Oct 1, 2007
Archived Postings for October 2007
The 'New' Addiction, compulsive postings to forums like this one.
CLOSED for Posting -Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of October 2007.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to craigslist.org Rants and Raves.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 478 Newer› Newest»Dont pay attention to Liberals if they had the chance they'd have Osama bin Laden over for dinner and watch him fuck a goat in their living room
Q) How can you tell if a Muslim has robbed your house?
A) Easy ... the garbage cans are empty, the Dog is pregnant, and theres a straw in the toilet.
Just waking up, my woman gave me some T.A.P., ah what a way to start a Monday morning, good morning board.
Hey in reference to an earlier question of the day - what do you do with mouthy woman .... well I just Bitch slap them.
re, women who nag and talk back
look you limp bisquit dip shit whinny ass pussy males, if you cant keep your woman in place, just ley me no - i'll train them for you.
Quetion of the Day -
Have you ever experienced a splashing wet turd dropping in the toilet bowl? You know it hits the water and comes back up and splashes your ass.
re, again about the mouthy women, well try this .......
fill a bucket with some water and play dunk the bitches head and see how long she can hold her breath.
Toliet Turds -
Yes, I have experienced this, I am shure we all have at one time or another.
re, toilet droppers
I hate it when that happens, especially if you are out in a public toilet.
hey with some of the post here about washing hands, I'd like to say ... you people have serious hygiene issues
re, question of the day (toilet dropping)
I say, "Bombs Away, there may be tiny enemy submarines lurking in that toilet bowl."
Excuse me while I stalk your ass !!!
so you want a woman in the White House, then vote for Rudy Guliani he is pussy whipped, has ansered over 100 phone calls from his wife while giving public speakes
re, hard turds in the toilet
sounds like to many energy drinks and too much pill popping to me
re, toilet turds, bombs away, sink them submarines -
That post was damn funny, I can't stop laughing
yoous peoples arr sick, sick sick
re, black is good
learn to write, spell, and read you ignorant porch monkey
Go black never go back - any white bitches want 2 try my super sized cock today?
the previous q/a about loud mouth women and what to do with them:
Bend them over and butt fuck the hell out of them
re, q/a about loud mouth women ...
I just skull fuck them. Stick your cock in their mouth and they will shut up everytime. In fact shove it down their throat to they gag and throw-up.
(re) (re) that q/a about loud mouth women
I just tie them to the bed, use a ball gag on them. After a couple of hours of no water and not moving I un tie them take them into the shower and pee on them.
re - q/a about loud mouth women
There are a lot of men here with serious women issues who desperately need help.
re / re / re / Q&A about loud mouth women
Bitch Slapping works for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Women who Nag and Mouth Off, what to do with them ...
This is an age old question that has plagued man since the stoneage.
But personally I have found slipping some drugs into their coffeee works best ..........
Question 4 today ...
I find those hard turds doing the plop plop fizz fizz damn annoying !
re, QnA for today, hard turds .......
Oh yes I have experienced this. It is caused by your diet. Change your eating habits or try some xlax or other shit be gone over the counter meds.
Damn I hate those hard splashing turds in the toilet bowl.
Butt fucking cures it for me .....
hard splashers they are, try an enema a day keeps the turds away
The sub-marine turd bomber is one funny guy.
One solution to women with big a mouth, that nag, and want to be in charge : : :
Get a can of jalapeno peppers, mix some of the juice with water, put on TWO Condoms, rub the mixed hot pepper water solution on the condom.
Fuck the bitch hard - the hot pepper sauce will light up that twat hole light a 4th of July fireworks display.
It will be sometime before she opens that trap flap again.
to - internal taser sex, love this idea, I'm going to try it with my girlfriend tonight, I want to brake up with the bitch anyway.
I think I will use this method and fuck her tight little anus hole.
Ladies, HELP I am Sexually Handicapped -
I need a good woman ..........
My cock size hadicaps me:
I am 7" long and 3" in diameter. I am also circumsized and have been fixed (cant produce children)
In need of a caring woman with a sexual appetite of a Female Amazon Tigeress.
