow! What debate were you watching?? Obama had a very confident, professional air about him. McCain looked like he was struggling most of the time and looked sad when he went off on one of his war stories "back in the day". I wasn't sure how Obama was going to come across in the foreign policy topic debate but he came across very strong and definately held his on virtually every criticism and/or attack McCain came up with against him.
proved niggas fuck monkeys!
"For all you idiots out there that ARE NOT Native American -YOU are an immigrant!"
The history of the Native Americans is a perfect example of what happens if you don't have/enforce immigration laws. They made the mistake of helping the pilgrims through that first winter and look where it got them. (Pilgrims = people 'coming here for a better life'.) We've made the same mistakes with the illegals and now we're paying for it. How much do we have to pay before it's stopped?
re, answer 2 immigration
The difference is DUMBASS when our forefathers immigrated over here they didn't go looking for gov't handouts! They worked, payed taxes and did something with their lives! Todays immigrants collect welfare from 4-5 different states, free medical, pay NO TAXES! Lets not forget the 20 billion dollars in welfare checks you send back home to Mexico annually!!! I could go on forever about my hatred of them, but your liberal ass wouldn't get it anyway!
I got my home broken into the other nite and put a claim in - I had all the invoices from my online purchases, dates and all, and I also had a comparable inventory list for replacements for a set of golf clubs that were a gift. No, dumbass insurance lady - I DON'T have a pic of me holding the clubs, NO I cant get a receipt for them since # 1 - they were a flipping gift and # 2 - the ex of mine that got them for me is DEAD! Jesus. Please forgive me for not taking a picture of me holding everything I own - do I need to stand in front of my tv, vcr, dvd, cell phone, everything to prove I have things ? Any pics that I might have had with these things in them were long tossed when I moved 1800 miles away. I don't know how he purchased them I wasn't that big of a golfer and only used the set a few times. And since I purchase online alot I dont know why the stores that I purchased from arent in business anymore - does it matter ? I have invoices and I provided them all - pay up !! Hell I used to sell on Ebay myself and with that logic anyone who purchased from me in the past would be shit out of luck also since my store is non existent also
I am sick to death of paying out the ass for a service that is never given to me when I need it.
The answer to immigration -
If you people want to stop immigration than write your congressmen & tell them to stop all business relations with Mexico.Force the Mexican gov't to build an infastructure for its country giving its people what it needs to live a less than middleclass life & they wouldnt want to come here.That is the ONLY way you are going to stop it.Our Govt knows that but since we now live in a corporate,imperialist country those who sold out to amass a fortune on outsourcing for cheap materials & labor,unless WE demand it to change-you will see no effective solution to this problem.But dont forget where YOUR family came from.
re, The answer to immigration
bullshit the only way it will ever stop is kill them crossing the border, that will stop it once and for all!
Obama made Obama look stupid
Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ.
John Mccain is STILL PISSED that we "cut and ran" from Viet Nam.
He's got a hard-on for war. He wants to sit in the Oval Office and show everybody in the world who the FUCK'S IN CHARGE NOW.
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Afghanistan.
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Sept. 25) -- Canadian officials want to know why a wheelchair-bound man waited for 34 hours in a Winnipeg hospital's emergency waiting room before dying from a bladder infection, according to CBC News and CTV News.
HATE Mexicans.....
Simply hire an Illegal Mexican to come over everyday for an hour and tease and beat the dog.
This will teach the dog to sniff out, hate, and attack Mexicans!
This is how people in the old west would teach dogs to hate Indians and alert them if one was nearby.
How does a Mexican get ready for a cock fight?
He fucks a chicken in the ass!
while all the blacks are at the poll's we should bulldoze their neighborhoods. you just know every black in the country will be voting obama.even though most of them can't even spell his name.
Did you ever look closely at Michelle Obama's lips when she talks...
look next time and tell me she's not bred from monkeys.
...........is a dead cat.
NY Senator Charles Schumer should be in Prison.
Lets face it Congress is clueless !!!
Pull your money out now before it's too late!
If my husband is elected President I promise every black woman in America will have crotchless fish net pantyhose.
I am Michelle Obama and I approved this message!
Britney Spears is a Nut Muffin!
My bane is Ronnie Smith and I am now king of this board.
If I am elected Vice President, I promise to arm every U.S. Citizen with a hunting rifle, shotgun, and handgun.
I am Sara Palin and I approved this message.
To the guy who was entering the men's restroom after me around 7:30am...
