Jun 16, 2007

Archived Postings for July 2007

Just Say, "NO to stupid CL Regulars."

CLOSED for Posting -Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of July 2007.
I will be archiving my postings, at least for awhile.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to craigslist.org Rants and Raves.

Net Neutrality Means -
No Flagging Ever
No Censorship

Thanks for your support.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 746   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

To the guy talking about the Barbie Doll v Wife.
Did you ever realize that (wife) is probably your mother because you got that attitude from your father, if you even had one.?

Anonymous said...

To the guy with the Barbie Doll complex.
You get 3 demerits today and will have to stay after school and write on the board, 100 times:

I will respect all women

Anonymous said...

I just heard the dambest thing. Some gut started up a BBQ University. That's right, get a cooking degree / diploma in outdoor BBQ-ing.

Anonymous said...

Fake Pussy or The Blow Up Doll -
They ain't cheap, but neither is the real thing. Of course the silent version you only pay for once, The real woman is like the energizer bunny, you keep paying, and paying, and paying........

Anonymous said...

Bush commutes Libby's Prison Sentance.
Libby is a pussy.
Paris Hilton did her time. Martha Stuart did her time, also for lying I might add.

But then what the hell. The President of the United States has the authority to commute any sentance or pardon any crime.

Anonymous said...

Yankees go Home !! Texas ain't for you.

Anonymous said...

Well Elmo tickle my fancy, this new board is great.

Anonymous said...

I am FREE, free of the Phoenix craigslist (CL) Regular Posters.
Free I tell you.
Free ...

Anonymous said...

Calm down Lu Lu we all feel the same way from all the CL Boards we have come over from.

Anonymous said...

Ladies married or not, make your man wash that thing before he uses it on you. Never tell where its been.

Anonymous said...

Hey in case you been living in a vacuum, there are now over Two Million vacant homes in the USA for sale.
Realtors are dumb asses.
Got a listing, want one?
Oooooo I better be careful I dont want to offend any Realtors.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Traffic Congestion and Improving Traffic Flows.
The concept of the roundabout is to keep traffic flowing naturally, day and night. Think of it as organic traffic control. Ever been stuck at the longest stoplight in the world at 2 am patiently waiting for the light to turn green, meanwhile there isn’t another car in sight? That never happens at a roundabout.

Anonymous said...

News Flash - Arizona:
H.E.L.P. Organization.
If anyone see's the H.E.L.P. organization in front of the DMV collecting money for animals don't buy it, total scam they were featured on 3 on your side news segment which basicly stated they pocket 100% of your "donations".
So why is the Arizona DMV allowing a scam artist to use their property to take your money?
More Politically Correct - Incorretness perhaps.

Also if you feel you must throw eggs at them feel free, appeciate it

Anonymous said...

I just banged me a 50-year-old woman.
Got you thinking huh.
She was great.

I am 71 myself, love that young stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hi Johnny Insane McCain:

Well John heard the bad news, going bellie-up are ya, there senator? That is too bad, it seems like only yesterday that you were walking in the streets of Baghdad with that body armour on, just strolling along like you pal said; “Like a day in the good old summertime in a small town in Indiana” But that was insane McCain, what did you have, 100 armed soldiers and Marines, and four count em' four attack helicopters and how many armored personnel carriers and tanks nearby. If that what a day in the summertime at a county fair is like in Indiana remind me not to go to the Hoosier state. What did that little publicity stunt cost us John? I think I read your afternoon stroll in Baghdad costs 1.7 million dollars, thats what.

Anonymous said...

2008 Democrat National Convention Agenda Schedule (Just Released):

7:00 pm Opening flag burning
7:15 pm Pledge of Allegiance to the U.N.
7:20 pm Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
7:25 pm Nonreligious prayer and worship with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton
7:45 pm Ceremonial tree hugging
7:55 pm Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
8:00 pm How I Invented the Internet - Al Gore
8:15 pm Gay Wedding - Barney Frank presiding
8:35 pm Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
8:40 pm Our Troops are War Criminals - John Kerry
9.00 pm Free Saddam Rally - Cindy Sheehan and Susan Sarandon
11.00 pm Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
11:05 pm Collection for the Osama Bin Laden kidney transplant fund - Barbara Streisand
11:15 pm Free the Freedom Fighters from Guantanamo Bay - Sean Penn
11:30 pm Oval Office Affairs - William Jefferson Clinton
11:45 pm Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
11:50 pm How George Bush Brought Down the World Trade Towers - Howard Dean
12:15 am "Truth in Broadcasting Award" - Presented to Dan Rather by Michael Moore
12:25 am Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
12:30 am Satellite address by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
12:45 am Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Nancy Pelosi
1:00 am Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
1:05 am Coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton
1:30 am Ted Kennedy propoes a toast
1:35 am Bill Clinton asks Ted to drive Hillary home

Anonymous said...

Be sure you lock your doors and windows at home!
A man was found dead in his home over the weekend.
Detectives at the scene found the man face down in his bathtub.
The tub had been filled with milk, sugar, and cornflakes.
A banana was sticking out of his butt.
Police suspect a cereal killer.

Anonymous said...

Good morning fellow stable and sane posters.
Chilling in NYC.
I am taking the day off, it's too damn hot to work and I think I'll spend the day with my lady.

Anonymous said...

Redneck Hunting in the City:
So there I was, best (Sunday) camo on, little pieces of limbs and tree branches attached to me, sneaking around this, hiding behind that, when I spot the biggest freakin turkey I ever saw. I froze for a sec, check the breeze, yep, I am down wind, he won't smell me. Carefully I move towards him using the natural available cover, potted plant, magazine rack, then a little closer ............. little closer ....... BLAM, nailed that little turkey. I blew his head and feathers clean freakin off. Damn, first turkey I've gotten in all the years I've been out huntin.
Yeah baby ........???????
Next I hear, someone yelling at me.
I respond, “Waddaya mean your "pressing charges?"
That’s right the grocery store manager tells me.
WTF is up with that? Public endangerment, shit, you know how many innocent people this freakin wild bird coulda mamed for I got im?
I guess there won't be no crock huntin for me this year.

Anonymous said...