How To STOP Sexual Harassment:
1 - Stop wearing underwear and start wearing short tight mini skirts
2 - Start wearing short see through blouses
3 - Every Friday, show your tits at the water cooler. flash them and smile
These simple little hints and tips will stop that sexual harassment, becaue the guys wont have anything else to do but drag their tongue across the floor, drool, and wish they had you ...
Goof morning New Yorkers -
Boston Red Sox Sucks
The Arizona D-Backs Suck
waking up om Miami, and just getting me some good Cuban pussy
Question for Today -
Dont' you just hate it when you're drinking something and someone says or does something funny and to avoid spitting it all over the place it shoots up your nose?
Question Today and the Nose ...
Yes I hate that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
re, gow to stop sexual harassment ...
damn son, that was really funny
Planet Earth to Humanoids - Attention, attention:
Genetically modified plants vacuum up toxins ...
Scientists have figured out a way to trick plants into doing the dirty work of environmental cleanup, U.S. and British researchers reported on Monday.
Researchers at the University of Washington have genetically altered poplar trees to pull toxins out of contaminated ground water, offering a cost-effective way of cleaning up environmental pollutants.
A group of British researchers, meanwhile, has developed genetically altered plants that can clean residues of military explosives from the environment.
Condoleezza Rice -
sounds like a bad Japanese Sake to me !!!!
What has Israel ever done for America except deplete our budget and drain our blood in useless wars? In fact Israel attacked an American vessel, killed many U.S. sailors and never even said they were sorry.
Change the Phoenix Craigslsit (CL) W4M to DOGS
Have you ever run through the women for men section on CL? It's all disgusting obese bitches. Ladies, have some self respect and get a gym membership for god's sake.
Some of you look like you have your own gravity. Geeeeezzzzz.
Oh shit I took a poop outside in Phoenix and a Mexican ran up and ate it.
Public Hiring Notice:
We will NOT be hiring the typical blacks (niggas) for our anual cotton picking harvests this year. We were able to buy all the Mexican slave labor we needed.
That's right, The Beaner Cockroaches are the New Niggas of the South.
This announcement brought to by:
The Dixieland Cotton Growers Association.
I have the Perfect One, it needs to be sucked by a young woman, preferable an 8 or better on a scale of 1 to 10.
Love to deep throat you, gag fuck you, and sperm blast your boobs and drip the remains on your face.
Reply here if interested
Attention ALL BBW Sluts -
Imagine me poking your fat ugly ass forehead with my finger,
Nw go have a V8 and lose some weight.
Too bad this board doesn't have smell-a-vision because you could smell my finger, it's just been up a 22-year-old perfect 10's pussy and now my cock is to follow.
Yes I hate it when a hot coffee or cold soda shoots up my nose because I am trying to hold back laughter.
Going to bed now, got to lick me some black tang pussy.
Hey Osama bin Laden wherever you are, stick you head in a toilet so I can crap on it.
Last weekend I was in a bar and this guy was looking for someone for a beatdown. He was shooting is mouth off and challenging everyone. Si I stepped up to the plate ...
Well let me tell you I showed him, I wore his knuckles out on my face.
Todays's Question is ...
Do you like looking at women coming or going?
I like looking at women both coming or going as long as they look good in both directions.
re, the bar fight ...
that was really funny
Do you remember the old saying ??????
Go Fuck A Duck ........
re Go Fuck A Duck
Well I think u meant ......joining not joing
re,re,Go Fuck A Duck
just put it on my bill
re re re - Go Fuck A Duck ....
sounds like a quack job to me
re, go fuck a Duck - - -
and let the feathers fly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
duck fuck
Ok, but doesn't that get you duck on a cock ?
i dont fuck ducks but chickens r another story
ducks : : :
i would rather do a turkey
duck sex
how about pheasant under glass
fucking ducks, chickens, turkey, pheasant -
Are we talking about some faggot ass Congressman again?
