Mar 1, 2008

Archived Postings for March 2008

Get this book for dummies and learn...

CLOSED for Posting - Please POST to the Current Month - These are for Read Only ....
The following are archived postings for the Month of March 2008.
I have decided to continue to archive these postings monthly.
I kept these because this was the first month of people supporting this NEW alternative to Rants and Raves.


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Anonymous said...

If you want to sell a gun or just get into the gun debate, go to this great blog at

Anonymous said...

If Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today, their infamous sketch -
"Who's on First?" might have turned out something like this:


ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.


COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou.

ABBOTT: Your computer?

COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.


COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou.

ABBOTT: What about Windows?

COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here?

ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows?

COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows?

ABBOTT: Wallpaper.

COSTELLO: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software.

ABBOTT: Software for Windows?

COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What do you have?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything?

ABBOTT: I just did.

COSTELLO: You just did what?

ABBOTT: Recommend something.

COSTELLO: You recommended something?


COSTELLO: For my office?


COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yes, for my office!

ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Window's.

COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need?


COSTELLO: What word?

ABBOTT: Word in Office.

COSTELLO: The only word in office is office.

ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows.

COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows?

ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'.

COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue 'w' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: That's right What do you have?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: I need money to track my money?

ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer.

COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer?

ABBOTT: Yes. No extra charge.

COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?

ABBOTT: One copy.

COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money?

ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.

COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money?

(A few days later)

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off?

ABBOTT: Click on 'START'

Anonymous said...

Illeagle work Station in Phoenix Arizona ...

Our fine City Leaders spent somewhere around $170,000 to build this place so the Day Laborers (some Legal and some not) had a place to get work. While they are waiting, the have Coffee, Rolls, Dough-nuts provided for them. Then they expect you to speak Spanish, pay them $10 or more an Hour, to be driven to and from the job, feed them lunch and not pay any taxes. Meanwhile some of their Women are in section 8 Housing, have Food Card, WIC, free Medical, help with their APS Bills and their Kids get free Breakfast and Lunch at School. And they are driving around in brand new Cars and or Trucks. WTF

Anonymous said...

re, illegal work station

yeah and nap head Janet Napalitano wants the Democratic VP spot ...

Anonymous said...

All girls are sluts in the making, so start training them young ...

Anonymous said...

I had a girl named Kathy.
She's the up and coming whore of the East Side. She's been slammed more times than a screen door in a hurricane.
She's the village bicycle ... EVERYONE has had a ride. And remember, she has so many peckers in and out of her, that you'll have to double park your wanker on the crack of her ass, just to have a chance to get in !

Anonymous said...

How can the USA continue to spend $12 BILLION a month in Iraq ????????

Anonymous said...

Gun sales are prohibited on Craigslist.
Even inbreds in Kentucky know it.

that's why you use this forum, where nothing is prohibited and there is NO flagging or like a previous poster said ...
post to an Internet forum that specializes in FUN Sales like

Anonymous said...

To the Cheating Whores Everywhere


Anonymous said...

Fed auctions another $50 billion, $260 billion since December

Anonymous said...


I'm fixin to make a giant Bean Burrito & use a BODY BAG for a Tortilla. Then I'm gonna send dat bitch back to Mexico...

Anonymous said...

americans shouldnt stand for electronic surveillance when they havent even electrified the border yet!!! who are they arresting you or the mexicans?

Anonymous said...

Here's the real scoop

According the the Inspecters General report from the Govnt Accounting Office (GAO), the federal govnt will not have enough cash to pay for all of the entitlement programs now in place in the year 2040. The politicians have mortaged our future and our great-grandchildren will be paying the tab. Imagine that USA filing for bankrupcy in the very near future. The ship is sinking and the band plays on.

Anonymous said...

The following are a sampling of REAL answers received on exams given by the California Department of Transportation's driving school (read
at Saturday Traffic School for moving violation offenders.)

Q: Do you yield when a blind pedestrian is crossing the road?
A: What for? He can't see my license plate.

Q: Who has the right of way when four cars approach a four-way stop at the same time?
A: The pick up truck with the gun rack and the bumper sticker saying "Guns don't kill people. I do."

Q: What are the important safety tips to remember when backing your car?
A: Always wear a condom.

Q: When driving through fog, what should you use?
A: Your car.

Q: How can you reduce the possibility of having an accident?
A: Be too shit faced to find your keys.

