Apr 1, 2008

Archived Postings for April 2008

This is a discussion and posting forum, not a spelling contest. So all of you Spelling Nazis can kiss the rest of our asses!

CLOSED for Posting - Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of April 2008.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to craigslist.org Rants and Raves.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 269 of 269
Anonymous said...

The White Man's Disease

The White man’s disease is a conscience that negroes do not possess. Where negroes see brutality as the sole solution, the White man offers mercy, tolerance, and an opportunity for change. If this was not the case, the Emancipation Proclamation would have never been written. This was the White man’s first step into the abyss.

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at how concerned marketing entrepreneurs are about the quality of my wristwatch and erection. Do people actually buy stuff from these spams? Wait..of course they do, or no one would bother to create the spams. The question is WHO actually buys this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that ALL Mexicans always have these certain characteristics?

1. ALWAYS eat beans
2. ALWAYS mowing a lawn
3. ALWAYS has a wet back
4. ALWAYS smells like tortillas and bean farts
5. ALWAYS has a very difficult time speaking/reading the primary language of the Unites States, ENGLISH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that's some funny shit!!!!

A illegal Mexican gentleman pull me away from a speeding car today and saved my life. I was was so gratefull to him I asked him if there was any thingI could do for him ,he said no, he came to this country to work so he could send money to his poor family in Mexico and what he wanted more than any thing was to be reunited with his family. I took his name and adress and told him I would do what ever it took to reunited him with his family. When I got home I call ICE and turned him in. In a couple of days he will be back home in Mexico reunited with his family.

Anonymous said...

re, funny

Well just this morning I saved this Mexican's Girl from being run over by a bus.
She asked me what she could do to pay me back?
So, I said, "Flag that cop down and tell him you want to give him blowjob."
I will take a picture of it and you will never be deported.
She did what I ask.
I didn't take a picture and they arrested her and deported her whoring ass back to old Mexico where all the whores belong.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

July 8, 1947
Many of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, almost exactly 60 Years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal Agencies and organizations.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:

Albert A. Gore, Jr.
Hillary Rodham
John F. Kerry
William J. Clinton
Howard Dean
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer

See what happens when aliens breed with sheep?
I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It did for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey there hey there

my farts are here for you

Anonymous said...

why are white people so racist ....this may help blacks and mexicans understand.....

CNN money and also MSNBC said around the year 2025. White people will be the new minorty. That would mean gov grants and free handouts to all blanco muchachos? Weird. Guessing blue eyes and bonde hair will be a rare thing. So let me get this straight. White people own everything and run the show. Now when they are a minority in the USA, that would mean they get free stuff??? free college money grants? Free gov programs? I would crap up the day I watch CNN and see white people saying. well being a minority in the USA has given me the opportunity to apply for that loan, go to that college, and have the red carpet treatment.

Anonymous said...

re, why are white people so racist ....this may help blacks and mexicans understand:

except for one thing -
every expert including the Fed and the General Accounting Office say that if we stay on our current spending spree the United States will be a bankrupt nation by 2025 - faster if we spend at a greater rate which Democrats will do.

Anonymous said...

2010: D-day for the Internet as it hits "full capacity"?

Doom-filled warnings arrive from AT&T this week. The company says that without substantial investment in network infrastructure, the Internet will essentially run out of bandwidth in just two short years.

Blame broadband, says AT&T. Decades of dealing with the trickle of bandwidth consumed by voice and dialup modems left AT&T twiddling its thumbs. The massive rise of DSL and cable modem service in the 2000s has had AT&T facing a monstrous increase in the volume of data transmissions. And that's set to increase another 50 times between now and 2015. That's enough, says AT&T, to all but crash the system.

In response, AT&T says it's investing $19 billion to upgrade the backbone of the Internet, the routers, servers, and connections where the bulk of traffic is processed.

Of course, AT&T is using this breathlessness in part to point fingers beyond simple broadband use. Web video (especially high-definition video) is the most commonly mentioned bandwidth hog. AT&T says video alone will eat up 80 percent of traffic in two years vs. just 30 percent now. One wonders how YouTube doesn't collapse under the pressure. Hmmm.