Go Fuck A Duck ......
hey did you ever try gettin that duck shit off your cock
duck shit,
nope i use a condom you dumb ass
Go Fuck A Duck
is this the NEW sex toy for Muslims, what did they run out of goats, donkeys, camels, and monkeys
Go Fuck A Duck . . . . .
hillbilly loving on the farm
fuck a Duck,
nope not hillbillies, it's queer liberals and their sex parties
what sex with ducks and no one called us
re, re, re, re, re, re, ducks - as in go fuck a duck -
I want you to know that duck shit contributes to global warming and we need to stop duck fucking now.
duck fucking
dont forget to save those feathers, they make a good pillow
muslims and duck fucking ...
a pakistani told me it's easier for them 2 fuck a duck. they can sit the duck on their tiny penis and spin it around like a top.
i had two ducks last week myself
i though u hillbillies like bill clinton like pigs better than ducks
Nope Bill Clinton is busy gettin head from lots of BBW in NYC
Go Fuck A Duck ++++
was that male or female
Speaking of fucking ducks, Hillary Clinton promises that all duck fuckers will have a say in her new cabinet if she is elected President.
re, ducks, et al
Obama says if he is elected President Duck Fucking will be reserved for niggers only and he promises to have a Justice Dept full of lawyers who will defend black duck fuckers everywhere
So you think the Democrats are going to do better.
Be advised ...
If you haven't heard, here is some alarming informaton about the current Mortgage Default crisis facing our nation ...
More than 1,000,000 loans have all ready defaulted since Congress in February agreed to address the issue and have yet to do anything. Congress is controlled by the Democrats. They have NOT kept one single promise to America since being elected.
Question, women coming or going -
I like them coming if they are wearing tight shorts, pants, or bikini and have a Camel Toe.
daily qna - women -
I like a good ass, so i like them going (walking away from me)
also they cant tell i am staring at them ......
Sexy Women (coming or going)
I like a good body and all that goes with it but the front view is best for me.
re, daily question about women - - -
Nope, I personally like women with big bouncing boobs walking right towards me in a straight line.
re, Hooter Alert
I totally agree ..............
re, al bundy
go back and sell them women's shoes
re, women, coming or going, your QnA:
It's all good as long as they are not fat bitches. I hate fat people. Give me a nice 36-24-34 body anytime.
re, well john paul lemon
Go back and play with your beatles ....... hahaha
To Phoenix CL 'FREE' Posters ****
To all you helpful people giving away your no longer needed trees, gravel, stones and dirt, what generous souls you all are. Just give me a minute to throw my shovel & wheelbarrow in the truck and I'll be right over to get that 40 ft. palm off your hands. Then I'll go shovel 2 tons of crushed pea stone or pick up 50 tons of no longer wanted land scape boulders.
Are you people that cheap that you expect FREE landscaping??? That's all you're asking for..free labor. I would rather spend a few hundred to have Home Depot DELIVER rocks than to spend back breaking HOURS cleaning up your yards for FREE, while you watch tv, or worse yet..me do all the work.
I hope this makes some people think twice before posting their free mature trees and no longer wanted landscaping rocks. I cannot image anyone being desperate enough to actually do your yard work for free.
What's funny in Scottsdale Arizona:
Is that while those stupid dumb bitches are ranting on the Phoenix CL Board their husbands are off screwing 20-year-old Scottsdale hotties.
Get off your fat bored asses, get off the fucking computer, get out of the house and over to the spa and then go home fix your husband a good meal and while he is eating get on your knees and give him a blowjob and show your man how much you appreciate the fact you can do nothing all day except spend his money and use a computer to bitch about life.
Bush is on TV talking shit and making no sense as usual...
Cogressman wants DNA Testing for Immigrants
WASHINGTON DC — Republican presidential candidate and Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo wants foreigners seeking visas to join relatives in the U.S. to provide DNA samples to prove their family ties.
Foreigners, primarily Mexicans, especially pregnant Mexicans, come here for a single purpose: to have an “anchor” baby. Because once these children are born on this side of the border, an avalanche of monetary and physical benefits open up for the family.