Q: What problems would you face if you were arrested for drunk driving?
A: I'd probably lose my buzz a lot faster.

Q: What changes would occur in your lifestyle if you could no longer drive lawfully?
A: I would be forced to drive unlawfully.

Q: What are some points to remember when passing or being passed?
A: Make eye contact and wave "hello" if he/she is cute.

Q: What is the difference between a flashing red traffic light and a flashing yellow traffic light?
A: The color.

Q: How do you deal with heavy traffic?
A: Heavy psychedelics.

Q: What can you do to help ease a heavy traffic problem?
A: Carry loaded weapons.

Q: Why would it be difficult to be a police officer?
A: It would be tough to be a dickhead all day long.

Anonymous said...

How Enron Worked the President for Lots of Dollars, mostly paid by YOU, the Taxpayer.

Are You Ready?

This is an interesting bit of information that you don't hear much about.

1. Enron's chairman did meet with the president and the vice president in the Oval Office.

2. Enron gave $420,000 to the president's party over three years.

3. It donated $100,000 to the president's inauguration festivities.

4. The Enron chairman stayed at the White House 11 times.

5. The corporation had access to the administration at its highest level and even enlisted the Commerce and State Departments to grease deals for it.

6. The taxpayer-supported Export-Import Bank subsidized Enron for more than $600 million in just one transaction.


(Look below ...... )

BUT...the president under whom all this happened WAS NOT George W. Bush.


It was President Bill Clinton!

No surprise! And do you think Hillary didn't know?

Pass this on so the whole Country will know. The Media Won't!


Anonymous said...

Questions That Haunt ALL Wise Men Everywhere...

If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is it considered rape or shoplifting?

Can you cry under water?

How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?

Why do you have to "put your two cents in"... but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

What disease did cured ham actually have?

How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane ?

Anonymous said...


1 There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3.. All government business will be conducted in our language.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
6 Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8. If foreigners come here and buy land.. options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
9.. Foreigners may have no protests; no demonstrations, no waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted &, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you..
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harsh, you say?.......

The above laws are current immigration laws of MEXICO

Anonymous said...

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - U.S. authorities have announced an indictment charging Puerto Rico's governor with 18 counts in a long-running campaign finance probe.
Acting U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez said Thursday the indictment also charges 12 other people associated with Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila's party.
Rodriguez told reporters that the 13 are accused of running a conspiracy to illegally raise money to pay off Acevedo's campaign debts in 2000.
At the time, Acevedo was running to be the U.S. island territory's nonvoting member of Congress.

Anonymous said...

Rumor Around Phoenix Town is:

They are trying to pass a law that would make it illegal to take a piss in your own backyard!

Has anyone else heard this shit? I look at it that it's my yard and if I wanna piss in it I will.

What happened to our rights?

Anonymous said...


Q. What's the Cuban National Anthem?
A. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Q. Where does an Irish family go on vacation?
A. A different bar

Q. What did the Chinese couple name their retarded baby?
A. Sum Ting Wong

Q. What do you call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other?
A. A speech impediment

Q. What does it mean when the Post Office's flag is flying at half-mast?
A. They're hiring

Q. Why aren't there any Puerto Ricans on Star Trek?
A. Because they're not going to work in the future either.

Q. What do you call a Mississippi farmer with a sheep under each arm?
A. A pimp.

Q. Why do Driver E ducation classes in redneck schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?
A. Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the Sex Ed class uses it.

Q. What's the difference between a southern zoo and a northern zoo?
A. The southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front of the cage along with a recipe.

Q How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the & F' word?
A. Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell 'BINGO!'

Q. What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale???A. A northern fairytale begins, 'Once upon a time...' and a southern fairytale begins, 'Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit!

Q. Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team?
A. Because all the Mexicans who can run, jump or swim are already in the United States.

Anonymous said...

re: lets offend everyone

Uh, excuse me. You didn't even come close.


Anonymous said...

Don't have kids.

Anonymous said...

Illegals go home

in fact any fucking place but the USA

Anonymous said...

Seek info on life in Thailand

I'm looking to move out of the USA, and I loved Thailand on my 3 week holiday last year. It is the first place that I want to consider.

I’m interested in buying a 2BR condo perhaps. I loved Phuket. I’ve heard Chiang Mai is great. Anyone have suggestions or info about buying a condo? I get the impression that advertised property prices are greatly inflated for Americans or Europeans.

Please let me know anything you can to help me out - what jobs are available, what I should look for, what it is like there, etc. I'd really appreciate it!!!