That always brings a smile to my face! Thanks for the laugh. Even though I still think you're a moron, thank you for the laugh. It made my day just that much better. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha HUNT VALLEY (extract from an ongoing argument on CL posted here, oh what they don’t know):

You silly sperm-burper.... you wrote:
"see you later pussy. I'm heading to Christopher Daniels for Happy Hour."

I find it absolutely mind boggling that
1.) Anyone who brags about going to a bar in a shopping center that is a strip mall could call anyone else a pussy. Sir? Would you like a Virginia Slim with your Wine Spritzer?
2.) You actually think THIS makes you superior to anyone, so much so that you proclaim it.

We all smile knowingly, amazed at how earnest you are in wanting to impress us. We're flattered. But seriously now you are making yourself look even more ridiculous.
Surrounded by Ass-clowns.

Anonymous said...

Stop letting your dog shit in my yard!!!
I see you have been walking your dog in the hood again .... leaving little presents on my front lawn. I am a huge animal lover, I have 3 dogs of my own who shit in my back yard, NOT my front yard. I clean up after my dogs in the back yard daily, I do not want to clean up after your pet have asked you more then once to clean up after your dog and you ignore me.
So here is the solution I came up with, I have been collecting dog shit from my front and back yard for a week or so now, 3 dogs shit allot ya know. I know where you live, so let's see how you like having dog shit in your front yard when you walk out of your door in the morning. I will strategically place the land mines where you will step in them, as I have in the past few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Why the Racists are Funny
Why do all the racists crack me up? Because I know what I'm reading is the anonymous frustration of a bunch of limp-dicked cowards too scared to say this kind of crap in public.
I just wish you intellectually-constipated, socially-retarded yucks had the balls to say this crap and own it afterwards.

Anonymous said...

My one horrible secret -
I can't get it out of my mind. In the 60's I used LSD at sex orgies.
Once after a trip, I woke up face down in the backyard in a dog house, and I found fresh dog shit on my penis.

Anonymous said...

I like to make her scream,
she likes to make me cream,
shes got a big ol butt,
I like me a fat slut,
shes good in bed,
she gives real good head,
she likes to eat,
I worship her nasty feet,
her pussy is so fat and hairy,
im just a black guy named larry.

Anonymous said...

Food for Thought
Just keep these food items in mind everytime you take a shit.

Chocolate Pudding
Beef Stew
Chicken Broth
Soft-Serve Chocolate Icecream
Chocolate chip chunk
cookie dough
Chicken Pot Pie
Beef Jerky
Summer Sausage

Then, as you eat any of these, you can think of it as shit.
I took a shit this morning.....mmmmmm...chocolate pudding.

Anonymous said...

Fuk U Gringos!

All hail El Presidente Bush!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pedro,
You Ad Nauseum to these posts.

Let me guess you have a small dick, you are unattractive, and you are illegal right?

Just as I thought!

Anonymous said...

Religion is bullshit -
religion is nothing but an excuse for everything

When your time comes, you will try to believe in something.
Everyone must come to terms with lfe's problems including life and death itself.
Thats why i think religion is an excuse.

its an excuse for war
its an excuse for anything inexplicable
its an excuse for dying
its an excuse for killing
its an excuse for love
its an excuse for hate
its an excuse for believing in something
its an excuse for believing in nothing
its an excuse for the unexcusable

People just fabricate religion so that they have a way to deal with things.

Anonymous said...

Holding Out Hope

My parents are considering a brain transplant for me, from any asshole who is stupid enough to give theirs up.

Anonymous said...

clone found

at last i found him hideing in my toilet bowl, no need to call missing turds, the last time i called they picked me up.

Anonymous said...

I am here at this post board now, thank God.
I just went over to the Phx CL R and R Brd and there is an argument going on over and over who is the 'real' usof a.
I thought it stood for the 'United States of America' and I wasn't aware anyone bought it yet, although I understand several bids are pending

Anonymous said...

Import the Berlin Wall

Bring over the berlin wall. It worked pretty good in Europe. Maybe it'll work here. We can get the illegals to help pitch a brick on their way in. They do jobs americans don't want to do. It could actually work.

Anonymous said...

If you cannot live in your own head for at least 72 hours, go hang yourself.

Anonymous said...

q) AHHH!! What do you do with a mad fat person?

a) Give it a cheeseburger before it attacks!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July everyone.

Anonymous said...

When Dogs Crap on Your Lawn:
My dad is elderly and retired lives in Arizona and he has the same problem with low-life dog owners letting their animals crap on his yard. His solution was to put cactus leaves or Cholla Cactus balls around the perimeter of the yard, not real heavy, say 1 every 3 feet. Apparently the dogs know enough to stay away from cactus and won't cross it. Try it. It’s a cheap fix. Short of that I suggest a 12-gauge shotgun and a tree stand.

Anonymous said...

To - A huntin we will go

I hate that waskewy wabbits myself


Anonymous said...

Buzz Words

There are only two needed.
Fuck You.

Anonymous said...

Re, phoenix poop chute packer, Posted July 2nd:

I can come up with something that smells much worse than the dog poo or horse/cow pies. We have some rank stuff out here now and then. Cats catching a gopher, gopher rots in the hot sun. Cat eats gopher that ate poison bait and now cat rots in the hot sun.... Much, much more.... But I'll deal with anything like that before I'll move back into town. I LOVE it out here.
Inner, if you need something that Hasmat Unit won't even touch let me know. I ran across a rotting calf yesterday at a water hole west of my place. I can rip off a leg for you if you need it. But it will cost BIG TIME. Can't wash that kind of stink off!

Anonymous said...

Advice ....
With these guys around, stay out of the woods during hunting season :)

Anonymous said...

Re, Import the Berlin Wall

Is that wall going to be built along Canada and around Florida or only along the border with Mexico?

Anonymous said...

re, Liberal 1

Every flipping ass place it's needed you dumb ass left wing whack job.
But lets start with the entire US-Mexico border.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, happy 4th of July.
Just got some T.A.P.

Anonymous said...