These people will do almost anything to cross the border and have their kids and the reason is simple: They want welfare benefits, entitlements and other U.S. given prizes. But it gets worse. Because once here, any U.S. citizen (that’s what these kids instantly become) has the right to petition to bring the entire family here — and that can consist of an untold number of people. It is, simply, a sneaky, back door method to come to the United States.
I have a quesyion about the upcoming Presidental election -
Who are you going to vote for?
re, Who am I going to vote for?
Anyone who is NOT a Democrat or Republican. It is time for serious change in this country. We need an independent not aligned to any party to run this country. The only alternative is another Revolutionary War and get America's independence back.
We should have Death by Surgery for Murders
We could take the person from death row to an operating room. Put them under just like any other operation. Remove all organs for donation to those who are waiting on the transplant list. Discard left overs or donate them to science.
This would be a win win for America. No more complaining about inhumane treatment and more lives would be saved.
SINGAPORE is a good example for America to model after. More than 400 prisoners have been hanged in Singapore since 1991, giving the small city-state possibly the highest execution rate in the world relative to its population of just over four million people.
Be adivsed drop your membership in the NRA.
NRA Stabs us Gun Owners in back.
They have slowly sided with left wing liberals and right wing conspiracy nuts.
H.R. 2640 would “prohibit” thousands of people from owning guns or worse revoke your rights if you all ready own one. The NRA supports this bill.
Why pays dues to an obsolete orgaization that was establsihed to protect hunters and gun owners rights?
white people u r going down in flames, america is no longer yours -
u chicken shit white people wont stand up for youself so u have no one 2 blame but u
Blackman no longer needed.
That's right you dumb ass niggas by not joing us white folks to stop the flow of illegals you have allowed the Mexicans to become the new niggers, now called beaners or cockroaches.
They work cheaper, longer, and harder than any blackman (woman) I've ever seen.
re, I'm Hiring Mexicans
I totally agree. I'm getting them brown cockroaches to pick my tobacco, cotton, and corn.
re,re,I'm Hiring Mexicans.......
hey niggas i wouldn't hire your black asses if al sharpton personally came over and promised me 72 somalia muslim black virgins for hiring blacks over mexicans.
labor using blacks or mexicanas
yes sir i agree that the mexicans r here and r better workers than the blacks have ever been
re, NRA -
thanks 4 the input and update, screw the bastards I wont be renewing mt NRA membership .....
re, NRA v others:
I feel the same way about unions. Especially the auto union (UAW). We use to have over 300,000 members now were down to 70,000 +
The national union takes our dues and does nothing. They have funded one politician after another who have sold America out and ruined this country allowing foreign goods to flood our maekets.
Nobel Prize winner says Blacks Less Intelligent
Nobel prize winner and co-discoverer or DNA, James D. Watson, says that blacks are less intelligent. Oh, and here's the best part - he's a lifelong democrat. hahahaha.
Do the words Bell Curve sound familiar?
Gee I wonder what Al Sharpton, a Democrat and black says abou that ??
How many Illegals could you run over near any Home Depot within a 5 minute period?
Here I Come
Attention Slave Buyers -
I have captured 26 illegal Mexicans ranging from the ages of 19 through 40. I have neutered them and will be having a yard sale in Globe Arizona, email me for directions.
The cost per hoof (mexican) is 25 cents per pound, or 13 cents if you buy 3 or more at one time.
The sale is this Saturday, come one, come all.
All sales are final.
Cash only.
Hello world, just woke up, had 2 farts, took a piss, and now having my coffee.
Need a blowjob, guess I'll wait till my stupid neighbor goes to work then get one from his slut.
re, hey on welfare ...
go fuck yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to the guy who said 'Go Fuck Yourself'
what are you jealous you have to go to work and i dont
To all Diamondback Fans ..............
I FART In Your General Direction
Just waking up here in LA.
All ready I see some turds floating on the board.
Straight Filipino
Another OXYMORON for the day
Pretty Ugly
Those who wish to live,let them fight,and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Adolf Hitler
I gots me dem collagen lip implants-like dat white girl Angelina Jolie
I sho' do think that mah new lips look jus' fine.
Wha-choo you think?