Oh, and how difficult is it to learn enough Thai to survive?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Found this on the FREE section board of craigslist in Phoenix Arizona ...

Free Gerbil with Gerbil Cage
Free 6 month old black gerbil, includes 2 free cages. Truthfully, son doesn't make time to care for it. Needs a loving home. No longer hand-trained. Someone who likes gerbils, please.

This will make some faggot happy, he can get a free gerbil that will crawl up his ass.

Anonymous said...

Ever since Mexicans moved next to me my son`s grades have gone down. I think that fucking Mexican kid from next door broke in our house while we were sleeping and stole my son`s brain.Now my son has to take the short bus to school.

Anonymous said...

Bush wants to expand the powers of the FED (Federal Reserve Bank) and what is best for the country is would be to eliminated FED, and make it part of the Treasury Dept like it should be and is in almost every country.
The Federal Reserve is privately owned and serves the needs and whims of the rich and large banks, not the interest or needs of America or the American Taxpayer!

Anonymous said...

Illegals cost Arizona taxpayers over 8 million dollars in health care alone. Get rid of them and you could pay for those programs and have money to spare.

It is even more expensive in California.

Anonymous said...

re, illegals cost us ....

Yes, but the Iraq war costs $341.4 million each day.

Anonymous said...

re re illegals cost us ..........

That is the cost to Arizona Taxpayers per day and the cost of the Iraq War per day is NOT a one to one comparison.
The people of Arizona pay that much for illegals from their state taxes.
The cost you sited for the Iraq War is from Federal Taxes and includes all states and taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I am an ATHIEST!!!

Please join me in denouncing god, allah jehova, mohammed, christ, buddha, and anyone else you can think of.

Anonymous said...

Making Mexico, Canada, and USA one country..

One of the largest problems we have right now is the attitude of our government. For hundreds of years now our government and other government's have been working toward a one world government and a one world monetary system. The reason that this administration does not want to waste money and time building a wall and deporting illegals is because of their ultimate goal. They are currently working towards opening the borders of Mexico and Canada and making it all borderless. Their next step is to create one set of money for all three. If you do searches you can pull up all the information regarding this issue. The only way we can stop it is to elect a president that does not want this for our country.

Anonymous said...

More people on this planet have died in the name of religion than for any other reason. Organized religion is ridiculous. Just be a decent person and avoid religion like the dangerous plague that it is.

Anonymous said...

I.Q. Scores

<55 - Retarded
55 - 70 - Definite feeble, mindedness
70 - 79 - Borderline Deficiency
80 - 89 - Dullness
90 - 109 - Normal or Average Intelligence
110 - 119 - Superior Intelligence
120 - 140 - Very Superior Intelligence
141 - 150 - Gifted or Near Genius
Over 150 - Genius

Anonymous said...

What is Mire Poix?
does anyone know .... ????

Anonymous said...

here's your answer .....
Mirepoix, or mire poix, is a French vegetable combination using equal parts carrots, celery, and onion. It is most commonly used to flavor soups, stews, and sauces. It’s Cajun counterpart, simply known as "Trinity," is equal parts bell peppers, celery, and onions.

Anonymous said...

What a pity that Native Americans didn't learn anything from their ancestor's mistakes. Had they not helped the pilgrims get through that first winter they wouldn't have lost their land. Luckily, today there are many Native Americans who won't make that mistake again with the illegal aliens who are here today.

Anonymous said...

Politics today is like watching the empty walnut shell game; we are being sidetracked while the important concerns are being ignored. When you really think about it, whether or not Hillary landed under sniper fire, Obama’s pastor is a racist or McCain… who cares, is largely unimportant and should fade in comparison to whether or not we will be living in the streets, living with no health care at all or starving in the near future. Theses are the real issues but, they are well obscured by dozens of little controversy’s taking our attention away from the problems and causes of a looming national collapse. It isn’t a question of Democrat vs. Republican any more, big business or big government, they are all pretty much the same in the end, their hand is in your pocket.

Anonymous said...

The national price for regular, self-service gasoline is up 58 cents from a year ago as expensive crude oil continued to be passed on to consumers at the pump.

Anonymous said...

re, gasoline prices -

Yep and please thank Dick Cheney, George Bush, The US Senate, Wall Street, the Oil Companies,and lets NOT forget the stinking Arabs.

The Blog Guy said...

This section is CLOSED for Postings...
It's for Reading Only -

Please post to the latest month,
thank you

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