Oct 1, 2007

Archived Postings for October 2007

The 'New' Addiction, compulsive postings to forums like this one.

CLOSED for Posting -Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of October 2007.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to craigslist.org Rants and Raves.

Net Neutrality Means -
No Flagging Ever
No Censorship

Thanks for your support.


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 478 of 478
Anonymous said...

Contested French immigration bill passes:
PARIS - French lawmakers adopted a hotly contested bill on Tuesday that would institute language exams and potential DNA testing for prospective immigrants, making it more difficult for families to join loved ones in France.
The DNA amendment, the most controversial aspect of the legislation, is meant to ensure that claims of family ties are true. It was added as a way to ensure that visa-seekers were not using fraudulent papers, common in some African countries.

Anonymous said...

It is not about illegals, taxes, this war, or even our local leadership. IT IS about banding together as Americans, taking back our country and kicking out the current traitors from their offices and installing people who will honor the constitution. I am really sick of people saying the constitution will not take care of us.

Anonymous said...

Stray Cats
I was backing out of my driveway when I felt a slight bump...

Anonymous said...

So you're thinking of moving to Arizona, well take a look at craigslist.org RnR in Phoenix called CL (Rant and Raves). This is typical of the people that you will find here or worse.

Here is a direct link, just copy and paste:


Anonymous said...

A study by an independant non political group says that the Iraq War, Acton in Afghanistan, and troops stationed in the Middle East is costing every Man, Woman, and Child in the USA $8,000.00 per year.

This does not account for other military spendig or any other spending by the U.S. Government.

Anonymous said...

re, $8,000.00 per person per year.

Yes I saw this on CNN and Fox News both today. That is staggering. The terrorist are winning just by driving us into total bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

California Fires -
Burn baby burn ...
I hate you arrogant Liberal no everything do nothing pro big government over spending anti American open the flood gates and let every piece of trash in here assholes.
You are finally getting what you deserve for fucking up the good old USA.

Anonymous said...

re, Stray Cats


Anonymous said...

re, repent sinners

right on brother, right on

Anonymous said...

Dreamscape Mortage riped me off, dont use them!

Anonymous said...

Home Depot Card Scam
These are being advertised on CL – especially places like Farm and Garden, among others …
Be advised there is a scam going on using Home Depot Gift Cards:
The ad looks something like this:
A Home Depot Card is advertised, say for $200.00 that the seller claims is worth 250 or 300. Often times they say things like – We got this as a gift and don’t need it; or We are moving and no longer need the card.
There are two types of scams involving these cards, here they are:
1) The card was purchased through a stolen credit card.
2) Someone used a gift card at the self checkout line and kept a blank card (no money left on the card).

Anonymous said...

re, consumer alert -
I saw this posted here, so I copied it and posted it to CL Phx Farm and Farden board and huess what:

craigslist deleted it.
Whay they dony want the public to know about scams?
Craig Newmark and craigslist.org is a friggin joke and should have their non profit status revoked.

Anonymous said...

re, Craigs list R&R sucks
The assholes have now limited us so we can no longer post URLs! I think this is a direct spit in the face be the liberal faggot hippies to keep us form being able to show proof about crooked government and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION issues! This is a prime example of the Craigs list & Ebay P.O.S. Liberals trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them. We are soon to have a way with these types! This country needs to rid itself of all this trash!!! I am sure some cockroach will say it's so people can't post others personal info but if that's the case then why didn't they stop at that? Liberals and hippies may you censoring pieces of shit all rot in hell where you so obviously belong! You only want to sensor what is against what you believe but not what's immoral!

Anonymous said...

Yellow Page Ads Gone Bad ...
Here's a solution:

These people use typical business corporate scare tactics. Never pay for what you dont get.
Their business mistakes are NOT your problem.
Stand up for your rights.
Take them to small claims court, Lawyers are not permitted.
Take all your original artwork and layouts with you.

Anonymous said...

Vefore you buy or sell real estate or have a problem with a builder or realtors, visit this website / blog :

You may want to start here ......


Anonymous said...

Build It ~
I am all in favor of genetic engineering. We could manufacturer the perfect woman, no voice, huge hooters, a small tight round very firm tucked up ass, and long legs. We could relocate them to a new town we shall call Hooterville. Build it and we shall come.

Anonymous said...

If Dell and Gateway Computers were made in Ireland they'd be called O'Dell and McGateway.

Although if Shaquille O'Neil married an Greek woman and made computers in Ireland, it might be called a McShaqopopulous.

Anonymous said...

Fat people should have warning labels.