Tell me da "troof"...no lies.
fo' sho'
fo' shizzle
Hey you Liberal cunts / Women Lib sluts
Husbands need attention too
They call this news:
Ellen DeGeneres the useless lesbian bitch has a TV talk show that only a total twit would watch with an IQ of 12. Anyway she gave her dog away and it has become so national debate.
And, this is what the major News Networks call worthy news reporting.
I am Taking My Plea to the TV Viewing Public -
A short time ago I adopted a Darfurian, unfortunately, he did not get along well with my Ethiopian, so I gave him to my Barber.
Next thing I know..the adoption agency (Darfurians for the Demented) has taken-back the Darfurian, from my Barber, and they're claiming I have broken the contract and had no right to re-home him, and now my Barber's 6 year-old child is heartbroken.
I must correct this injustice.
Umm.. does anybody have Ellen's Phone-number?
PS - - Thank you, to the many people who have offered (to the child) a free Nigerian as a replacement, however the child wants only her Darfurian.
Your Fren,
Swahili Garfunkel
Charging A Rehoming Fee for Pets ....
Why the hell do people call it a rehoming fee your selling the pet so be honest. You want a rehoming fee just say you want to sell it because you might as well make money off the fact that you suck and can't keep your animal.
re, Ellen DeGeneres
what do u expect frm a liberal democrat lesbian
hey coming or going,
i like coming at me, I love camel toes, i do i do
My dream is to one day own a house with a urinal in it. That would solve all of my problems! Pissing in a toilet is more trouble than it's worth...I get more piss on the floor than I do in the bowl.
re, my dream
what small minds will think up next
RANT! My Upstairs Neighbors are ELEPHANTS!
re, my dream
I think his Mommy needs to get me some chocolate milk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Silly Liberals...........Checks are for workers.
With all this fuss you'd think Anne Coulter killed somebody. No wait, that was Ted Kennedy.
Republicans, i.e. the rich elite, Live Off Liberals.
RE: Republicans Live Off Liberals .....
That's right we do live off you Libtards.
Now get the fuck out there and make more money for us.
To: : : My Future Wife
You need to suck my nutts, and slide my pole down that hole you call a mouth. ..........
If you can gobble my marbles around your marble gobbler for mor than 20 minutes, I will bend you over for a real treat.
Mexicans and Sex:
Hey I live in southern California and I have found that Mexican women love to be ass fucked hard by a true white man. They seem to love having our smooth white skin rub against their dark brown one.
My buds and I often drive around in my van, find some Mexican chickie walking, get her in for some T-shooters and fuck her brwon poop chute hole.
For Flash Friday Lovers -
Visit this New Blog - Great Pics:
I want you to just imagine for a moment that I'm going to unbutton my black silk blouse and expose a pair of steaming large lucious hooters with puffy nipples .....
Now wasn;t that nice?
Remember .....
Copycat is the best form of flattery.
As Reported by MSNBC:
NEW YORK - Comcast Corp. actively interferes with attempts by some of its high-speed Internet subscribers to share files online, a move that runs counter to the tradition of treating all types of Net traffic equally.
The interference, which The Associated Press confirmed through nationwide tests, is the most drastic example yet of data discrimination by a U.S. Internet service provider. It involves company computers masquerading as those of its users.
If widely applied by other ISPs, the technology Comcast is using would be a crippling blow to the BitTorrent, eDonkey and Gnutella file-sharing networks. While these are mainly known as sources of copyright music, software and movies, BitTorrent in particular is emerging as a legitimate tool for quickly disseminating legal content.
Catholic Church harbor's pedophiles!
Now you bunch of old drunks!!!
I hate Muslims who FART ...
Hey Beaner beaner beaner
You lil cockroach, run home now, I just wiped your mom's eye out with my white cock.
I bored, I think I'll burn me a mexican flag then run down to a mosque and take a crap on their floor.
I am laughing at you Pedro!!!
Yesterday, while you were at work cleaning yards, I was with your wife. I gave her a pearl necklace....all over her face. She loved it. Then, because I have more staying power then you Mexicans, I ass fucked her. She came 4 times for me.
Deport Pedro but leave his wife for me.