Hey crazy dog people...
Ahhhhhhhhh, why is it whenever I am feeling a bit confrontational, or feel like dusting off my old intellectual boxing gloves, some taint spore makes it easy for me. Whoooo! So, here we go:

I know, I know...fluffy or roderick or whatever you call that annoying little poop-factory probably is the smartest dog in the entire world, and is just so cute. And what a personality. Always getting into mischief, just like a little human. Except here's a newsflash for you...YOU'RE DOG IS NOT HUMAN!!! IT'S A DOG!!! Let's review some basic dog things that you may have forgot:
1. Dog's have no ability to recall your day at the beach or for that matter, the two hours you wasted "socializing" with other dogs.
2. Dogs are mindless followers who present no challenge at all.

Anonymous said...

Crime Stats Ted Kennedy doesn't want you to see

INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants
2006 (First Quarter)
95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually
53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.
71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes".
47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.
63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens
66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.
380,000 plus "anchor babies" were born in the U.S. in 2005 to illegal alien parents, making 380,000 babies automatically U.S.citizens and, under our laws, entitled to invite the rest of their family to join them.
97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers.
66% plus of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
Send those emails today!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are traviling to another demension

The Twilight Zone was establsihed for Liberals but is now accepting Muslims.

Anonymous said...

I have a Pet Monkey that likes Fireworks.

The Monkey's name is George W. Bush.
The Fireworks Display is in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Well you dirty little Liberal Hate America Bastrads and Bitches ... If there is a Terrorist Attack in the USA today I hope they kill as many of you usless turds as possible.
And, NO us concervative right wing religious people will not come to you aid nor will we give a shit. We are tired of sacrificing our sons and daughters so you asshoes can live free.
Learn the cost of Freedom is high.

Anonymous said...

STOP Eating meat.
Your are destroying our animal life and you are ruining you're own heath.

Anonymous said...

TO, All Vegans an P.E.T.A.
Kiss my ass, animals are tasty, I love them, and I will continue to eat them.
Plus I will also hunt them.
I will also kill any critter that comes on my property.

Anonymous said...

Vegans suck.
Eat my leftover animal fat.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vegan Asshole so you aren't going to use anything containing animal products or that was made using animal by products. How silly. You think people in developing countries need to be healthy by not eating meat. For those who work hard, very hard, it is difficult to get the nutrition needed without animal protein. When I was young and was working as a timber-jack I weighted 160 lbs and took in 5000 calories a day and had trouble keeping weight on. If I had to depend on a vegan diet I would have been undernourished. You may have the luxury of being noble and thinking you are better than others because you don't use animal products but you are a fool.

Anonymous said...

I am addicted to Posting:
Yes, they say admitting it is the first step.
I all ready POST to many Blogs and Forums including CL.

I flag posts on CL (craigslist) without even reading them anymore.
I use many different monikers so I will have anonymity as too not be found out.
Since FAT chicks are all there is left to date, I go there (CL) to entertain myself.
I love posting at craigslist simply to pick online fights with people and laugh when they seem angry and reply by typing in all CAPS.
CL Sucks. It is full of regulars, flaggers, and assholes.

I love this NEW post with real people and real opinions that keep them short and to the point.

Anonymous said...

I have come here to destroy the Vermin among you.

They call themselves Liberals.

I call them dinner.
Come here you little puppy chow you.
This wont hurt a bit.

Anonymous said...

Glory Holes?
How do you know what's on the other side of that hole isn't some toothless, std ridden homosexual or worse?

Anonymous said...

Who would steal a dumpster? And why? My dumpster was stolen from in front of my house on Monday. I just don't get it. Do we have to keep everything under lock and key?

Anonymous said...

It takes a low life to steal a dumpster, and a putz of an asshole to complain about it.

Still in all it was funny.

Anonymous said...

re, Stolen Dumpster

well I couldn't afford to stary at a Holiday Inn last night so I slept in a dumpster behind the 7-11 does that count?

Anonymous said...

re, Glory Holes

I never stick my cock in anything that doesn't have hair around it, looks like pussy, and smells like pussy and --- You dumb ass shouldn't either.

Anonymous said...

re, ZUUL
I'd pay real money to see you eat a Liberal.

Anonymous said...

When is the world gonna wake up and realize religion is the number one cuase of war, violence, discontent, arguments, and excuses to commit horrible acts upon our fellow man?

Anonymous said...

re, ZUUL
Does your chick sleep suspended in air above her bed?

Anonymous said...

re, inquiry minds -
You been spending to much time on your new iPhone now haven't you?

Anonymous said...

re, safe guarding

Yea well what about those clean shaving vaginas?
I like a smoothy now and then.

Anonymous said...

re, safe guardin - anonymous

I agree smooth is better than course.
Course is better than rough.
But the truth be known it's all good, some is just better than others.

Anonymous said...

re, Anonymous ...
Personally I smell it before I use it.

Anonymous said...

re, Oh Boo Hoo
The case of the stolen dumpster, lets not cry over spilled garbage.

Anonymous said...

Oh those poor pathetic bastards over on the Phx CL RnR Board are still playing with their puds, flagging non regulars, and in general showing their true ignorant colors.
Idiots will be Idiots.

I love this board.

Anonymous said...

Rave on ths 1 ...........
After a good drunk the night before and sleeping in till 10:00am I love 2 go 2 Mickey D's just as they are starting lunch and get me a slimey Big Mac, oder of Fries, extra salty, and a large chocolate shake.
Then I jump up and down for about 30 seconds and puke in the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

re, Safe Guarding the Penis

Personally I like a smooth well developed Camel Toe myself.
Wow just thinking about 1 gets me up and excited.

Anonymous said...

re, Gots 2 Masturbate Now

Better be careful there may be some Gays on this new board and you'll be getting them all excited talking like that.

Anonymous said...

re, Hey Mindless

Too late, I am whacking off now.

Anonymous said...

Cats in a Blender.
Wow what an I idea.

Anonymous said...

Mix it up.
Put a Cat in the Blender with some dog poop and a dead rat, mix with 2 rotten eggs and puree well, pour on your neighbors porch.

Anonymous said...

Ezeiquiel Lopez already had a rap sheet that stretched all the way to Texas when, police said, he shot Kenosha County, Wisconsin, Deputy Sheriff Frank Fabiano in the head, killing him.
Lopez, 45, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was free at the time of the May shooting, after having been jailed for two prior violent crimes. By law, he should have been deported, but federal immigration authorities didn't know he had been in custody, and state and local police didn't tell them.