I apologize -
he he he, ha ha ha lol
to - Timmy in Thailand
I saw the girl you picked up last night, hope you didn't eat her pussy, I left a giant cum load in her about 10-minutes before you left with her.
To all illegals, I need my toilet licked cleaned... no experience or references needed.
Pay is $5.00 an hour and all you can eat!
I just put my long hair in pig tails, am wearing a school girl style mini skirt, a short tank top, no bra, and need to be butt holed hard asap.
It has been reported that a man dressed like a doctor is giving anal exams at local hospitals.
The police are calling him ..
The Butt Bandit
Pictures and full story at 9:00.
I just took a big shit...
flushed another anchor baby turd down the toilet.
If you only new how many cocks I've sucked.
The college freshman
This is Barack HUSSEIN Obama
If you are between the ages of 45-55 years old, and thinking you want to retire someday, think again. This government(either party) that caters to the rich just ripped you off again. If you are below the age of 45 there may be a glimmer of hope if somehow something can be salvaged for this latest meltdown, and thats only because you have a little longer to live. The fact is none of us is getting any younger and this hole is just getting darker and deeper. See you all in 20 years in the dog food line while all these stinking politicians live on the wealth they stold from us working class.
I would be willing to bet if we hooked the candidates balls up to a 220v dryer cord and asked the right questions about ETHICS, both of these guys would be toast 2-3 questions into the interview. Either way we are fucked. We will know the real story 4 years from now.
re, ethics
that's damn funny
People who post on the Phoenix Arizona craigslist (CL) Rant-rave Board are the dumbest fuckin morons alive!
re, Re: rommates dog
Simple shoot the room mate, the dog can be trained, sounds like the room mate is beyond help hang in there.
re, room mates dog
shoot the dog and give it to a Korean or Vietnamese,
they love BBQ Dog.
Sarah Palin is George W Bush with a vagina instead of a dick.
Obama seems ahead in the polls after last nights debate...
don't get excited,
all that means is he's able to lie with a straight face better.
I suggest trenching the Rio Grande River, filling it with alligators, putting up a 50-foot high, 25-foot wide wall, and mining the inside of the wall on the U.S. side for 300 yards.
Biden will make the typical asshole Liberal mistakes and Hillary will step in and save the party.
Palin will be off the ticket within 72-hours and be replaced by Mitt Romney.
gays and lesbians
drug addicts
college snot nose kids
NO matter who wins, Obama or Mccain...
this country is doomed, we will be bankrupt in less than 4-years.
A guy picks up a girl at the bar and they agree to spend the night together.
The next morning, the guy wakes up and notices a photo of man on the nightstand.
He asks, "Is that a picture of your ex-boyfriend"?
She replies, No
Again he asks, “Well then is it your Dad or a relative?
She replies again, No.
So he asked her, “well then who is it?”
She replied, "It’s me before my sex operation"
Why does anyone put money in these things. All you need is a ice pick. jab the glass with the pick and brake the meter it's that easy.
As I was trying to pack for vacation, my 3-year-old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point, she said, "Mom, look at this," and stuck out two of her fingers.
Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her fingers in my mouth and said, "Mommy gonna eat your fingers!" pretending to eat them before I rushed out of the room again.
When I returned, my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.
I said, "What's wrong honey?"
"Mommy, where's my booger?"
Humans...your reign of terror over this planet is done, I am the apocolypse, kneel and tremble before me.
im a 21 year old male who is extremely hard working, organized and very outgoing. WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET A FUCKING JOB IN THIS GOD DAMN TOWN. for the last two weeks ive been getting absolutely nothing but worthless cock sucking pieces of scum trying to scam me out of my fucking cash. um hello you fucking idiots ive already spent well over 500 dollars just in fucking gasoline alone. im BROKE AND NEED A JOB.
Doctors said "the little fucker is half nuts"
It's no wonder i cant do the math, my calculator won't fit the number 85 with nine zeros behind it.
What do I do now?
Cool Hand Luke is dead
With an eleven percent approval rating,why are these fools allowed to keep their positions as U.S. congressmen? We need more than change,we the people need a complete revolution!
If we stay this course China WILL destroy us
Obama's Plans to Disarm America
U S Senate Bill 2433 - Global Poverty Act
Biden announced that S2433 The GLOBAL POVERTY ACT sponsored by Sen. BARAK OBAMA is soon coming up for a vote, and it was placed on the legislative calender.
NOW that has been known,but WHAT IS IMPORTANT is it contains a provision from the UN to BAN 'SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS' IN ALL NATIONS. THIS VIOLATES OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS...and it could become enforceable by some idiotic laws.