Scientific Explanation of Deuce Dropping Physics -
Mexicans inquiring on the physics behind Deuce Derivative Water to Brown-eye Splashback, I cannot explain the process to you because .......
1/ You can't speal English.
2/ You are a dumbass Mexican.
3/ You are a fucking retard.
4/ You can't remove your head from your ass long enough.
Hillary Clinton sucks illegal cocks from La Raza
We must end the Bush Clinton era of White House Domination.
Bad Girls suck dick and swallow.
Wives who are spitters are quitters!
re, Flash Friday Lovers -
I just Visited the Blog: It has Great Came Toe Pictures.:
Here's an idea the next time you accidently dial a wrong number, just say ...
"I Wang the Wong number"
re, I wang the wong number .......
I like this one better -
When someone ask for a woman by name you say,
"Sorry she can't come to the phone right now her mouth is full, she's sucking my cock."
where r all the psoters today
About LapTop Computers .....
Dell's from Hell
Hewlett Pukes
Compaq Nightmares
Question for the Day (lets help out the ladies):
Why does every guys cum taste so different? I mean, I can stand swallowing some of it, but some guys, I mean GOD!
re, blow job question:
Yes I agree - Sometimes it's thick; sometimes its thin; sometimes its white; and sometimes its clear.
So is it the man or does this just depend on what the guy eats or drinks?
re, blowjobs ....
For taste, yes it has to do with what the guy eats.
re, BlowJobs :
just be a good bitch and swallow it
re, re, re, Them Blowjobs -
Girls if you want to kep a man then suck that cock, swallow like a good little girl and never complain.
re - bj's
I agree some of you guys taste like dry cotton or a pound of salt pork.
re, about laptops
I agree the Apple is far superior but price generally holds back most people from buying.
Understanding Women for Men ads
Ø 40-ish..................................49.
Ø Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone.
Ø Athletic................................No breasts.
Ø Average looking.....................Moooo.
Ø Beautiful..............................Pathological liar.
Ø Emotionally Secure..................On medication.
Ø Feminist...............................Fat.
Ø Free Spirit.................................Junkie.
Ø Friendship first.......................Former Slut.
Ø New-Age.........................Body hair in the wrong places.
Ø Old-fashioned........................No B.J.'s
Ø Open-minded.........................Desperate.
Ø Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.
Ø Professional................. ..........Bitch.
Ø Voluptuous...........................Very fat.
Ø Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
Ø Wants soul mate.....................Stalker.
HOA;s suck.
re, HOA's
Yes they do suck, another example of the government who taxes the piss out of us and gives us nothing in return but grief.
re, re, HOA
Run by a bunch of ignorant bored ass soccer moms, realtors, mortgage brokers, and the like.
Women playing fem dom nazis ...
re, HOA's ......
Fuck'em and the idiots who created them and the ass wipes who serve them.
New Blog about immigration -
Please post your comments, links, or send me a picture to my email for posting.
Ah it's Fall and there's nothing like taking a warm piss outdoors on Autum leaves with the cool wind blowing across your cock.
I wish I had a lot of money then I could pay someone else to put their hand down my pants.
I have a big bushy mustache and I am looking for a clean shaving great camle toe pussy that I can woom broom to excitement.
4 Men -
Did you know if you drink any type of hard liquor, then go into the shower and piss on your own feet it will cure your athelete fungus foot problem ???
Liberals are ruining America and God is punishing them, that is why California is buring - just like Hell itself.
Close the friggin borders
I just masturbated and I get get it up.
I hate the Boston Red Sox.
California is worthless - it is full of Liberals, illegal aliens, con artist, devil worshippers, and scum ......... let it burn, burn to the ground.
re, California
They do have some attractive whores, expesnsive but good looking !!!!!
re, Calif Wild Fires -
Who gives a shit, I don't live there, I agree let it burn, these so-called ego green nuts have brought this upon themselves building homes and other structures in or near forrest and unstable soils.
re re Calia Fires
I hope all those Hollywood liberals homes burn to the ground the dirty useless scum shit stirring faggots.
re, California
Yes, hopefully there will be a devasting earthquake next and Nevada will be the next beach front property.
re, California Fires and massive evactuations
They can anywhere they want just dont come to Arizona we have enough of you assholes here now.