Homeland Security is a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

Look you ICE / INS / FBI / ATF / Homeland Security idiots ... Deport them all, try getting it right for a change.

Anonymous said...

Homeland Security ..
there is a contradiction in terms.

Anonymous said...

Wake up, buy a gun and lots of ammo. In fact buy 2. The government cannot and will not protect us. We r the only country in the world with open borders.

Anonymous said...

Press 1 for English, I dont think so, Press my finger on the trigger is a much better option.

Anonymous said...

Its time we real Americans put aside our differences and understand the government is our enemy.

May be we need another revoltion.

Or. at minimum we need to wipe out all laws on the books everywhere and go back to the U.S. Constitution while closing out borders and preventing all visitors and immigrants legal or other wise from entering for the next 10 years.

Anonymous said...

To fix this country we need to execute criminals on a mass scale.
This would deter bad people from coming here, and it would reduce our over tax and over crowded prison population.
The 3 strike method should mean automatic death penalty no appeal, no excuses.
Violent crimes should automatically warrant the Death Penalty.

Anonymous said...


I dont care if a Mexican is legal or not, he wasn't at one time, so if they speak Mexicannnn (Spanish) Shoot Them On Site !!!

Anonymous said...

Mexican Gals vs White Gals,
Why are those Mexican gals much more sexy then white gals ???
Seems the white chics just cannot keep up with the short skirts, tube tops and no bras, long hair, and nice butts.

Anonymous said...

Re, Shoot On Site

Yeppie cowboy lets Get-R-Done

Anonymous said...

re, Mex v White Gals

Simple the white chicks here all now are into Women's Lib and being a BITCH.
Men are not important, they are important.

Personally I prefer Asian women.
But then anything but white women is Goooooood.

Anonymous said...

Why do Black people
(Q) Smell so bad ?
(A) That's so blind people can hate them!

Anonymous said...


There are No ATHEIST in war, I know I've been in 3 major conflicts and there are no friggin ... ATHEIST !!

Anonymous said...

I dont see any Karma or Zen happening here on this board.

Anonymous said...

Hey now all you Rednecks just keep chuggaluggin.

Anonymous said...

Camel Toes.
Like mine young, tight, and puffy ... a real full toe splitter.

Anonymous said...

re, Camel Toes
I like they when they are like a fresh peach, firm and fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

re, Camel Toes

Girls remember dont get your Camel Toes sunburned.

Anonymous said...

Yankees fans are delusional.
Red Sox all the way.

Anonymous said...

re, Camel Toes - My story

Picked a girl up in a club Friday night.
She ws wearing :
A Fake Camel Toe
A Fake Padded Bra with Fake Nipples
A Fake Padded Butt Insert Pad

So by the time I got her into bed I ended up with a girl that had small boobs, a flat ass, and an over used vagina with hanging pussy lips that smelled like horse manure.

So I banged her with my under sized penis and gave her a case of the Clap.

Anonymous said...

Bush kept us from utter destruction.
I think he is an awesome President.

Now if we could figure out how to get his head out of Dick Cheney's ass and the shit out of his ears that go with it, Bush might actually hear what the American people are saying and what they want.

Anonymous said...

re, Bush

That's so damn funny.

Anonymous said...


Well if there isn't any God people sure call out his name alot, especially during sex ...
"Oh God ...."

Or, in anger and general discussion such as ....
"God Dammit ...."

Anonymous said...

Consumer Tip:
Thinking of buying a car, rememebr the best deal is a new car with Zero Percent Financing.

Here are two examples that prove my point:
$20,000 New Car financed at 0% for 60 months, the payment is $333.34 per month.

Buy the same car, 1 year old, say at $17,000 @6.5% for 60 months the payments are $332.62 per month.
Add to this the car is all ready one year old and 12 months of the warranty is used up.

You should be able to get 0% financing with a Credit Score of 650 or higher. In fact insist on it. Inventories are high and they need to move cars before the 08's arrive.

Anonymous said...

Re, Camel Toes
Yep 8 to 80, crippled and crazy, any pussy or puntang will do.

Anonymous said...

Re, Camel Toes
What we have hear ladies is a failure to communicate. Go to my room for a good spanking.

Anonymous said...

One thing I like about this new brd besides no flagging, the foul language is kept to a minimum and is used mostly in humor.

Also no idiots posting in All CAPS.
Google did a survey on their Blogs and found that 90% of people don't even read post that are in all Caps.

Anonymous said...

An Actual Advertisement on Phoenix craigslist 'FREE Board' today ...
= = = = = = = =
bullet proof wall
bullet proof wall 8' X 1'-4" very heavy. you will need gloves,truck, and 2 people! call me @ 480-695-8579
east mesa

Anonymous said...

America wak up or you will wake soon to:

Spanish is the new English

Anonymous said...

Edited and Re-posted - Aanal SEX

This is for all you Jerry Springer dolts out there that get their sexual instructions and motivations from online porn sites...
Porn chics take it in the ass for money to support a lifestyle that they want idiots like you to believe is exciting.
Anal sex is the most degrading thing you can do to your wife/girlfriend, or as with certain among you, your daughter and/or mother or you male gays.
If you stick your penis in an anus, or you desire to stick your penis in an anus, and you prefer the odor of freshly excreted feces over that of a vagina during sex, you are an absolute blithering idiot – there is feces in there fer chrissakes!
How in name sake can you even contemplate swirling your penis in feces when a vagina feels so good, you circus geeks.
From the advise column – shoot yourself in the face as soon as possible, have someone video tape it, put it up on YouTube.
Any questions you morons?

Anonymous said...

I started falling, I am still falling --

But I never hit the ground .......... ????

Anonymous said...

re, Anal Sex

Sounds like a semi-homophobe who screws his girl's asshole while thinking of a mans man !!

Anonymous said...

Dish Network v Direct TV v Cox Communications
I just tried to get Dish Network set up and after telling me I wouldn't have to pay any money up for service or equipment they wanted a deposit of $149. Apparently, they ran my credit report after asking for my SSN (which when I asked they affirmed it was only for security purposes in case someone was trying to fraudiently set up satellite service). Curiously they only asked for the last 4 digits and then informed me that it didn't match up with my last address.