Meanwhile, many are wondering whether this is prelude to AT&T announcing (or not announcing, but doing anyway) a traffic prioritization/shaping system like Comcast has been tinkering with... and which has earned it nothing but scorn. Net neutrality (which would forbid premium pricing for certain Internet applications and destinations) is a topic that continues to be hotly debated on Capitol Hill, and telcos are anxious to kill the idea since they'd love to be able to charge additional money for different kinds of web traffic. If the whole Internet is about to crash, well, that makes AT&T's argument all the more compelling, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Bush says rebates going out Monday will boost economy

well George dwell on this ...
38% of Americans paid taxes, I was one of them.
So your flipping ass rebate doesn't do shit for me.

The there are the 10% who pay no taxes for whatever reason.

The 3% who file late.

The remaining bulk will probably use it to pay for Dick Cheney's Oil company buddies high gas prices.

Anonymous said...

Look this concern over animals is bullshit.
During my in-country days I ordered the slaughter of countless animals.
I am sure that anyone in the military participated in some form of that. It would be hard not to be in any war zone and not kill them.
Throughout history it has been proven if an army cannot eat it can't fight.

On a personal note, we need to learn to care for our own. We have plenty of children that go to bed every night hungry in this country which is the real crime.

The amount of money people spend in this country on their stupid pets is enough to cure most major diseases in the world if those funds were put to research.

If it isn't in the food chain (feeding humans) get rid of it.
I know this post will bring bullshit outrage but reality must set in sooner or later.
Animals not in the food chain will eventually have to be eliminated because of the over population of the planet. As people become hungry, and food prices rise worldwide, eating dogs, cats, snakes, etc. will increase.
The problem with MOST Americans is they have never been outside of this county and if they have they go to Canada or Europe. Once you have been to a third world country, and I have been too many,a whole new perspective about life and death evolves.

Anonymous said...

To the food chain guy:
I agree with some of your post but I don't think it will happen in our lifetime to the extreme which you state. Thousands of animals are euthanized every year already because of owner irresponsibilty. Many never even think of getting their pet fixed and many more continue to buy pets from pet shops or breeders rather than going to the pound or a rescue, then abandon these animals when they tire of them or don't take the responsibility of protecting them with fences, etc. Too bad and so sad.

And yes, I have been to a third world country where the poor (and some of the rich) eat cats and dogs.

Anonymous said...

happy chernobyl nuclear disaster day!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

re -Look this concern over animals is bullshit.

Couldn't agree more.
Well said, well done!

Anonymous said...

Found on CraigsList Phoenix FREE Section Today ...

FREE - must pick up today
On Set of Camel's Balls

from a dead Camel in Baghdad Iraq

Anonymous said...

Democrats favored in electoral map this election.

Anonymous said...

Fourteen killed in Mexico drug battle near U.S.

That leaves about 100 million plus to kill - as in kill all the Mexicans, now!

Anonymous said...

Gore Ducks, as a Backlash Builds Against Biofuels

The campaign against climate change could be set back by the global food crisis, as foreign populations turn against measures to use foodstuffs as substitutes for fossil fuels.

With prices for rice, wheat, and corn soaring, food-related unrest has broken out in places such as Haiti, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. Several countries have blocked the export of grain. There is even talk that governments could fall if they cannot bring food costs down.

One factor being blamed for the price hikes is the use of government subsidies to promote the use of corn for ethanol production. An estimated 30% of America’s corn crop now goes to fuel, not food.

“I don’t think anybody knows precisely how much ethanol contributes to the run-up in food prices, but the contribution is clearly substantial,” a professor of applied economics and law at the University of Minnesota, C. Ford Runge, said. A study by a Washington think tank, the International Food Policy Research Institute, indicated that between a quarter and a third of the recent hike in commodities prices is attributable to biofuels.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it
In this country, you can either be considered a racist or tell the truth. You can't do both. The truth is unacceptable in modern America.

Anonymous said...

Never Buy a PET from CraigsList.org

Many pets posted on free sites are in fact stolen, or in bad health.

Never pay a so-called re-homing fee for any reason.

If they are free, they still may be diseased.

Purchase pets only from licensed breeders or from the Humane Shelter.

Anonymous said...

re, pets v craigslist

how about this idea ...
Kill them all !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I m bored and have nothing to do.

Anonymous said...

Arizona hiring law snares zero employers

When the Legal Arizona Workers Act passed last year, it was hailed as landmark legislation that would help law enforcement crack down on employers who illegally hired "unauthorized aliens."