Anonymous said...

re, FAT People
They should be put in a cage to be viewed at the zoo. Ever notice how much noise they make while eating? Or walking? Or talking?
Or simply breathing?
grunt, snort, snort, belch, fart .............

Anonymous said...

The next time some charity ask you for a donation or some bum ask for change, simply say,

"Sure do you have change for a penny?"

Anonymous said...

Viewing Personals versus Boredom:

So here I was in the wee hours of the night, perusing classified ads- hoping to get a good deal on a TV ... then it happened ... I noticed the personals section.
Unbridled morbid curiosity ran through my veins .. it was truly amazing; it competes with "Ugly People Need Love too" and "Desperately seeking anyone" web sites. Surfing the net, discovering entire subcultures of village idiots who describe their private lives with acronyms and making a public spectacle of their dysfunctional lives and sub human attributes. Screw looking for a TV now .... this was more interesting .... then I realized I needed to ponder life's little mysteries.

I wonder how large people reproduce. It can't be the traditional way, largely because the aroma that all heftoids produce - a combination of sweat congealing among the folds and the unfortunate consequences of being unable to reach to wipe - is more effective than pepper spray as a sex repellent. And while there are a few dementiods who find that sort of thing appealing, much like fecophiliacs, there are far too many wide loads in this world for mere deviance to produce. It must be something evolutionary ...asexual cellulite reproduction.

Anonymous said...

re, nine lives said -
Hey dont forget to oil them there fats people up first.

Anonymous said...

re, penny

for your thoughts, oh wait morons don't have thoughts just endless useless drooling babble and noise that emulates from that hole in their face called a mouth

Anonymous said...

The Revolution is coming !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning New York, today sucks, Yes I have to go to work on a Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Hey New York, hurry off, but don't worry about your wife, I'll take care of her personally.

Anonymous said...

Your daily swirl is ignored.

Anonymous said...

The Human Race, it discust me.

Anonymous said...

Are you prone to being fat?

Then stop eating !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tap Tap Tap

Anonymous said...

tap shuffle tap tap shuffle

Anonymous said...

dont take drugs and drink, its a waste of good drugs

Anonymous said...

It's almost time for the boogieman

Anonymous said...

re, halloweenie

Lets smash some pumpkins !!!!!

Anonymous said...

re, nine lives, viewing personals:
So let's say you strike lucky on the old personals scene. What now? Come and meet the parents.
There's no more awkward situation for a father than having to sit down and make nice with some schlub who's seen his darling young flower of innocence completely naked and covered with canola oil, crawling round on all fours and barking like a cocker spaniel while you spanked her with a riding crop—and it's no party from the far side of the menacing glare, either. But here's a useful tip: when he asks about your plans for the future, don't tell him you're going to try to talk his daughter into arranging a little show for you with her best friend and a couple of midgets. That's rude.
When you girlfriend's father asks you about your plans for the future, he wants to know about your plans for marriage. Actually, he probably doesn't want to know about your real plans for marriage, especially when you're sitting across the table from his wife—the fat, warty forecast of what his daughter will turn into in ten years—because at that point, your plans for the future are to trade her in on a newer model at the first sign of wear.
At best, it will be a tense situation. The entire father and son dynamic is hostile enough, so can you really expect there to be a casual amiability between two males when one of them is having rough, kinky sex with the other's offspring?
Good luck and be forewarned.

Anonymous said...

Try this BLOG, it is funny and to the point, great pictures ...


Anonymous said...

Slavery Rip Off
I sho wish them slavery companies never went out a business. Since them nigs don't work no mo I wanna return em and get my money back.

Anonymous said...

Easy to Remember Saying about Minorities

If it ain't white, it ain't right. If it's brown, flush it down. Be sure to wash your hands afterwards. We don't want no decent folk getting no ugly diseases now, ya hear.

Anonymous said...

Ah Halloween -
Do you know where your whore is?

Anonymous said...

re, Ah Halloween

yes indeed it's the one night each year the whores can legally dress up like sluts and the cops can't do anything about it

Anonymous said...

re, re Ah Halloween .......

Party time, calling all office sluts, get down, get dirty, dress like a whore and be fucked like one.

Anonymous said...

Halloween .....
Hey in NYC everyday is Halloween !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

re: Halloween

yes just take the office whore out back of the dumpster, get a blowjob and toss her ass in the bin for pick up

Anonymous said...

re re re Ah Halloween

I want to get ot on with an office party slut, any takers?

Anonymous said...

re - Halloween

Where the office secretary dresses up like a witch and gets gang bang in the broom closet.

Anonymous said...

Ah Halloween ......
isn't this where Litttle Johnny takes little Suzie into the empty classroom and has his way with her?

Anonymous said...