Don't go with these turkeys. It seems like they do one thing and then say another. They also don't disclose that they're running your credit report unless you ask why they need all the info. The deal I was signing up for didn't even mention that a deposit was even necessary. DirecTV is the same way only they ask for $200 as a deposit.

These two made Cox Communications look good and that isn't saying much. I have to wonder if the grocey stores will someday only allow you to purchase food at the sale price upon approved credit.

Anonymous said...

Atheists Are Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things
They are O.K. though, most.. are of the harmless sort, like mushrooms ... a mundane fungus, kept in the dark, and full of shit.
They taste good.. sauteed in butter and served on a nice, juicy, steak.
See God, Collective Woodears !

Anonymous said...

Lets face it Hillary is one ugly bitch, I wonder if there is any truth she really is a man?

Anonymous said...

This ole boy is ready 4 some bed time, along day I've had. Good night all.

Anonymous said...

Well we gots our nappy hairs, like Rev Al Sharpton and the Rev Jesse Jackson.
We gots Obama a geniune porch monkey with a radical Islamic background.

I say give'm some jungle juice, lock'em in a room, may the best nigga cums out alive.

More news at 11pm

Anonymous said...

Woman always want to know how do men define THIN women.

Simple - stand in front of a mirror if you ...

Look like a roll of pork rhines, you're fat.
If you look like Paris Hilton you are thin.
Most anything in between is some level of average.

Anonymous said...

re, about them niggas ...

White Boy lick the lint from between my fungus infested toes.

LOL - video at 11:300pm

Anonymous said...

re, score up

Blackman 1
Redneck 1

both u gents r funny

Anonymous said...

Just woke up to some T.A.P.
Had some T.A.P. before I wnet 2 bed.
Going to Denny's now for a Grand Slam Breakfast.
Life is great.

Anonymous said...

re, Cronk

Goog morning one and all.
My lady is making me waffles in this day.
Had a double T.A.P. this morning.

Yes life is gooooooood.

Anonymous said...

Re, Cronk and Larry
You luck buggers no T.A.P. for me.
Time to play a round of pud.

Anonymous said...

Mr. A. -
What size PUD do you use?

Anonymous said...

Just stopped over at 3 CL boards and got that reminder why tigers eat their young.

I hope this thread remains with some what coherrent and intelligent people.

Anonymous said...

Sex Offender Petition (posted many areas):

its a shame I can't shove that thing up your ass. believe me I would do it. Each case is different. A lot of young men are charged with sex offenses who do nothing more than have sex with their underage girlfriends. You bunch of assholes have ruined the lives of too many young innocent boys with your paranoid behavior. These young offenders will pay for the rest of their lives for doing nothing wrong. People who sign that crap ought to be shot.

Anonymous said...

Re, Sex Offender Petition

I agree. Real Sex Offenders should be punished but these assholes, Liberals, Whack Jobs, Many Women, and Some Religious Right Wingers think sex is bad if the girl is underage. Look boys will be boys, and in today's society so will girls. High school kids having sex should not be punished or labeled as sex offenders. That shows how screwed up out legal system is.

Anonymous said...

re, Sex Offender Petition
Whats worse about this you not only ruined this boys life but many will say to themselves, what the hell I am all ready labeled a criminal so I might as well do real crime.

So we lock these kids up, make criminals out of them for no reason and then people cant understand why society is mess up.

I hate Liberals. I hate stupid politicans that jump to every ass wipe in society demanding more laws and restrictions.

Anonymous said...

This Is Funny ......

Junk mail from post office
I save all the pre paid envelopes and stick in junk mail from other ads for credit cards and so forth. It cost them 60 cents in postage to get their junk mail back :) Just make sure you don't send anything with your name and address back to them. I don't think it is illegal to send them their own mail back, as they supplied you with a postage paid envelope. I also print out in word, the following "YOU paid postage to send me junk mail, NOW you get to pay to get it back" I do it in BIG bold RED letters!!!!!
Will this help stop the junk mail? NO, but it gives me pleasure to know I am costing them something to get their shit back LOL I get about 2 a week from 1 credit company alone. Just those 3 cost them $1.80 to get their own mail back!!!! You figure out how many they send out to people every week and it adds up to a bundle of money they are paying out for postage. If enough people start sending it back and they have to pay twice for postage, maybe they will be more selective of who they send their mail to.

Anonymous said...

Getting up late but got me some T.A.P.
I am heading out for breakfast with my lady.

Anonymous said...

T.A.P. and the shower string quartet is playing.

Anonymous said...

There is a very old saying ...
Old enough to bleed old enough to breed.

unfortunately this is true.
Teenagers dont understand that sex often leads to serious consequences such as STDs and Pregnancy.

This is why we should issue FREE condoms to all school age children starting at the age of puberty, if they want them. We need to teach our children about life and consequences instead of religious bullshit beliefs that they will ignore anyway.

Condoms are a lot cheaper than the cost of raising unwanted children, abortions, or STD infections.

Anonymous said...

Vegan v Vegetarian
Vegans eat no animal products, ie eggs, milk cheese etc.
Vegetarians eat no foods which are produced by killing an animal.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Please, Pass The Gray Poopon .....

Anonymous said...

Comment on the Shampoo Guy in Scottsdale Arizona who was sweeping up Britney Spear's hair from the floor and selling it for $50.00 ....

The only hair I'd like to see on Britney Spears is the short and curly .... or lack there of!

But I still wouldn't pay for it.

Anonymous said...

The Military- We must make it fair all around:

If the draft was re-instituted, with virtually no exemptions other than failure to pass the physical, then maybe politicians would think twice about sending their own children off to fight. As it is, there is a disproportionate number of poor and disenfranchised entering the military, as for some it is their only path to gain the opportunities for education and benefits they can receive. Unfortunately, this makes these people expendable in the eyes of the politicians. Some people would really scream about this, but that's all the better. Not only that, but serving their country might make more people wake up and appreciate what the ones who have gone before them have sacrificed. If more people felt like the generation of people who went through the Depression and WWII, there would be no way they would let the government take away their freedoms.

Anonymous said...