However, outside of Maricopa County there have been minimal complaints, with nine of the 15 county attorneys telling The Arizona Republic they have not received a single one. Meanwhile, not one civil suit has been filed against an employer.

"Is this the mouse that roared or what?" said Pinal County Attorney James Walsh, whose office has received zero formal complaints. "I don't think anyone really knows how this will operate. It's brand-new, and there is nothing to compare it to."

Supporters of the law say it's a deterrent, no matter how it's enforced. And, they say, as long as the statute is making it less comfortable for illegal immigrants to work in Arizona, it's working as intended.

The law, which took effect Jan. 1, gives the state authority to suspend or revoke the business license of any employer who knowingly hired an illegal immigrant. While county attorneys have taken complaints, they agreed to wait until March 1 to bring enforcement because of legal challenges brought by business groups.

Anonymous said...

Oil strikes new record near $120 on supply fears.

Anonymous said...

Syria's President Assad says facility Israel bombed not nuclear.

Anonymous said...

Earthquakes takes toll on rattled residents of Reno Nevada.

Anonymous said...

Old, stale, smelly fart

Anonymous said...

Remember it's Congress that makes law not the President. He has to work with what's handed to him.

Anonymous said...

You People Are So Good To Us.....

My wife gave birth this morning to our third baby at the expense of you hard working taxpayers again. Our third Anchor Baby,

Anonymous said...

The Phoenix Sun Suck

Anonymous said...

AMSTETTEN, Austria - A 73-year-old Austrian man has confessed to imprisoning his daughter in a windowless cellar for 24 years and fathering her seven children, police said on Monday.
A 42-year-old woman had told police on Sunday that her father, Josef Fritzl, lured her into the basement of the block where they lived in the town of Amstetten in 1984 and drugged and handcuffed her before imprisoning her.
"(Fritzl) has now said that he locked up his daughter for 24 years and that he alone fathered her seven children and that he locked them up in the cellar," Franz Polzer, head of the criminal investigations unit in the province of Lower Austria told Reuters by telephone.
Three of Elisabeth Fritzl's children had been locked up since birth in the basement of the plain, grey building along with their mother and had never seen sunlight or received any education, police said.
Austrian investigators were combing through the network of windowless, underground cells where Elisabeth and the children had been holed up.
Some parts of the dungeon were no more than 1.70 meters (5 ft 6 in) high and officials in Amstetten said the basement labyrinth even contained a padded cell.
Fritzl had hidden the entrance to the cell behind shelves and only he knew the secret code for the reinforced concrete door, said officials.
The case unfolded when a 19-year-old girl the oldest of the three became seriously ill and was hospitalized, prompting doctors to appeal for the girl's mother to come forward to provide more details about her medical history.
Fritzl then brought Elisabeth and her remaining two children out of the basement, telling his wife -- who thought their "missing" daughter had chosen to return home, police said.
Elisabeth agreed to make a "comprehensive statement" detailing her ordeal to the police after receiving assurances she would have no further contact with her father, who she said abused her from the age of 11.
Newspaper headlines called the case the "crime of a monster" and the "worst crime of all time." Media asked how authorities and residents of Amstetten, 130 km (80 miles) west of Vienna, could have failed to notice what was happening in the "horror house."
The case was especially shocking because it was reminiscent of that of Austrian Natascha Kampusch who spent eight years locked up in a windowless cell before escaping in August 2006.
"The community of Amstetten should drown in shame. The neighbors are turning a blind eye," the Oesterreich newspaper wrote in an editorial.
The daily Der Standard wrote: "The whole country must ask itself what is really, fundamentally going wrong."
Police have said they believe Josef's wife Rosemarie had been unaware of what happened to her daughter when she disappeared in 1984 and it was assumed Elisabeth had left voluntarily when her parents received a letter from her saying they should not search for her.
But all the while Elisabeth was being held in what Polzer described as a sophisticated network of chambers with facilities for sleeping, cooking and washing.
Elisabeth gave birth to seven children, one of whom died shortly after being born, police said.
Three of the children two girls and one boy were brought up by Josef and his wife after they were left on the doorstep where the couple lived. The first child was accompanied by a note from Elisabeth saying she was unable to care for the baby herself.
Three others two boys and a girl including the two eldest aged 18 and 19, and the youngest, aged 5, had been locked up in the basement with their mother since birth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gas = $4 a gallon. Do you still love your SUV?