Halloween at school - Little Johnny{

Only if he is lucky.

Anonymous said...

re, Halloween at school, Little Johnny
and Little Suzie ..

No this is where Johnny meets the illegal pedophile janitor and Suzie gets bang by the pedophile teacher.

Anonymous said...

Halloween ::
I thought this was when parents dressed their daughters like sluts and took them around the neighborhood for candy so the pedophiles could mark down who they wanted next.

Anonymous said...

re,halloween at school
Silly rabbit dont u no schools are being politically correct and sexually safe so they r passing out free condoms and birth controll pills to children so its ok for little johnny to fuck little suzie becoz she wont get pregnant or catch any std ......

Anonymous said...

Little Johnny ....

Hey kids need love, many of them they don't get it at home.

Anonymous said...

Little Johnny and Little Suzie at school

Well just where you think all those sex education videos come from ???

Anonymous said...

Office Party,
i plan to get me sum today

Anonymous said...

what's that smell

is that an old witch's halloween pussy or what

Anonymous said...

Llittle Suzie is going to experince Little Johnny's banana candy this Halloween

Anonymous said...

Halloween at school with Little Johnny and Little Suzie

The trick or Treat part is will Little Suzie get pregnant or not?

Anonymous said...

re, Halloween at school with Little Johnny and Little Suzie ......

nope you are wrong, not if she gets prenant but will she give Johnny an STD

Anonymous said...

Halloween at school with Little Johnny and Little Suzie

HELL, that's why it's called TRICK or TREAT

Anonymous said...

Haloween at School,
No this is where all the White Kids fuck all the illegal Mexican sluts and we get a whole new bunch of them there useless welfare babies.

Anonymous said...

Little Johnny and Little Suzie .....

The secret is revealed,
Little Johnny's real name is Tyrone and he's gonna give Suzie a really big chcoolate banana in her poop hole.

Anonymous said...

re, secret revealed ....
liar, you know your little Tyrone is Gay and he loves sucking my Johnny's white cock

Anonymous said...

I love halloween whores

Anonymous said...

halloween sex

fact is Johhny's last name is Berstien (the son of wealthy Jewish lawyer in New York) and Suzzie's real name is Fatima (an Arab Muslim slut who changed her name).
Johnny is going tp fuck Fatima using a condom greased with Pig's Fat from raw contaimiated bacon.

Anonymous said...

re, hey there idiot ...
it's not scholl it is school
learn too spell

Anonymous said...

re. spell checker

spell this - F**K U

Anonymous said...

re, spell it

if u r a redneck it is spelled

Anonymous said...

GOD not these stupid assholes and their dumb ass spelling, not here, not on this board, not at this blog ......

Anonymous said...

Beware of crime by illegal aliens tonight - - -
Illegal aliens from mexico are planning on leaving Arizona with a bang. There has been an uptick in crime already which has gone unreported by the media as usual. Beware of older mexicans tagging along with their anchor babies tonight. They will be casing your property. Be proactive. They are.
Also Google:
San Diego Plan of 1916
La Raza
Remember that MECha has stated their goal is the takeover of the United States and the overthrow of the US Government. The centerpiece of their plan is an agressive ethnic cleansing program aimed at White Americans.
MECha = The Klan With A Tan

Anonymous said...

When I die
I am to be cremated and my ashes sprinkled on my living room carpet, so my wife has to clean up after me one more time...

Anonymous said...

filthy mexicans ...
Shoot them all.

Anonymous said...

The Beanerization of Phoenix Arizona by a NEW law stops on January 1st 2008.

Anonymous said...

I'm Gonna Amp-Up the Morphine-Drip, and go to bed, these goofy politcal posters never quit.
They're like... some kind of strange, fuckin' 24-hour, self-service, convenience-store...
where people walk in, talk to themselves, then leave.
It's like a chap-stick store for Blabbering Idiots.
Go figure...?

Anonymous said...

When I Die
I am to be cremated, and my ashes are to be placed in an Hourglass...abstractly stating that...my life was not completely...a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Huh ....

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhh - Halloween

A perfect for the pedophile's in your neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

just made for you gay homo turds bowl lickers

Anonymous said...

The following website is circulating around the Internet claiming to be able to trace Cell Phone Loactions - This is false, you type in a cell phone number, and it looks real but in fact it is a PORN Site.
Do NOT be fooled by this ...
Your Computer I.P. Address and the phone number are being recorded.


Anonymous said...

Illegal Employers -
Here is a website that tracks employers who hire Illegal Aliens. Search by name, state, etc. - can't find one that you know is guilty, add their name ...

Go here now:

«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 478 of 478   Newer› Newest»