The Libby Controversy .......
Most of you dont know or wont admit knowing the story of Susan McDougal. She was ordered to testify against clinton but chose to disobey a court order. She spent 18 months in prison as the court tried to compel her to testify. Ultimately the judge let her go. Good old Bill Clinton pardoned her. How is that for a political pardon to save his ass?

Anonymous said...

Is it me or are all the snakes in the valley missing??? I haven't seen any around my house, except the two legged kind, at all this year. I guess we have to wait for Arizona monsoons.

Anonymous said...

you cant grill it till you kill it.

Anonymous said...

People Eating Tastey Animals

Anonymous said...

Strange Fact:
Did you know that you can clean your skin (face) with an orange peel or lemon peel?
It helps clean out the poors and removes oils from your skin.
Tell your kids, it may help with their acne.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a racist, but....
I am willing to learn.

Anonymous said...

re, P.E.T.A.
If it aint in the food chain kill it, it is comepeting with humans.
If it is in the food chain, cook it up and eat it, I.m starving.

Anonymous said...

In Arizona we have something special it's called a Mugwump.
Also known as Governor Janet Napolitano.
Ole Janet she is a ...
Illegal Mexican lover.
Forbids the round up of these pesky critters.
Guess she doesn't know how to understand the Constitution and her oath of office as Governor that says she will uphold the laws of the nation.
Illegal immigrants are here illegal you dumb as ugly bitch,
We need to start arresting our politicians for 'Obstruction of Justice' and 'Malfeasance in Office.' Have them jailed and kicked out of office.
This bitch wants to gibe them a free pass. She endorses open borders and says that a Wall along the US-Mexico Border would bring International Condemnation to the USA and embarrassment to Arizona.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said ... on Jrly 3rd
Re, When Dogs Crap on Your Lawn:

I see you are testicle free, Mr/Mrs Anonymous. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ............ cause most of us own firearms.

Anonymous said...

Oxycodone in vagina rocks -
Now see, this is how shit came about to begin with. Some mutha' fucker went out and found some shit growing and thought, "I might smoke that" and found he liked it. Then they showed a friend.

Now what in the world gave you the idea to crush the shit up and stick it in the happy hole? And what "exactly" does it do? I gotta know. I may have my wife try this!

Anonymous said...

Vegetarian - that's an old Indian word meaning "lousy hunter."

Anonymous said...

Did you know that it costs forty-thousand dollars a year to house each prisoner? Jeez, for forty-thousand bucks apiece, I'll take a few prisoners into my home. I live in Los Angeles, so I already have bars on the windows.
I don't think we should give free room and board to criminals. I think they should have to run twelve hours a day on a treadmill and generate electricity. And if they don't want to run, they can rest in the chair that's hooked up to the generator.

Anonymous said...

Re, poor hillbilly:
Try and stick a vacuum cleaner hose on one of your nipples, a vibrating but plug up your anus, and a vibrating dildo in your vagina.
The outcome will be better, cheaper, and the utensils are reusable and are not illegal.

Anonymous said...

Good morning fellow forum posters.
Yep got me sum T.A.P. this early am.

Anonymous said...

San Fran has more gay flakes than a a box of Kellogs.

Anonymous said...

Serious money offer to one and all who -
Have you ever heard the phrase: 'Put your money where your mouth is'?
Well, some people do. This website: www.drdino.com still has a standing invitation open to ANYONE anywhere on earth that can present genuine scientific evidence (proof) to support the theory of "evolution." The reward for any real evidence is one quarter of a million dollars ($250,000.00).

Anonymous said...

Cell Phone Scubscribers:
Depending on the Cell Phone Company their profit margin is used up for the month if the Customer calls them and uses berween 8 to 12 minutes of their airtime on Customer Service and Billing related problems.
So if you are trying to get out of some service contract, simply call them several times per month after about 3 months or so they will cancel your service thus your contract has been terminated with no fees or cost to you.
They also count the number of times you call, and if they transfer one call to say three different parties or departments that is recorded as 3 calls by the customer.
Make sure you use your cell phone and not a land libe when calling, if your desire is to terminate your service.
One trick is to complain about dropped calls and while talking to them hang up. Then call back, repeat this 2 or 3 times.

Anonymous said...

Another REALTOR Story ...
If you haven't heard about this, a woman in Floirda started getting online phone sex calls to her cell phone. Turned out that she had a dispute with a long term friend who was also a Realtor and that person posted her personal information and cell phone number on Sex Ads in CraigsList. She got over 800 calls. CL assisted in tracking the guilty party down and now they will be prosecuted. So never post anyone else's personal data no matter how pissed off you are.
This shows though that Realtors are slime balls and eventually all get what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Today's Women:
I'll tell ya what! If these damned doctors would quit giving all these gals those epidurals for vaginal childbirths and these gals had to experience the FULL BRUNT of ALL THAT PAIN that comes with the "wonder" of giving birth, you'd see a WHOLE lot more of these gals stop hatching them puppies out like they were on a line assembly for GM!
Come on! To deliver a child "naturally", now THERE is an experience in PAIN you will NEVER forget. But what the blue blazes is up with all these doctors that think every woman delivering a baby should have an epidural? When I had mine, there was no damned epidural, as that was only reserved for those women having C-Sections. Make a few of these gals REALLY feel what that pain is like and I will guarantee you that they'll be figuring out a way to NOT have those babies or they'll be superglueing their knees together with a dime in between them! Amazing what that sort of pain will cause one to do, in order to avoid it ever happening again!

Anonymous said...

Re, Realtor Story -
I hate Realtors they are scum. I hope they all eat shit and die a horrible death. I am sure that bitch in Florida deserved everything she got. Wonder how many consumers she screwed before she got a taste of her own medicene?

Anonymous said...

Interested in Uranus
Dear Earthling,
First, I’d like to thank you for you inquiry regarding our Intergalactic Anal Probing Research and Development program.

The “deal with alien anal probes,” as you put it, is an ongoing attempt by our scientist to develop an efficient form of communication with your species before our formal introduction. If we were to just ‘show up’ on your planet, it would cause mass hysteria and panic, and it is our goal to establish a line of communication prior.

You see, we have been monitoring Earth, its inhabitants and the communications of its species for some time now, and we have determined that to the best of our knowledge you humans communicate by talking out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

Is a perfectly good waste of grass.
It is boring as Hell.
It is a siisy game for fags, morons, and dysfunctional nitwits.