Anonymous said...

Syrian site could have produced fuel for 2 weapons

WASHINGTON DC - CIA Director Michael Hayden said Monday that the alleged Syrian nuclear reactor destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in September would have produced enough plutonium for one or two bombs within a year of becoming operational.
U.S. intelligence and administration officials publicly disclosed last week their assessment that Syria was building a covert nuclear reactor with North Korean assistance. They said it was modeled on the shuttered North Korean reactor at Yongbyon, which produced a small amount of plutonium. The Syrian site, they said, was within weeks or months of being operational.
"In the course of a year after they got full up they would have produced enough plutonium for one or two weapons," Hayden told reporters after a speech at Georgetown University.
Almost all reactors produce plutonium, even those dedicated to peaceful purposes, according to David Albright, president of the nonprofit Institute for Science and International Security. Albright analyzed commercial satellite imagery of the bombed facility last fall and surmised then it was a nuclear reactor.
Neither the United States nor Israel told the International Atomic Energy Agency about the Syrian site until last week, about a year after they obtained what they considered to be decisive intelligence: dozens of photographs from a handheld camera that showed both the interior and exterior of the mysterious compound in Syria's eastern desert.
From the CIA's perspective, that intelligence was not the United States' to share with the U.N. nuclear watchdog, Hayden said.
"We've made it clear we did not have complete control over the totality of the information because obviously it was the result of a team effort," he said. "One has to respect the origin of the information in terms of how it is used."
The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency chastised the United States on Friday for withholding information on the alleged Syrian reactor. One of the IAEA's missions is to try to prevent nuclear proliferation, and it depends on member states for information.
A senior administration official told reporters last week that the United States kept the information secret after the Israeli strike because it feared revealing it might provoke Syria to strike back at Israel.

Anonymous said...

White Male College Students being Murdered by Black Muslim Death Squad...

This is going on across the country.
Two NYC detectives have just put it together.

Where is the FBI - ?
If this were whites doing it to Muslims, there be outrage beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Cambridge (MA) - Time to start the finger-pointing again. A class at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has begun to track the carbon footprint of different lifestyle in different nations. And the picture painted for the U.S. isn’t pretty: Even the most power conscious people in this country use more than twice the energy of the average person around the world. If you are looking for people with the worst carbon footprint, look among the super-rich such as Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey, MIT says.
It is common knowledge that energy use in the U.S. has been at obscene levels for decades and that nations around the world aren’t happy with the fact that less than 5% of the world’s population is consuming almost one quarter of the energy available worldwide. A new study published by the MIT sheds additional light on this scenario and claims that no matter who you are, you are estimated to contribute at least twice and as much as five times as much greenhouse gas to the atmosphere as those living in the rest of the world.
The MIT class said that it compared the carbon emissions of Americans in a variety of lifestyles ranging from the homeless to multimillionaires, from Buddhist monks to soccer moms and compared them to those of other nations. What is interesting is that the group found that your carbon footprint impact rises with your income. The class estimated Bill Gates’ impact at 10,000 times the national average.
So, what about the average Americans and the ultra-energy conscious? There does not seem to be much hope that Americans can consider themselves as energy-conserving as people living in other countries anytime soon: "Regardless of income, there is a certain floor below which the individual carbon footprint of a person in the U.S. will not drop," says Timothy Gutowski, professor of mechanical engineering, who taught the class that calculated the rates of carbon emissions.
This "floor" below which nobody in the U.S. can drop, no matter what their energy choices are, turned out to be 8.5 tons of annual carbon dioxide emissions, the class found. That was the usage calculated for a homeless person who ate in soup kitchens and slept in homeless shelters. If you look at a self-sustaining level, the person with the lowest energy usage was a Buddhist monk who spent six months of every year living in the forest and had total annual spending of $12,500. His carbon footprint was 10.5 tons. The average annual carbon dioxide emission per person was found to be 20 metric tons, compared to a world average of four tons.
The carbon footprint calculation was based on someone’s impact on the environment, including the array of government services that are available to everyone in the United States. These basic services-including police, roads, libraries, the court system and the military-were allocated equally to everyone in the country in this study. Services that are more specific, such as education or Medicare, were allocated only to those who actually make use of them. The energy impact for the rich was estimated from published sources, while all the others were based on direct interviews, MIT said.
What appears to have a substantial impact on greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. is the economical effect of saved energy and its "rebound effect". "When you save energy, you save money," Gutowski explains. "The question is: How are you going to spend that money?" For example, buying a hybrid car may save you gas money, but people are likely to spend that extra cash something that may have an even larger carbon footprint, such as a long plane trip.
The biggest factors in most people’s lives were the well-known obvious energy users: housing, transportation and food. "The simple way you get people’s carbon use down is to tax it," Gutowski says. "That’s a hard pill to swallow-politicians don’t like to step up" to support such measures. Absent such national actions, he says, it is important to study "what role consumer choices can play" in lowering the nation’s carbon emissions.
If nothing else, the members of this class got a whole new perspective. "The students really got into it," Gutowski says. "It raised everybody’s awareness about the issues."
The results of the study are scheduled to be presented on this May 19 at the IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment in San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