If you find time to read the whole bill it has far reaching implications to all of us. Part of it would obligate the U.S. to supply 850 billion dollars to fight world poverty (as if we do not do enough already).
It also leans to where the UN would begin dictating to us as how our country should be run. Any of you thinking of voting for someone who puts this country in jeopardy might want to think again. This has nothing to do with being Democrat or Republican, not when your country is being sold to our enemies.
why is it that everyone so quickly forgets that the democrats controlled congress for the last 18 months??
two years ago they told America if they got control, they would make changes.
will the only changes I ahve seen in the last 18 months are higher gas prices, higher unemployment, and more home foreclosures!!
the president cant do a thing now with out congress okaying it first!!!!
the democrats have control and you see the changes they made and you want more???
you want changes?? another man gave changes to his country too!! the people were all for him and you could her them yelling, "VIVA FIDEL"
I need a MIGGER Slave bitch...
why is it you never can find a useless ass beaner illegal cockroach woman when you need one?
....the FART Network -
are we live yet?
Why pay when you can ride FREE?
but the ice cubes kept getting stuck in my nose
re, transit
...go back to your Dixie Beer and Spam Sandwich!
Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter
The coolest bumper sticker in Miami Florida
Welcome to America
Now Speak English
Liberals and WW2
If there ever was a conflict involving liberalism and conservatism WW2 was it. Facism is a philosophy to the right of conservatism while liberalism is a phlosophy to the right of communism. This is why Germany and Hitler hated the Soviet Union so much, and their attack on the USSR is what saved the democracies of Europe.
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Confession 18/f
Well here's mine...
1. My married co-worker kissed me tonight in the parking lot. I was and still am turned on..i wanted to take him home and do him.
2. I'm seriously thinking about sleeping with him.
3. Everyone at work suspects something is going on between us
4. I really have no life besides work.
5. I have no interest in my boyfriend. He's way too good to and for me.
That TV Show Desperate Housewives should be renamed...
Desperate discarded whores on the prowl!
too many whores, not enough time to fuck them all, but I'll die trying !!!!!
one last time: BBW=FAT=UGLY.......
Get that through your thick skulls fat bitches !!!!!!
I doubt any president cares about us, more than their fat wallets, and just making it into the whitehouse so they can play god.
We have two utterly useless pieces of shit running for President.
It's almost 9:30am here in the big apple and I have already masturbated twice.
and whack-o sister Sara are gonna win.
Barack (The Muslim) Obama ...
sucks cocks from dead animals Sara Palin has killed.
......Hit the Easy Button NOW!
Obama's Wife is Ugly As a Fucking Goat.
Again Muslims; Again, a Terror Plot; Another Media Blackout ............
When they're not threatening to kill Paul McCartney and blowing up Book Publishing Buildings, they go back to their usual activities: trying to hijack planes and use them as weapons of mass destruction.
I hate these IslamoNazi's. I think we should kill every one of them who's here in America. They're only waiting for orders to kill us anyway. I hate them and I hate everything they represent. I can't believe my fellow Liberals are so brainwashed with Multiculturalism that they can't see the IslamoFascists for what they really are. Psycho religious nutcases who should be told to fuck off with their backwards religion. Get the fuck out of my country!
Pretending to be one of the M.I.B. with monkey lips and Muslim killer eyes!
Palin sure as Hell is qualified to be President . . . of an HOA, maybe. Sure I'll give her that much.
President of the United States? Well if so she would do the impossible . . . make it look like Bush was a pretty good President after all.
Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin and all of their "supporters"
Sarah Palin is too STUPID to be VP
--and Joe Biden is smarter?
Joe thinks FDR was Pres. when the Stock Mkt crashed in 1929 (no, that was H. Hoover) and that FDR went on TV to inform America! (Tv was very early 50s, Joe)
But don't worry Joe, the SHEEP will follow you and Obama right over the cliff!
The lightbeam 6' under Ray
re, Craigslist
Racial Gang Fights Erupt in Tucson Arizona
blacks killing Mexicans!
China's Slave Empire in Africa.
Now blacks have something new to hate!
Anyone know a good target practice spot?
A biker is riding by the zoo, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.
A New York Times reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the biker says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life.' The biker replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist from the New York Times, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page... So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?''
The biker replies, 'I'm a US Marine and a Republican.' The journalist leaves. The following morning the biker buys The New York Times to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on front page:
There is NO Farting aloud here!
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