Anonymous said...

soccer sucks -
Soccer is not only a brutish third-world sport, it is counter-evolutionary . . . after eons of developing an opposable thumb, man invents a game using a ball where one can't use one's hands!!! Your HEAD, sure OK, but NOT your hands! The rise of soccer in this country and the decline of baseball (a thinking person's sport) is indicative of the general decline of modern America.

Anonymous said...

washing the hands
What I think is funny is to see some guy out at the movies not washing his hands after using the john then heading out the door and seeing his date or friends waiting there with a big tub of popcorn to share mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm. I say wash your hands it only takes a minute.

Anonymous said...

Ready! .. Aim! .. Fire!
While my woman is still quivvering from her O's, we have the most fun when I pull out just before cumming, and jack that shit all over her. I shoot like a rocket and she's got cum from pussy to chin and everywhere in between.
The look on her face is priceless .. it's like .. gimme back my dick!, but then the delight of seeing my cock spurt love juice her way makes her damn giddy.
I like hearing my big load go splat when it hits, then seeing where all the cast-off lands! C.S.I. would have a field day!

Anonymous said...

jizz in the hole
Dude I like the idea of degrading her and dumping a load on her face ass or tits but I like milking my load in a nice cozy warm pussy.But its nice to see her swallow a load kinda funny to see her expression on her face once a year.

Anonymous said...

Anal Sex-
Not quite what its Cracked up to be...

Anonymous said...

re, Aliens and Anal Probes
What is the deal with alien anal probes? Why is the human rectum such a source of fasination with them? Does the human asshole contain some great secrets? I just can't get it.
Right now, on some planet in another galaxy a space vehicle is being constructed to journey light years away to Earth. When the journey to Earth is completed, then a human must be abducted in order that they may probe his rectum. Whatever could they be seeking?
Why is their superior technical brainpower devoted to this task? Years and years of evolution on their home planet lead to the development of vehicles that can traverse the Space-Time Continum in order that they can look into our assholes.

NO, it is the Ultimate Reality program on their planet.

This year they will stop using probes and start using their ... well you get the idea now dont you.

Hey I hear YOU are on their list to be abducted.

Anonymous said...

I live in the Phoenix Valley. My moniker is Baby Blue. I am a major light weight. I rarely drink. When I do; 2-3 beers and I have a nice buzz, anymore than that and I am toasted! Cheap Date! Yes, I do lighten up a little with some drinks.

Anonymous said...

China gets it right -
The PRC just executed (as in dead) the former head of the chinese food and drug administration for screwing up and making china look bad in the eyes of the world. It only took one month from arresting to execution. The United States should adopt this same sort of policy. Then maybe the politicians as well as the american people would change their ways. i applaude China.

Anonymous said...

Ginormous (a new word) ...
Extremely large; bigger than giant and enormous.

So to all you Fat Women everywhere the newly released Merriam-Webster Dictionary has a word for you.

It will also make it easier for the Aliens to find and identify you as a food source when they arrive.

Anonymous said...

Re, China Get It Right.
I agree.
They should do this to every crooked politician, lobbyist, government employee, ambulance chasing lawyer, and CEO in the country that sells America out, cheats the consumer, or exports jobs overseas and puts profits before America.
Gee we would have a New President, a New Congress, an almost all new government set of employees, and a new outlook by Wall Street on how to treat the American people.
This would happen virtually overnight.
See, the Death Penalty does work when properly applied.

Anonymous said...

A Heavily Armed Patriot:
Do you love your gun? You need to catch this guy's act. He's a New Yorker, now in Colorado. Armed to the teeth and proud of his nation, the military and the freaking RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!
I love this guy.
Watch him in action at www.slangtv.com.
This ain't for the commie gun-hating liveral shit. It's for real men and women who know the love of hot lead.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Freaks Unite:
It's official, the pope said the only true church is the Roman Catholic Church. What are the Republicans going to do now?? I demand that Conservatives everywhere tell the Pope in Rome to Piss Off !!

Anonymous said...

Life doesn't matter we're all gonna be soylent green for aliens.
They are here.
The government has cut it's deal.
The vast majority of Earth's population is food.
The X-Files is now reality.

Anonymous said...

From the L.A. Times Newspaper:
1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County ).
11. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
12. Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration.
13. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

America we are a bunch of fools for letting this continue.
Someone tell me again why we can't send these leeches on society home (deport their asses now)?

Anonymous said...

Rise and shine all you empty sleepy heads, I have entered your void.

Anonymous said...

President Bush isn't the only lame duck in our nation's capital. All 435 Congressmen are up for re-election next year, and so are 34 of our senators. That's a total of 469 lame ducks, the way I see it.
There are a lot more "lame ducks" in the nation's capital than in previous years, according to Lou Dobbs.
For the record, there are 245 Democratic and 224 Republican lame ducks in Washington. And with the rising registration of Independents across the country, next year may be a bad season for lame ducks.

With the electorate asserting a strong impulse to be independent, and with populism exerting a significant influence in the 2006 midterm elections, there is a possibility that all of those incumbents in the House and Senate may have to consider the possibility of actually having to represent their constituents and the popular will, rather than corporate America, socio-ethnic special interest groups and the tens of thousands of lobbyists who represent every interest but that of the common good and the nation.

Anonymous said...

For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?", here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!

Anonymous said...

Real Story -
A woman reported that a man broke into her South Mesa Arizona apartment just to make a ham sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Yum Circus Peanuts
I just ate a whole bag of these chew-y, goo-y orange delights. And I feel fine!

Anonymous said...

Some bikers are assholes:
This morning three scooter trash guys pull up to the stop sign an pull infront of me so they could go first when the lt turns green.UMMMMMMM little did they realize i am not affraid to nail the gas so soon as we all took off i changed lanes an cut in front of them,so funny two hit the controls an almost wiped out lol then they pulled up next to me but once they saw my weapon they backed the fuck down.

Anonymous said...

re, bikers
wow I would of slammed my elbow in your door glass an spit in ya face

Anonymous said...

What I learned from my Parents:
What I learned from my mom? If you accept a ride from a stranger, you deserve what you get.
Fom my dad? It's easier to raise dogs than kids.