Supreme Court says states can demand photo ID for voting

WASHINGTON DC — States can require voters to produce photo identification, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, upholding a Republican-inspired law that Democrats say will keep some poor, older and minority voters from casting ballots.
Twenty-five states require some form of ID, and the court's 6-3 decision rejecting a challenge to Indiana's strict voter ID law could encourage others to adopt their own measures. Oklahoma legislators said the decision should help them get a version approved.
The ruling means the ID requirement will be in effect for next week's presidential primary in Indiana, where a significant number of new voters are expected to turn out for the Democratic contest between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
The results could say something about the effect of the law, either because a large number of voters will lack identification and be forced to cast provisional ballots or because the number turns out to be small.
Supporters of the law say it's all about preventing fraud.
Indiana has a "valid interest in protecting 'the integrity and reliability of the electoral process,'" said Justice John Paul Stevens in an opinion that was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Stevens said that Indiana's desire to prevent fraud and to inspire voter confidence in the election system are important even though there have been no reports of the kind of fraud the law was designed to combat. Evidence of voters being inconvenienced by the law's requirements also is scant. For the overwhelming majority of voters, an Indiana driver's license serves as the identification.
The law does not apply to absentee balloting, where election experts agree the threat of fraud is higher.
The Indiana law was passed in 2005. Democrats and civil rights groups opposed it as unconstitutional and called it a thinly veiled effort to discourage groups of voters who tend to prefer Democrats.
It was in effect during the 2006 elections when Democrats picked up three congressional seats in Indiana and won control of the state House of Representatives.
Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas agreed with the outcome Monday, but wrote separately in favor of a broader defense of voter ID laws.
"The universally applicable requirements of Indiana's voter-identification law are eminently reasonable. The burden of acquiring, possessing and showing a free photo identification is simply not severe, because it does not 'even represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting,'" Scalia said.
Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David Souter dissented.
Indiana's voter ID law "threatens to impose nontrivial burdens on the voting rights of tens of thousands of the state's citizens," Souter said.
The targets of the law, he said, are "voters who are poor and old."
Yet Stevens wrote that the law does not single out groups of voters for different treatment. "We cannot conclude that the statute imposes 'excessively burdensome requirements' on any class of voters," he said. That opinion suggested the outcome could be different in a state where voters could provide evidence that their rights had been impaired.
Indiana provides IDs free of charge to people without driver's licenses. It also allows voters who lack photo ID's to cast a provisional ballot and then show up within 10 days at their county courthouse to produce identification or otherwise attest to their identity.
Stevens said these provisions also help reduce the burden on people who lack driver's licenses.
Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita, a Republican, praised the decision. "This says to the voter you can have confidence again in the elections because we're doing some of the things the guy at the video store does when you go and rent a video," Rokita said.
Ken Falk, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, said the court was willing to burden "tens of thousands of eligible voters who lack a government-issued identification while accepting at face value Indiana's unsubstantiated claim of voter fraud." The ACLU brought the case on behalf of Indiana voters.
The proliferation of voter ID laws followed the enactment in 2002 of the federal Help America Vote Act. The law was designed in response to the disputed 2000 presidential election. The law's voter ID provisions apply to first-time voters and do not mandate photo identification.
Many Democrats criticized the ruling Monday. It places "an unnecessary burden on elderly and low-income voters, not to mention other voters of disparate racial and ethnic backgrounds," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
Mary Wilson, president of the League of Women Voters, said her group has never found a problem with in-person voter fraud. "We'd be the first ones out there to prevent voter fraud, if there really was a problem," she said.
Several critics pointed to a footnote in Stevens' opinion to show how far back he went — 140 years — to describe the corrosive effects of widespread fraud at polling places, a reference to Boss Tweed's influence in New York's municipal elections in 1868.
Republicans, meanwhile, praised the decision for recognizing the threat of voter fraud. "Today's ruling rightfully allows states to safeguard against such destructive abuse," said House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio.
In Oklahoma, Republican legislators said the ruling should help them pass a less-stringent voter ID bill. The Oklahoma House has approved legislation to require voters to present some form of identification including a utility bill or bank statement. The measure faces a final vote by the state Senate.
Monday's case was the court's first significant foray into election law since the Bush v. Gore dispute that sealed the 2000 election for George W. Bush. The voter ID ruling, with no majority opinion and four of the nine justices writing, lacked the conservative-liberal split that marked the 2000 case.
The consolidated cases are Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, 07-21, and Indiana Democratic Party v. Rokita, 07-25.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joey,