Attention, This is an URGENT Notice : : :
America is closed, go somewhere else.
Back-seat toilet to end mishaps in traffic jams:
Tokyo Japan - If you're stuck in traffic when Mother Nature calls, Japan's Kaneko Sangyo Co. has developed the loo for you.
the manufacturer of plastic car accessories drew back the curtain on Tuesday on its new portable toilet for cars.
The toilet comes with a curtain large enough to conceal users and a plastic bag to collect waste.
"The commode will come in handy during major disasters such as earthquakes or when you are caught in a traffic jam," a company official told reporters, according to Kyodo News.
Japan is situated on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" and accounts for about 20 percent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater.
Drivers stranded by tectonic movements or stuck in tailbacks simply assemble the cardboard toilet bowl, fit a water-absorbent sheet inside and draw round the curtain.
The product is small enough to fit inside a suitcase, the company said.
But prospective customers will have to hang on until November 15, when the firm begins selling the new product online.
Indian Casinos:
Indians may have lost land, but they sure do empty out my pocket change.
I am so proud to be white,i can wake up in the middle of the night and really see my husband,get it ha ha
if i wanted a monkey i would live at the zoo, and white girls are not dummies well the ones with the black men are stupid whores,wake up girls our men are so handsome,pretty blue eyes
Apparently somebody didn't get the memo......
Consumer Tip / Warning:
i-wireless prepaid cell camera phone rip off
BEWARE... I-wireless (owned by sprint?) is pushing camera phones. You cannot upload/download or send to an email contact any pics taken with the camera phone.
So why are they pushing $100 camera phones? Heading back to the store for a refund... but my prepaid minutes of course are non refundable.
Their web address is www.iwirelesshome.com
Could We Please Concentrate on Bashing the Mexicans ?
Look, the Black folks have BEEN here forever, they've been milking the system and crying about their minority status since.. Aunt Jamimah made the first Pancake, but..." We're Used to THEM ", now !
These Mexicans are just "OUT OF CONTROL!"
The Term CHOMO -
a child molester (chomo)
Thinking of moving to Arizona, George Bush is selling it back to Mexico it will now be known as
San Diego is Burning
To the ass wipe from San Diego who posted on Phoenix CL some months back that said he hated me and hoped I'd die ... see asshole what you get ... Was that your house that has burned down in the raging fires I just saw on CNN?
If you POKE the monkey the poop will fly out.
re, poke the monkey
I dont know abt that but I do no if u poke the bear u will be sorry.
re, in the woods ....
is that you Little Red Ridin Hood?
NEW YORK - If elected president in 2008, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton would consider giving up some of the executive powers President Bush and Vice President Cheney have assumed since taking office.
Oh you bitch which of these powers would you give up? The answer is none, zero you lying scum bad ... Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp ... GOD this piece of shit Liberal makes me sick to my stomach!
Hey Islam if Pigs could fly all your mosque everywhere in the world would be covered with shit.
You stinking Illegals are the worst. Someone should shove a loaded shotgun up your ass and pull the trigger you filthy degenerate.
Then they should dump your worthless, disgusting carcass in a swamp where you can never be found. You are not fit for vultures and maggots to eat you rotten subhuman scum.
George helps Katrina victims, liberals scream he spends money like water. George doesnt help Katrina victims, liberals scream Bush hates the poor.
Feds help california victims we hear how Bush didnt give a shit about Katrina victims.
The deouche bag political machine that want copyright laws enforced are the same ones who look the other way at illegal aliens, housing occupancy and labor law violations.
My answer too these idiot New York Politicians -
About making nooses illegal
Fuck that - Instead, make blacks and mexicans illegal. The coutry'd be better off!
I have too PEE ....
I'll be right back
Al Sharpton and Raza Backers -
The white people will only take so much. When the poop hits the monkeys, We will step up and remind the "WHOLE" world that that America was built and defended by whites.
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