Anonymous said...

re, What I learned from my Parents:
From my mother I learned that there is some good in everyone.
From my father I learned you may have to rip their guts out to find it.

Anonymous said...

re, chasing the biker trash ....
You try that shit up here and watch me run. ain't nothing worse than a pussy with a weapon.

Anonymous said...

re, chasing the bikers
I think that post is bogus bullshit.
Come try that with this kick ass biker.

Anonymous said...

Raves and Kudos for Australia
It's about time a government took a stand against these damn Muslims that want impose their stupid religion on others. Australia flat out said that immigrants, not Australians must adapt. People with strong support of Islamic law risk being deported. We need to do this in America. Send these fuckers back to the middle east!

Anonymous said...

beaners and wetbacks
i hate all beaners.
i hate all wetbacks.
i want to see mexico in a nuclear winter.
thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

7 Reasons:
Here are a seven reasons why some of us are against letting illegals stay and work in our country.
1. They have no legal right to be in this country. They have broken our laws by coming here.
2. They come from a culture of corruption. In Mexico corruption is a way of life and they carry that with them.
3. They use services that they are not legally entitled to. Things like medical services, social sevices, and other programs paid for by American hard working taxpayers.
4. They are willing to work for substandard wages.
5. They drive with no insurance.
6. They are responsible for a huge amount of crime.
7.They don't want to be Americans.

Anonymous said...

New Slang for Illegal Aliens:
They are now being called "TONKS". I have heard this lately and have seen a couple of t-shirts with it. The name refers to the sound that is made when hitting them in the head with a maglite.

Anonymous said...

Pizza Delivered -
if you decide that you don't want to get out of your nice cozy house to go get a pizza, GOOD call and have it delivered. but TIP your driver
if you decide that you don't want to waist you gas to go and get a pizza, GOOD call and have it deliverd. but, TIP your driver
if you don't have a car and decide that you want to buy a pizza, GOOD have it delivered. but, TIP your driver.
remember ** TIP** your pizza driver!
(we count on our tips.) we remember the ones that don't tip, and the ones that do and trust me you get VIP treatment, when we remember that you tipped us.
one thing you should know **cheese and peppers** have you asked the pizza driver for them and he said "sorry, i forgot to get you some on my way out"?? not true ' its because you didn't TIP your driver

Anonymous said...

Phoenix AZ Drivers ....
Most of the dip shit drivers are either illegals; women or realtors on cell phones; or old snow bird type people and they are not here in summer.
So even though it's hot in Phoenix visit between May 16th and Sept 15th and avoid the winter wonderland escapees that screw this town up.

Anonymous said...

Rash of car door thefts
In response to a rash of car door thefts the police have traced all the stolen doors to towns in northern Mexico. This puzzleing phenomenon is finally being explained. The businesses in these Mexican towns are selling the doors to those wishing to try and cross the desert. They are telling the border crossers, "hey, if it gets to hot you can put the window down". LOL

Anonymous said...

The Final SOLUTION to the Illegals

Anonymous said...

Solution to "old people"
This is a suggestion to the youger folks who use the word "old" like it is a desease. In order to further your viewpoint that old people a less worthy than young people you can assist in cutting down on the number of old people in the future. Commit suicide today. Thats right, you have the power and means to cut down on the potential number of old fogies, old farts, old goats, and just plain old folks by reducing the number of people that will grow old. Just think of the impact your contribution will make on our environment, the Social Security system, medical system, and over crowded highways. You can be proud of doing your part and should encourage other young people to join you in your campaign to end old age.

Anonymous said...

I am so bad ...
t is a common practice for the reticent, meek, and cowardly to make bold statements, on the internet, knowing there is no way to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

I'll take door number 2.
If I'm going to catch something from a whore I'll want her to look good.

Anonymous said...

re, pizza delivery guy warning
press release from the white house this morning confirms the pizza guy rumor. and how they are planning to take over the world. first by holding cheese and pepper packets hostage, then by driving somewhat wrecklessly thus causing the pizzas to bounce around. these sadistic bastards must be stopped! we must stand together as a nation to win the war on pizza deliver.
unite, or lose cheese and pepper packets forever.

Anonymous said...

did someone say ... (blah, blah, blah)

Anonymous said...

Al rite you pizza delivery piece of shit I will fetch my own pizza from now on.

Anonymous said...

re, pizza delivery
I just want to let everyone know that I LOVE pizza delivery! I am one of those lazy dudes who won't go farther than my doorstep to get something to eat. I always give them at least $4-$5 at the door. My grub is always HOT,and sometimes so is the delivery girl.

Anonymous said...

re: pizza drivers
All this talk of pizza is making me hungry. Order me up a Supreme with a 2 leiter coke. Will be paying cash as always with a killer tip.. Please Hurry.

Anonymous said...

I met a man today like all men he was stuck on himself and his stupid toys.
Sex yes but no BJ.
See get your act together men and get it all.

Anonymous said...

re, Men
To the lady ...
Stupid you are.
The guy got sex he is happy.
BJ would have increased the happiness but oh well sex is still sex.

Anonymous said...

The Only True Church
The pope says The Roman Catholic Church is the only true church. I guess Roman Catholic priests fucking young boys is part of that doctrine.
"The nation's largest Catholic archdiocese has settled its abuse cases for $660 million, by far the largest payout in the church's sexual abuse scandal, The Associated Press has learned."

Anonymous said...

Some people should've never been born, since the best part of them ran back onto the mattress.

Anonymous said...

Pizza anyone?
I had pizza for dinner but I got up off my lazy ass and went and got it.

Anonymous said...

Home Depot in the early morning on Sundays. No cashiers ... only the self serve machines that talk to you. I hate a machine talking to me. Oh there's the "helpers" if the machine is malfunctioning which they always seem to. The machine I got this morning wouldn't get off the "spanish" language so the helper fixed that. If you have six items, you can't just hold the same one and scan it six times. The machine will tell you "place the item in the bag" then it says something else if you are not swift enough getting each thing from the cart to the scanner to the bag. Then I pushed "finish and pay"....nothing....so I went ahead and slid my card to pay...then the machine started flashing...more help from the helper...had to cancel everything and start over.
What is the point?

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