I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV as usual. I hadn't gone more than a mile down the road when my engine conked out and the car shuddered to a halt. I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in the bedroom with a neighbor lady making mad passionate love to her. I am 32, my husband is 34 and we have been married for twelve years. When I confronted him, he tried to make out that he went into the back yard and heard a lady scream, had come to her rescue but found her unconscious. He'd carried the woman back to our house, laid her
in bed, and began CPR. When she awoke she immediately began thanking him and kissing him and he was attempting to break free when I came back. But when I asked him why neither of them had any clothes on, he broke down and admitted that he'd been having an affair for the past six months. I told him to stop or I would leave him. He was let go from his job six months ago and he says he has been feeling increasingly depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but ever since I gave him the ultimatum he has become increasingly distant. I don't feel I can get through to him anymore. Can you please help?

Sincerely, Connie Fox


Dear Connie,

A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be caused by a variety of faults. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the clips holding the vacuum lines onto the inlet manifold for air leaks. If none of these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the carburetor float chamber . I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

If you're Mexican and you think you have a right to live in America

Go to hell you fucking wetback. You have no right in this country. Go back to your own fucked up country and fix IT. This country is for persons who wnat to come here through the front and do it legally. So get your fucking cockroach re-fried bean eaters and load them in your beanermobile and go back to your fucked up mexico.

Anonymous said...

Mexican Separatists begin their annual Burn Down Cali campaign.

Anonymous said...

Arizona Governor Napolitano screwing up again.
How much bullshit are people going to take from this ugly ass nap headed lesbo liberal useless bitch?

Anonymous said...

re, Arizona Governor Napolitano

The only one who is a bigger screw-up than that idiot is Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon.
Gordon is the epitome of lunacy in politics.

Anonymous said...

re,re,re, Arizona Governor Napolitano
The Governor has to GO!!!!!!!!!!!

This Governor is not intouch with the people and probably never has been... She has her own ideas of how arizona,I mean north mexico should be run...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

we are all rednecks in someform.we all like to have fun

Anonymous said...

Arizona id for fucktards...

It is the official FUCTARD State

Anonymous said...

Bush proposed budget for 2009

Bush proposed a record budget for the US government for 2009. It is $3.1 trillion. I suppose over a third of that will be spent on immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Spurs OWN Suns

Anonymous said...

How many Illegals have been laid off or turned away for jobs?

NONE ...

But how man legal US Citizens have lost their jobs or be turned down so some piece of shit WetBack MF can get one?

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigration costs Californian's$9 billion each year.

Anonymous said...

Let the illegals go to the front lines
Okay...here's my new idea! Round up all the Illegal Immigrants (which will no doubt be a majority of Mexicans) and force them into our military. Let them do 4 years and a tour in Iraq. If they survive then they have "earned" their citizenship. If not, oh well..no loss to us. Bring our American (legal) boys home and send the shit out to do battle.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Gordon Recall Press Conference

Who: American Citizens United

Where: City Hall, 200 W. Washington St, Phoenix

When: Thursday May 1, 2008, 9:00AM

Anonymous said...

Mexico and the Home Depot

Perhaps if we built an AWSOME home depot in Mexico...the ILLEGALS will stay in their own country and built it up! :)) If they applied 1/2 of their energy to improving their own country they would have a good reason to stay there. Just like a fucking mexican...come and steal what someone else has worked hard for and built up. Good job esseeee!

Anonymous said...

llegals in the U.S. (Your breaking the LAW !!)

You are Citizens of Mexico....Your in the United States Of America ILLEGALY!!!!

There is a process to BECOME a U.S. Citizen..Get OFF your LAZY ASS and go through the PROCESSES.....OR Get your ASS back to Mexico!!!!

QUIT YOUR........."BITCHIN" !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

L@@K you Sheeple ...

The government is pissing in your ear and telling you it's raining...
you believe them!

Anonymous said...

How long will the middle class last ...
about one more election
then it will just be the rich and the poor

Anonymous said...

Every time I come across an illegal that doesn't understand english----it gives me two choices of entertainment. 1. Talk really slow in english and see how long it takes for them to get pissed and leave. Talk really fast to get the same result. Now that's entertainment!!!!

Anonymous said...

3 Reasons Mexicans are Catholic:

1. Inspiration for tattoo design while in prison.
2. So, “mexican” mothers can use the world father in a sentence and not be completely lying.
3. The pedophile priest makes suck a good role model figure.

Anonymous said...



for FEEDING us, helping us BREED, & providing quality HEALTHCARE and superior EDUCATION to ALL MY NIÑOS . . .




Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity - A Question ?????

I'd like to know why all you so-called white power types aren't out doing something about what you preach?

You hate Mexicans, so why aren't putting into action what you write about.
What I see are a lot of White based organizations who recruit but do nothing.
At least Blacks have idiots like Al Sharpton and the NAACP to talk for them.
Mexicans have Azalan and other Hispanic groups to speak out, demonstrate and get what they want.

Yes a few whites turn out but not in numbers like the Mexicans.

If White Supremacists groups want action, why don't you initiate it?
Hell do something or STFU.

The common answer by the way for most armed militia groups are - We Are Waiting!
Waiting for what?
Things can't get any worse with these damn Illegals than it all ready is.

People who talk, talk, talk make the rest of us puke!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

EXTRA - Read all about it:

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is Karl Malden's Love Child

Anonymous said...

If you kick the Mexicans out -

where are you going to find anyone who will cut the grass and pick up the dog poop for Ten Dollars?

For an extra Five Dollars the Mexican will eat the Dog Poop...

Anonymous said...

Recalling Phoenix Arizona Mayor Phil Gordon

I am so happy!!! This is the best news I've heard all month!
It's definitely time to recall Mayor Gordon for being out of touch with his constituents and letting Phoenix become a crime ridden, traffic congested, high tax/cost city that pandering to illegal aliens and the real estate industrial complex (example the $97m City North subsidy). So many neighborhoods that were decent 15yrs ago now look blighted. Even once-nice Paradise Valley mall needs a Costco to sustain itself just like Christown Mall. I sure hope PV Mall doesn't eventually turn into another Christown Mall. I'm not a resident of Phoenix but I drive through it regularly and help your sales tax revenues. I urge residents of Phoenix to take action and work to recall your mayor. Stop your city from becoming like Los Angeles. Set a good example for the rest of Valley and hopefully the mayor of my suburb (Scottsdale) and others will take notice and resist the urge to have a lenient attitude on illegal immigration and catering to special interests vs the will of the people. If the citizens of California were successful in recalling Gov Gray Davis, certainly you all in Phoenix can do the same with Mayor Gordon.. I wish you Phoenicians the best of luck. Take back your city!

Anonymous said...

Does any of you illegal alien supporters ever have anything intelligent to say?

Anonymous said...

CraigsList Phoenix CL RANT: PET WARS

The usual "war" continues in the Pets listings on CL. CL doesn't allow the sale of animals, so people call it "re-homing" instead. Which is fine, if that's what you're actually doing. But the majority are not. The number of listings for young puppies and kittens makes it obvious that they're coming from backyard breeders (or people who are just too fucking lazy or irresponsible to have their animals fixed and are now dealing with the unwanted result).

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